KnowSagittarius December ’23 Scope

Key themes: Heart medicine, moving from mental realms into body wisdom, releasing cycles of fear, green lights and clearing of obstacles, healing

Sag, if 2023’s been a challenging year for you, you’re in luck. December will bring fresh waves of joy, opportunity and full circle moments. You’re doing wonderfully, and affirmation of the fact is being sent your way. On the other hand, if the year has felt pretty good thus far, this month will just be the icing on top. We’re still in Sag season after all!

Venus will be entering Scorpio on Dec 4th, which initiates a deepened way of relating to others, and the world around you. You’ll be seeing (or rather feeling) dynamics that exist beneath the surface, as this transit collectively takes us into a deep dive of intimacy. And where there’s intimacy, there can also be conflict. Your new shades of reality might feel like anything from a deepened understanding of the unspoken love between you and your family; to a competitive power dynamic friendship, which actually feels quite toxic. Use your discernment here, and allow your gut to inform your words and choices. You’ll naturally be in a chapter of “release” around your solar return. Use this wisely, and you’ll set yourself up for an expansive year ahead.

Neptune going Direct (December 6th) will further illuminate any areas of confusion, so tune in with yourself for epiphanies around this time. Ask, and you shall receive.

On December 12th we have a powerful New Moon in your sign, turning momentum, fire and motivation up a gear. This will feel like a green light from the universe for you lovely Sag.

Even though Mercury goes retrograde the next day (through Capricorn), you’ll be feeling clear and ready. This retrograde specifically invites you to tune into the simple (yet profound) wisdom of the body; to move out of your head and into the inner truths of your heart. In our modern context it’s all too easy to compartmentalize our lives. Often we apply logic to most spheres (for example career and finances), and intuition to only a select few (perhaps travel, or new relationships). Learning how to hear your inner guidance is like strengthening a muscle; and carrying your intuitive wisdom across all spheres of your life is a practice. It takes a relaxed focus, mental hygiene, discipline and faith – but oh, is it worth it. This retrograde journey has the potential to cultivate spiritual winds that can fill your sails, and take you beyond your wildest dreams Sag.

On Dec 21st, the Sun will enter Capricorn (marking our Winter and Summer Solstice, depending on your hemisphere), furthering a theme of Heart Wisdom for you Sagittarius. You’ll have set goals (if not, now’s the time) around your solar return – and here the universe is inviting you to approach them in a new and different way. The planet has been shifting its energetics over the last few years, and that includes the ways that we’re co-creating alongside it. Experiment with different modalities, practices and affirmations. What can you speak into existence? What answers can you hear, if you ask? Can you trust in a divine plan that’s being uniquely orchestrated for you?

A few days later (Dec 23rd) Mercury Retrograde moves into your sign, inviting you to slow down and observe any mental patterns which no longer serve you. Are you spending time thinking of the past? Living the future? Or residing within patterns of “worst case” scenarios? At this time you’re encouraged to pause, and become truly present with your present moment. What would life feel and look like, if you trusted all your dreams would be fulfilled Sag? Tip: why not live this way for three weeks? Each time you’re presented with a choice, simply ask yourself “what would I do right now, if I knew with certainty that I would reach my dream end goal?” Wait and see (with an open mind and curiosity) what happens.

Because the path is becoming clearer. On Dec 26th the Full Moon in Cancer powerfully activates your sector of transformation, fears and shadow work. This will be one of the most powerful healing portals of the entire year for you Sag, particularly with Chiron (asteroid of our deepest wounds) going direct the same day, in your sector of self-expression and inner child healing. If there were ever a time for journaling, video diaries, sharing or solitude – now would be it.

You’ll already feel like you’re on a roll with Venus entering your sign on December 29th, and Jupiter going direct in Taurus the next day (December 30th). As if that wasn’t enough, Mercury will go direct in your sign on the very first day of the new year. Auspiciousness, dear Sag. Love this for you.

KnowLeo December ’23 Scope

Key themes: Focus, self-reflection, higher guidance, evolving, your vulnerability, gratitude and what’s next

Dear Leo, what a ride 2023 has been. For you, December will be a time for picking the fruits of your labor. Health, detoxification, play, vitality and shining bright like a diamond – are all on the cards.

We kick off with Mercury entering Capricorn on Dec 1st, which activates your sector of wellbeing and lifestyle habits. You’ll likely notice a shift in your preferences towards “less is more.” Communication that gets straight to the point will feel refreshing, and you’ll witness a new focused flavor within your mental realms. This will be the perfect time to clear up any loose threads, overdue errands, or life admin before the end of the year. You might feel inspired to draw up some plans for 2024, create a vision boarding or start job seeking. The question here is: how can I bring tangible positive change into my life? No pressure – and it doesn’t matter if zero answers immediately arise. Simply asking the question, can often be a seed.

On December 6th, Neptune goes Direct in its home sign of Pisces. This trippy transit powerfully activates your sector of transformation, shadow work and evolution. You’ll feel a subtle (yet profound) sense of things clicking into place around this time, and I encourage you to spend time in solitude to truly witness this. Journaling, yoga, tarot, meditative walking or any other practices which evoke introspection will be extra powerful for you around now. If you feel so inclined – connect with your ancestors, guides, or anyone else that watches over you. They’ll feel closer (or louder) than ever.

On Dec 12th, the New Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your sector of play, romance and self-expression. This will initiate a mini portal of lightness and joy, which will feel easy (and like a relief) to fall into. Honor your inner child around this time, in whatever ways feel good to you. Think: sushi train, bubble baths, a hike or a new community class. What makes you feel alive and in love with life dear Leo? If you’re nowhere near that place (no cause for concern, you’ll make your way back) – what sparks your interest? Go from there.

The next day (December 13th), Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn, which will begin a process of self-reflection. Over the next few weeks, the universe will be nudging you into new revelations of what choices, places, connections, actions and words are most aligned with your highest self. You’ll be shedding old and redundant patterns, and making space for shiny new energy. Simply witnessing this with intention will allow emotions to flow, and the whole process to be navigated with grace. You’re evolving as ever darling Leo. This is a beautiful thing.

Mercury retrograde will shift into Sagittarius on December 23rd, and you may notice a key theme in your life arising around the ways that you communicate and express yourself. This cosmic signature invites you to notice the ways that you make yourself smaller than you are, where you feel insecure, and where (as a result) you become inauthentic. As a Leo, all of the above can be hard to admit… but doing so, is step one to finding empowerment. “Fake it ‘til you make it” can be appropriate for navigating certain situations, but that doesn’t mean faking or lying to yourself! Honor your fears, with love and patience Leo. Allow your vulnerability, care, and big heart to come through. Funnily enough, that’s usually where you’re most magnetic.

We close out the year with some glorious transits (Chiron and Jupiter go direct), as well as the biggest Full Moon of 2024, in its home sign of Cancer (December 26th). This activates your sector of spiritual connection, magic and meaning. This can truly be a heart activating time, and you’re here for it. Find gratitude for what was in 2023, and embrace the new infinite opportunities of a brand new year. It’s your time to shine.

KnowCancers December ’23 Scope

Key themes: Cosmic shifts, connecting deeply, new resolutions, balance, honoring and celebrating your sensitive nature, remembering what you’re capable of

Dear Cancer, for you December will feel like one of the most chill, gentle, nurturing and playful months of the year, all at once. The prevailing cosmic currents of the year are taking some major positive turns, and it’s (relatively) smooth sailing from here.

On December 1st Mercury enters Capricorn, activating your sector of relationships, and a few days later (Dec 4th) Venus enters Scorpio, activating your sector of romance and play. This is a potent time for companionship, whether that means rekindling an old flame, or seeking new connections. With this kind of transit, superficial layers and small talk tend to be stripped away. You’re being invited to connect with others in real, raw and vulnerable ways (platonically or not). It’s time to share the real you Cancer, to meet others (or a specifical special one) exactly where you are.

Besides, your inner world and intuition will be heightened with Neptune going direct in Pisces on December 6th. This magical transit creates an ethereal vibe up to and around our last New Moon of the year, on December 12th. Taking place in Sagittarius, this moon activates your sector of wellbeing and routine, offering you the perfect opportunity for initiating new habits. Yes, it’s the last month of the year, but lunar cycles are just as powerful as New Year’s resolutions (perhaps more so, for a sign that’s ruled by the Moon!). As a cardinal sign, it’s important to leave spaciousness around commitments. For example, rather than forcing yourself into yoga every morning at 8am – why not promise yourself you’ll do it in some form (and when you feel like it), at some point each day?

Mercury begins its Retrograde in Capricorn on December 13th, before moving into Sag (December 23rd). For you, this retrograde will take the above themes further – as you’re specifically invited to work on the balance between relationships in your life, and your own wellness priorities. Where are your connections beneficial to your health, and where are they draining? Retrogrades are times of refinement and tweaking. Perhaps your social media obligations are weighing you down mentally. Maybe your gossip buddy becomes your pilates partner – or maybe it’s time for some healthy boundary setting. You’ll figure it out Cancer, you’ve got this.

The final week of the month (and year) will be a big one. Your most powerful Full Moon of the year, in Cancer unfolds on December 26t, and you’ll feel it. You can use the days up to, around and following, to intentionally release any grief that sits within your emotional body. This is natural, and necessary. Even on a collective level, it has been an extremely challenging year, and to deny this is to suppress. You’re strong in your emotional depths dear Cancer. It’s your superpower, and this Full Moon invites you to embrace that fully.

Magic’s on the way with Jupiter (ruler of expansion and synchronicity) going direct on December 30th. This activates your sector of community and belonging, meaning you’ll receive some aha moments regarding your place in the world… and perhaps even where you should go next. You’re being cosmically reminded that anything is possible, no dream is too big, and that if you have one… that’s already your sign. Balancing pragmatism with the very real idea that you can bring your visions to life, will evoke the perfect foundation for entering 2024. You deserve this and more!

KnowGemini December ’23 Scope

Key themes: creative inspiration, life falling into place, self-inquiry, the magic of silence, good vibes and new chapters

Gemini, December is set to be one of those months where life seems to click into place. We’ve just had a powerful Full Moon in your sign illuminating a path of clarity, momentum and your continued expansion. Love that for you.

On December 4th Venus (planet of love and beauty) enters mysterious Scorpio, and a few days later (Dec 6th), Neptune ends its retrograde through Pisces. Both transits bring a new wave of passion and pragmatism into your life. On one hand you’ll be feeling more creative, sensitive and dreamy – but at the same time you may find yourself increasingly inspired to create in practical ways.

Our New Moon in Sagittarius (Dec 12th), activates your sector of relationships, making it the perfect time to hang out with friends or make new connections. The transiting lunar nodes will be reflecting lessons on relationships for the whole of 2024. As a collective, we’re specifically working on balancing our individuality, with our relationships. In other words, this New Moon offers you the perfect chance to invite in healthier ways of relating. Are there any friendships (or partnerships) where a shift in dynamics is overdue? As a mutable sign, you’re ever-evolving dear Gemini. Remember, your most aligned relationships will not necessarily just be with those you’ve known the longest. Do your connections inspire, support and encourage you into your highest (healthiest and happiest) way of existing? Mercury Rx in Capricorn (on Dec 13th) is going to initiate a process of deep inquiry, highlighting any dynamics in your life which are ready to evolve and change shape alongside you.

On Dec 21st we have the Winter and Summer Solstice (in both north and south hemispheres respectively), as the Sun enters Capricorn. This auspicious portal invites you into remembrance of our earth’s divine cycles (which you are a part of); to slow life down and focus on being truly present. It’s windows like these where simple, less, and quieter will feel better. If you can, spend time in nature, in meditation or near a body of water. Slow your thoughts, and empty your mind – to recalibrate and shift into receiving.

December 23rd sees Mercury Retrograde shift into Sagittarius. Here, you could experience some challenging conversations or interactions. The holiday season tends to collectively bring us together, which can of course be a beautiful thing. At the same, it’s important to honor your needs, boundaries and values. Be mindful of overexerting your energy. Just because someone has a different view than you, it’s not necessarily something that (always) needs to be understood, worked through or explored. This retrograde invites you to enjoy non-verbal communication; the pleasure in sharing space, physical touch and comfortable silence.

2023 goes out with a bang Gemini. We have one of the biggest Full Moons of the year, with the moon in her home sign of Cancer (December 26th), evoking nostalgic and reflective vibes – perfect for drawing the year to a close. On the same day, Chiron will go direct in Aries, catalyzing clarifying and full circle healing moments. A few days later (Dec 29th) Venus enters fiery Sagittarius, evoking more good vibes, optimism and adventure. Finally, an auspicious astro portal opens on December 30th, where Jupiter (our planet of expansion and synchronicity) finally goes direct. Here, you’ll feel *in your soul* that anything is possible. Activating your sector of spiritual connection, the last days of the year can (if you so choose) feel like pure magic. Journal, share, express and feel all the feels required to close this year with grace lovely Gemini. Bring on 2024.

KnowTaurus December ’23 Scope

Key themes: connecting authentically, embracing new movement, honoring the earth, joyful preparation

Taurus, December will gift you the epic finale to 2023 that you deserve. Get ready for transformation, magic, new energy, restoration and most importantly – a soothed nervous system.

On December 4th, Venus enters your opposite sign (Scorpio), and illuminates your sector of relationships. This sphere of your life has been activated all year Taurus, and will continue to be a major theme (with a slightly different tone) next year as well. The ways you’re connecting (or opting not to) are changing – whether that’s with your intimate partner, colleagues, family or friends. What’s important here is that you’re connecting in ways that align with your truth. Each time you tell a “harmless” white lie, laugh off someone’s ignorance, or tolerate your boundaries being crossed – you shift the way that you interact with the world. More specifically – you distort the signal of your authentic truth, so it’s not able to be received, heard or understood by others around you. As a result, you may attract connections which just aren’t it, and you’ll lose out on genuine relationships. For you, Venus in Scorpio may feel uncomfortable, or too revealing – but there’s a lesson here. You’re invited to lower your guard and be vulnerable. Rejection, messiness, honesty and conflict are all necessary parts of relating to others… and often it’s only on the other side of these that a deeper connection can form. You deserve this and more!

There’s an ongoing theme of connection this month for you… with Neptune going direct (December 6th) and activating your sector of community and belonging. You might feel more inclined to join group settings, classes or movements; or to lean into the simple pleasures of sharing space with others. Why not join a New or Full Moon share circle, or hold your own?

Speaking of which, on December 12th the New Moon takes place in Sagittarius, bringing with it a purifying fire. This will be the perfect New Moon (last of the year) for releasing that which feels redundant, and calling in your new desires. Plant seeds of future visions through journaling, vision boarding or simply speaking your dreams aloud.

The next day, Mercury goes retrograde (December 13th), and despite its reputation – this transit offers you gifts. You may notice yourself feeling increasingly restless or bored, which is often step one to building momentum. The next few weeks will be the perfect time to tune into what makes you feel the most passion, joy or excitement. Try to lean into spontaneity and see where it takes you. We are in Sagittarius season after all!

On Dec 21st this shifts, with the Sun entering Capricorn for our annual Solstice. If you’re in the northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice will mark your shortest day of the year. In the southern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice reflects the longest period of sunlight. Beautifully, every year, this dance of seasons synchronizes perfectly with Cancer and Capricorn season… and as the sign of nature, portals such as these are particularly powerful for you Taurus. This will be the perfect time to get into nature, quieten your mind and tune into your body for the wisdom it holds. Why not try a guided meditation (there are lots on YouTube? Better yet, go for a hike or simply sit on a patch of bare earth. Nothing matters here; no stress, dramas or worries. You can simply enjoy the gift of being human, of breathing, and being alive on this glorious planet.

We bring the year to a close with powerful Full Moon vibes (Dec 26th ) in Cancer, offering you a window of emotional reflection and catharsis. You’ll be receiving a renewed sense of calm and optimism up to and on December 30th, where Jupiter (planet of expansion and synchronicity) auspiciously goes direct in your sign. 2024 is your year to bloom Taurus. Trust this, and allow your desires to flow and inform your actions. What are you calling in for the new year?

KnowAries December ’23 Scope

Key themes: Envisioning and initiating new goals, shifting relationships, co-creative empowerment, reflection and intention

Aries, it’s almost as if the year of 2023 saved the best for last. For you, the Astro forecast of December is filled with movement, expansion and “aha” moments.

On December 1st, Mercury enters Capricorn, activating your sector of career, long-term goals and finances. Even though there’s a wind-down energy with December, you’ll notice a refreshed sense of inner focus and motivation coming through with this transit. It’ll feel more natural mapping out visions, and you’ll feel more equipped to take the necessary steps towards fulfilling them. Mercury in Capricorn thinks, before it acts. Paired with your momentum Aries, this is some real game-changer energy.

Venus has had a bumpy ride over the last few weeks, going opposite to Chiron (in your sign), and squaring Pluto. As a result, some of your relationships might be feeling a little unfamiliar, claustrophobic, or old. Perhaps they’re already shifting for the better. As Venus moves into Scorpio (December 4th), we’ll collectively continue the journey of finding the freedom to be ourselves within relationships. New ways of (healthily) doing relationship will be a key theme with your sign on the Lunar North Node all through next year. Think: honoring boundaries, sovereignty and independence at the same time as interdependence, mutual support and community.

The cosmic tap for creative inspiration is back on with Neptune going direct in its ruling sign of Pisces on December 6th, casting the perfect cosmic vibes for our Sagittarius New Moon, on December 12th. This moon powerfully activates your sector of inner and outer journeying, travel, adventure and life purpose. There can be a sense of buoyancy and restlessness that accompanies a moon such as this, so I invite you to channel this energy with intention. Set the tone for what you wish to experience over the next six months.

It’s not entirely smooth sailing this month – as we do have Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn on December 13th, before it shifts into Sag (December 23rd). But that’s less of a bummer than you might think. This retrograde will be highlighting the parts of your life that aren’t quite aligned… specifically relative to career, and your life calling. If you’ve been feeling less passionate or motivated but unsure why, this transit will reveal exactly what isn’t working. The good news is: that’s the first step in moving towards a new and improved direction.

Besides, Capricorn season (December 21st) will make life adjustments feel easy and natural, as a deepened sense of empowerment comes through. Activating your sector of world impact, you can tap into a deep sense of empowerment here Aries. Reminder: you can reflect the changes you want to see, and you can also be the one to bring (or voice) them into society. You and the universe are co-creating together after all – so what are you ready to bring forth?

A Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th initiates a wave of new energy through the month; think cozy, gentle and vulnerable vibes. With the moon in its home sign, you’ll wrap up the year with a perfect pause of introspection. Use these days wisely, as this is a true portal for emotional healing, catharsis and safe space. What was 2023 for you Aries? What were its highs, lows, and in-betweens? Can you sum it up in one word? While you’re there, what’s your chosen word and intention for 2024?