Key themes: connecting authentically, embracing new movement, honoring the earth, joyful preparation
Taurus, December will gift you the epic finale to 2023 that you deserve. Get ready for transformation, magic, new energy, restoration and most importantly – a soothed nervous system.
On December 4th, Venus enters your opposite sign (Scorpio), and illuminates your sector of relationships. This sphere of your life has been activated all year Taurus, and will continue to be a major theme (with a slightly different tone) next year as well. The ways you’re connecting (or opting not to) are changing – whether that’s with your intimate partner, colleagues, family or friends. What’s important here is that you’re connecting in ways that align with your truth. Each time you tell a “harmless” white lie, laugh off someone’s ignorance, or tolerate your boundaries being crossed – you shift the way that you interact with the world. More specifically – you distort the signal of your authentic truth, so it’s not able to be received, heard or understood by others around you. As a result, you may attract connections which just aren’t it, and you’ll lose out on genuine relationships. For you, Venus in Scorpio may feel uncomfortable, or too revealing – but there’s a lesson here. You’re invited to lower your guard and be vulnerable. Rejection, messiness, honesty and conflict are all necessary parts of relating to others… and often it’s only on the other side of these that a deeper connection can form. You deserve this and more!
There’s an ongoing theme of connection this month for you… with Neptune going direct (December 6th) and activating your sector of community and belonging. You might feel more inclined to join group settings, classes or movements; or to lean into the simple pleasures of sharing space with others. Why not join a New or Full Moon share circle, or hold your own?
Speaking of which, on December 12th the New Moon takes place in Sagittarius, bringing with it a purifying fire. This will be the perfect New Moon (last of the year) for releasing that which feels redundant, and calling in your new desires. Plant seeds of future visions through journaling, vision boarding or simply speaking your dreams aloud.
The next day, Mercury goes retrograde (December 13th), and despite its reputation – this transit offers you gifts. You may notice yourself feeling increasingly restless or bored, which is often step one to building momentum. The next few weeks will be the perfect time to tune into what makes you feel the most passion, joy or excitement. Try to lean into spontaneity and see where it takes you. We are in Sagittarius season after all!
On Dec 21st this shifts, with the Sun entering Capricorn for our annual Solstice. If you’re in the northern hemisphere, the Winter Solstice will mark your shortest day of the year. In the southern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice reflects the longest period of sunlight. Beautifully, every year, this dance of seasons synchronizes perfectly with Cancer and Capricorn season… and as the sign of nature, portals such as these are particularly powerful for you Taurus. This will be the perfect time to get into nature, quieten your mind and tune into your body for the wisdom it holds. Why not try a guided meditation (there are lots on YouTube? Better yet, go for a hike or simply sit on a patch of bare earth. Nothing matters here; no stress, dramas or worries. You can simply enjoy the gift of being human, of breathing, and being alive on this glorious planet.
We bring the year to a close with powerful Full Moon vibes (Dec 26th ) in Cancer, offering you a window of emotional reflection and catharsis. You’ll be receiving a renewed sense of calm and optimism up to and on December 30th, where Jupiter (planet of expansion and synchronicity) auspiciously goes direct in your sign. 2024 is your year to bloom Taurus. Trust this, and allow your desires to flow and inform your actions. What are you calling in for the new year?