Key themes: creative inspiration, life falling into place, self-inquiry, the magic of silence, good vibes and new chapters

Gemini, December is set to be one of those months where life seems to click into place. We’ve just had a powerful Full Moon in your sign illuminating a path of clarity, momentum and your continued expansion. Love that for you.

On December 4th Venus (planet of love and beauty) enters mysterious Scorpio, and a few days later (Dec 6th), Neptune ends its retrograde through Pisces. Both transits bring a new wave of passion and pragmatism into your life. On one hand you’ll be feeling more creative, sensitive and dreamy – but at the same time you may find yourself increasingly inspired to create in practical ways.

Our New Moon in Sagittarius (Dec 12th), activates your sector of relationships, making it the perfect time to hang out with friends or make new connections. The transiting lunar nodes will be reflecting lessons on relationships for the whole of 2024. As a collective, we’re specifically working on balancing our individuality, with our relationships. In other words, this New Moon offers you the perfect chance to invite in healthier ways of relating. Are there any friendships (or partnerships) where a shift in dynamics is overdue? As a mutable sign, you’re ever-evolving dear Gemini. Remember, your most aligned relationships will not necessarily just be with those you’ve known the longest. Do your connections inspire, support and encourage you into your highest (healthiest and happiest) way of existing? Mercury Rx in Capricorn (on Dec 13th) is going to initiate a process of deep inquiry, highlighting any dynamics in your life which are ready to evolve and change shape alongside you.

On Dec 21st we have the Winter and Summer Solstice (in both north and south hemispheres respectively), as the Sun enters Capricorn. This auspicious portal invites you into remembrance of our earth’s divine cycles (which you are a part of); to slow life down and focus on being truly present. It’s windows like these where simple, less, and quieter will feel better. If you can, spend time in nature, in meditation or near a body of water. Slow your thoughts, and empty your mind – to recalibrate and shift into receiving.

December 23rd sees Mercury Retrograde shift into Sagittarius. Here, you could experience some challenging conversations or interactions. The holiday season tends to collectively bring us together, which can of course be a beautiful thing. At the same, it’s important to honor your needs, boundaries and values. Be mindful of overexerting your energy. Just because someone has a different view than you, it’s not necessarily something that (always) needs to be understood, worked through or explored. This retrograde invites you to enjoy non-verbal communication; the pleasure in sharing space, physical touch and comfortable silence.

2023 goes out with a bang Gemini. We have one of the biggest Full Moons of the year, with the moon in her home sign of Cancer (December 26th), evoking nostalgic and reflective vibes – perfect for drawing the year to a close. On the same day, Chiron will go direct in Aries, catalyzing clarifying and full circle healing moments. A few days later (Dec 29th) Venus enters fiery Sagittarius, evoking more good vibes, optimism and adventure. Finally, an auspicious astro portal opens on December 30th, where Jupiter (our planet of expansion and synchronicity) finally goes direct. Here, you’ll feel *in your soul* that anything is possible. Activating your sector of spiritual connection, the last days of the year can (if you so choose) feel like pure magic. Journal, share, express and feel all the feels required to close this year with grace lovely Gemini. Bring on 2024.