Key themes: Cosmic shifts, connecting deeply, new resolutions, balance, honoring and celebrating your sensitive nature, remembering what you’re capable of
Dear Cancer, for you December will feel like one of the most chill, gentle, nurturing and playful months of the year, all at once. The prevailing cosmic currents of the year are taking some major positive turns, and it’s (relatively) smooth sailing from here.
On December 1st Mercury enters Capricorn, activating your sector of relationships, and a few days later (Dec 4th) Venus enters Scorpio, activating your sector of romance and play. This is a potent time for companionship, whether that means rekindling an old flame, or seeking new connections. With this kind of transit, superficial layers and small talk tend to be stripped away. You’re being invited to connect with others in real, raw and vulnerable ways (platonically or not). It’s time to share the real you Cancer, to meet others (or a specifical special one) exactly where you are.
Besides, your inner world and intuition will be heightened with Neptune going direct in Pisces on December 6th. This magical transit creates an ethereal vibe up to and around our last New Moon of the year, on December 12th. Taking place in Sagittarius, this moon activates your sector of wellbeing and routine, offering you the perfect opportunity for initiating new habits. Yes, it’s the last month of the year, but lunar cycles are just as powerful as New Year’s resolutions (perhaps more so, for a sign that’s ruled by the Moon!). As a cardinal sign, it’s important to leave spaciousness around commitments. For example, rather than forcing yourself into yoga every morning at 8am – why not promise yourself you’ll do it in some form (and when you feel like it), at some point each day?
Mercury begins its Retrograde in Capricorn on December 13th, before moving into Sag (December 23rd). For you, this retrograde will take the above themes further – as you’re specifically invited to work on the balance between relationships in your life, and your own wellness priorities. Where are your connections beneficial to your health, and where are they draining? Retrogrades are times of refinement and tweaking. Perhaps your social media obligations are weighing you down mentally. Maybe your gossip buddy becomes your pilates partner – or maybe it’s time for some healthy boundary setting. You’ll figure it out Cancer, you’ve got this.
The final week of the month (and year) will be a big one. Your most powerful Full Moon of the year, in Cancer unfolds on December 26t, and you’ll feel it. You can use the days up to, around and following, to intentionally release any grief that sits within your emotional body. This is natural, and necessary. Even on a collective level, it has been an extremely challenging year, and to deny this is to suppress. You’re strong in your emotional depths dear Cancer. It’s your superpower, and this Full Moon invites you to embrace that fully.
Magic’s on the way with Jupiter (ruler of expansion and synchronicity) going direct on December 30th. This activates your sector of community and belonging, meaning you’ll receive some aha moments regarding your place in the world… and perhaps even where you should go next. You’re being cosmically reminded that anything is possible, no dream is too big, and that if you have one… that’s already your sign. Balancing pragmatism with the very real idea that you can bring your visions to life, will evoke the perfect foundation for entering 2024. You deserve this and more!