KnowPisces November ’23 Scope

Key themes: cultivating the structure for your personal projects, listening to your intuition, revealing the power struggles within your relationships, networking, questioning your beliefs, believing in your goals

Dear Pisces, we may all still be feeling a bit jet lagged from the eclipse season. What hunger have you been left with when it comes to your ideas and how to voice them? Your body needs you to not keep it all bottled in. Finding outlets to air out your thoughts is especially healthy and pleasurable for you right now.

November arrives with Saturn shifting to go direct on the 4th in your ethereal sign of Pisces, where for the past months you’ve been reviewing your need to commit to your personal path, and the obstacles that are in the way of this. No more bypassing your intuition. No more investing so much energy in what’s being demanded of you that you forget about the energy you need to put into yourself and your projects in order to see them grow. No more thinking of your passions as silly dreams. These next couple of years want to aid you in creating a more sound structure for yourself.

On the 8th, Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will leave Virgo to enter its home sign of Libra, where it will be until December 4th. This will be a good time to check in on any power struggles going on within your relationships and collaborations, as well as money issues that may be festering below the surface. Are you being undervalued or putting yourself below others? If this is the case, this is a very empowering time to work on that. Even if others have more experience, expertise or knowledge than you, there is never a good reason for you to feel less than as a person. This can be very limiting for your growth. Work on knowing and owning your worth. Shake things up and set yourself free from these dynamics.

On the 10th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication and Exchange, will enter the wisdom-seeking sign of Sag, where it will be until December 1st. This is a great time to put yourself out there. A great time for networking, for sending your CV or your portfolio, for letting others know about the work that you do. Telling your story right now can cause deep impressions and get you places. Slip into the DMs of the people you want to collaborate with.

The New Moon in Scorpio is happening on the 13th, exact at 4:27 am EST, in your area of adventures and philosophical pursuits, emphasizing the energy you’ve been swimming in since Scorpio Season began on October 23rd. Exploration takes courage, it takes vulnerability to let the new in and transform you. Big visions require big risks. Playing it safe isn’t what is going to get you on the path of your wildest dreams. There is nothing new for you to learn within your comfort zone, there is no longer any space to grow in there. This is a time to look beyond what you already know, to question, to follow what excites you, to believe.

On the 22nd, we move into Sag Season, as the Sun shifts into the sign of the Centaur, and Mars follows its lead on the 24th, remaining in Sag until January 4th. This is a time to embody what you preach. Just make sure that you don’t become so fixed in your ideas that you lose your ability to change your mind. Remain firm, but also open, flexible and expansive with your goals. Commit to taking up the space in the world that is yours to fill. Hiding your gifts serves no one.

The Full Moon in Gemini is happening on the 27th, exact at 4:16 am EST, in your area of home, family and ancestry, highlighting the importance of staying close to what grounds you. This is a good time to bring balance to the aspirations of being recognized for what you do with your desire to go within, to ground, to be nurtured, to be loved for who you are regardless of your success.

I’ll leave you with a poem from Nayyirah Waheed that says: “you are not a mistake. you are too many exquisite details to be a mistake.”

KnowAquarius November ’23 Scope

Key themes: communicating, becoming more creative with how you make a living, expanding your perspectives, collaboration, community, causes that move you, the work that you do in the world, paying it forward

Dear Aquarius, we may all still be feeling a bit jet lagged from the eclipse season. What hunger have you been left with when it comes to your need for safety and emotional security? It’s time that you begin to communicate these needs, to be more honest about how you want to be taken into consideration, and even how you want to be taken care of. This doesn’t make you weak. It takes so much strength and self confidence to be this vulnerable.

November arrives with Saturn shifting to go direct on the 4th in the ethereal sign of Pisces. This is happening in your area of resources and values, where for the past months you’ve been reviewing what you want to invest in, and how you can avoid monetary leaks. These next two years are a time to let go of the outdated ways of making a living, the ones that leave you dry and with very little reward, and to step into new, more abundant and fertile ways of sustaining your life. Listen to your intuition, and trust your creativity.

On the 8th, Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will leave Virgo to enter its home sign of Libra, where it will be until December 4th. In your area of adventure and expansion, you’re being invited to come out of your comfort zone in order to connect to the kind of pleasure that you’ve yet to experience. Stretch your view of the world in order to include beliefs that are different from yours. There’s a beautiful balancing act that happens when you’re open to meet another where they are at without leaving yourself behind. Your one-on-one relations have so much wisdom to share with you. Allow them to be a mirror.

On the 10th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication and Exchange, will enter the wisdom-seeking sign of Sag, where it will be until December 1st. This happens within your friendships, communities and the causes that stir you, making it a great time to reach out and connect with the ones who you can co create with, support, or be supported by. Put your visions and ideas out into the world. This is not a time to go at it alone. Don’t wait to be invited, make yourself available, let them know you wish to collaborate.

The New Moon in Scorpio is happening on the 13th, exact at 4:27 am EST, in your area of career and long-term goals, emphasizing the energy you’ve been swimming in since Scorpio Season began on October 23rd. What does the professional freedom you desire look like? Write about it in excruciating detail. Meditate and envision it. Ask to be liberated from what has your energy under arrest. How do you wish to grow through the work that you do in the world? What does this even mean for you? Connect with these questions, allow yourself to experience how they feel on the inside. There’s a power and a magic to this practice.

On the 22nd, we move into Sag Season, as the Sun shifts into the sign of the Centaur, and Mars follows its lead on the 24th, remaining in Sag until January 4th. This happens in the area of your life that rules the people and spaces that offer you a sense of belonging. If you’ve been feeling out of place lately, this will slowly begin to shift. Remember that showing up for others doesn’t just feed them and yourself, this has a way to expand out into the collective. Remember that every act of kindness has the ability to soften a heart and to get paid forward. Honor the ones that have shown up and continue to show up for you.

The Full Moon in Gemini is happening on the 27th, exact at 4:16 am EST, in your area of creative self-expression, reminding you how potent your intentions can be. Your talents are ready to support you, your dreams want to come into being, your community is ready to offer a helping hand. Remember that success isn’t about getting there first or being lonely at the top. Your friends help you rise, and you help your friends rise.

I’ll leave you with a poem from Nayyirah Waheed that says: “you will find your way. it is in the same place as your love.”

KnowCapricorn November ’23 Scope

Key themes: creative potential, the power of your voice, rest, relax, renewal, making space for deep healing, honoring the relations that are worthy of your energy, cultivating healthy routines and practices

Dear Capricorn, we may all still be feeling a bit jet lagged from the eclipse season. What hunger have you been left with when it comes to your creations and creative flow? The post eclipse energy, what’s left of the year, and all of 2024 will be about grounding into your fullest potential. About allowing your creative self-expression the time, tenderness and patience to form strong roots. About letting go, and allowing for the playfulness that you’ve been tapping into to be a more integral part of who you are.

November arrives with Saturn shifting to go direct on the 4th in the ethereal sign of Pisces. This is happening in your area of communication, ideas and daily activities, where for the past months you’ve been reviewing the power of your words, and what can be transformed and uplifted even within the most mundane of exchanges and conversations. Remember that your perspective matters. It almost seems as if the media wants there to be only two ways of thinking, only two ways to live life, only two groups of truths to stand by. Don’t let this take away from the deeply detailed nuances that you’re capable of touching on when it comes to reasoning and analyzing situations, personal experiences, people, politics, and the media.

On the 8th, Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will leave Virgo to enter its home sign of Libra, where it will be until December 4th. Happening in your area of professional pursuits and long-term goals, this is an invitation to become softer and to offer yourself some grace. Stop pressuring yourself so much, stop being so hard on yourself. It isn’t you, you aren’t wrong for not having accomplished everything you’ve set your heart and mind to. The world is getting harder and harder, there are more and more obstacles every day. Last stage capitalism is no joke. So allow yourself to soften. I’m not saying that you should stop trying, that’s not it, please keep going after all of your wildest dreams. But also please have enough tenderness to not beat yourself up, and instead hold yourself close when things get complicated. This is a good time to do some networking, your magnetism will be lit.

On the 10th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication and Exchange, will enter the wisdom-seeking sign of Sag, where it will be until December 1st, traversing your inner realms, the deepest area of your chart that rules the spiritual. This is a plea to find pockets within your day to relax your mind. With social media on top of everything that is happening worldwide, we are overstimulated with an excess of information that ranges between a new tiktok trend and brutal massacres. It’s A LOT. It’s important to keep informed and to do your part if you can, but it’s also important, and especially for you with this transit, to find ways to shut the mind off. Sleep more, spend more time off any kind of screen, find meditative practices that can help slow down your nervous system and relax more deeply. Go out into nature, walk barefoot on the earth.

The New Moon in Scorpio is happening on the 13th, exact at 4:27 am EST, in your area of friendships and communities, emphasizing the energy you’ve been swimming in since Scorpio Season began on October 23rd. I’ve been hearing a lot lately about people going through friendship breakups. If this is your case, this New Moon will shed some light and offer clarity regarding the reasons for why it happened. The darkness of the Moon can help you heal the pain that is still present. If it was your bad, you’ll be able to tap more deeply into how you faulted, and to commit more fiercely to working on how you want to be there for your people. You may also receive information about the groups you’re a part of, and the hard conversations that are needed.

On the 22nd, we move into Sag Season, as the Sun shifts into the sign of the Centaur, shining a light on the depths of your emotional and spiritual realms. This is the time of the year for you to pause, to slow down. There’s a lot for you to let go of from the past eleven months. No one more than you knows what it takes to do life and make things happen, so give yourself the chance to look within, and to honor yourself for wherever it is that you are in life right now —emotionally, physically, professionally, spiritually, mentally. Honor yourself for your awareness. There is much deep healing available for you during this month, so create the space to be held.

On the 24th, Mars moves in the sign of Sag as well, where it will be until January 4th, inviting you to allow for your actions and impulses to be softer, wiser and more intentional. Also, you’ll have so much energy to dig deep and to rid yourself of what is no longer serving you. This is a beautiful time for healing.

The Full Moon in Gemini is happening on the 27th, exact at 4:16 am EST, in your area of work, health and wellness practices. This Moon is here to support you in all of the emotional, spiritual and psychic healing and liberation that you’re going through. It’s a reminder that you are also a body, and that your body needs the right kind of sustenance, practices, and routines for it to stay healthy and active, and have more fertile energy and space for the magic of your inner waters to flourish.

I’ll leave you with a poem from Nayyirah Waheed that says: “you don’t have to be a fire for every mountain blocking you. you could be a water and soft river your way to freedom.”

Scorpio’s November 2023 Forecast

Key themes: embracing your inner child, rest and renewal, vulnerability, finances, honing your craft, recognizing and uplifting your worth, honoring your magic and your healing power

Dear Scorpio, we may all still be feeling a bit jet lagged from the eclipse season. What hunger have you been left with when it comes to connection and partnership? You know that you don’t want to get into just any relationship in order to not feel alone. So, remember to listen carefully to what your body, your mind and your intuition are trying to tell you when it comes to going into a deeper commitment.

November arrives with Saturn shifting to go direct on the 4th in the ethereal sign of Pisces. This is happening in your area of creative self-expression, where for the past months you’ve been looking into your need to commit to a life of more enjoyment, where being goofy is embraced, where your inner child can feel more at ease, and where leisure time isn’t frowned upon. You know that discipline and fun don’t have to live in separate worlds. You know that when you make space to merge these two aspects of life you begin to cultivate a life with less burnout.

On the 8th, Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will leave Virgo to enter its home sign of Libra, where it will be until December 4th. Happening in the deepest area of your chart, you’re being invited to spend more time in the dark, renewing your energy, connecting with your inner world, allowing what needs to go to die off. Even at work, if you can find at least one minute to pause, close your eyes and breathe deep, it will really help you to decompress. Don’t rush into a new partnership during this time. It’s a time to let go of a lot of relationship baggage so you can begin to embrace a new you once Venus enters your sign.

On the 10th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication and Exchange, will enter the wisdom-seeking sign of Sag, where it will be until December 1st. As this happens in the area of your chart that rules your physical world and your sense of self worth, move towards the things that help ground you. Do more of whatever calms your nervous system, and more of what enhances your ability to feel secure within your body and your psyche. This is always a good time to check in on your finances as your mind will be sharper when it comes to bringing more in, and you’ll most likely be wiser when it comes to distributing what you’ve got.

The New Moon in your sign is happening on the 13th, exact at 4:27 am EST, emphasizing the energy you’ve been swimming in since the Sun began to shine on your journey of self-discovery on October 23rd. You know the courage it takes to renew, to transform, to say goodbye to what has held you together until now, to shed your skin and to vulnerably become anew. Be with this process, go as deep as you need to, use your magic to cast spells that help rid yourself of the fear that wants to get in the way.

On the 22nd, we move into Sag Season, as the Sun comes out of your sign and shifts into the sign of the Centaur, and Mars follows its lead on the 24th, remaining in the sign of Sag until January 4th. This happens in the area of your life that has to do with your sustenance and your values. Your resources and your connection to pleasure will be highlighted. This is a call for action. It’s time to believe in your ability to sustain yourself and the ones that depend on you abundantly. Dare to make the transformations that you know are necessary for this to happen, even if it may bring some initial discomfort. Trust that it’ll be worth it in the long run.

The Full Moon in Gemini is happening on the 27th, exact at 4:16 am EST, in your area of intimacy, collaborations and shared resources. This is an invitation to tap into the strength that’s available in vulnerability. Remember that you are a master at this. Remember that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, it’s just that yours isn’t a brute force. Your strength is energetic, it resides in the realm of magnetism. It’s deep, and it knows how to wait as long as necessary for the exact right moment. It’s about deep transformative healing. Remember that there’s also great strength in allowing yourself to be held and to be helped.

I’ll leave you with a poem from Nayyirah Waheed that says: “your heart is the softest place on earth. take care of it.”

KnowCancers November ’23 Scope

Key themes: Inner child energy, remembering what matters most, honest expression and confidence, magic is back

​​Dear Cancer, November brings magic: deepened empowerment when it comes to the ways that you express, as well as plenty of opportunities to release old, outdated or redundant energy from your life. As we head towards the end of 2024, you’ll feel a wave of light, expansion, growth, and inner child energy. Enjoy.

On November 2nd, asteroid Vesta starts its retrograde. Because this moves through your sign, this transit will be particularly potent. You can think of Vesta as one shade of your inner spark. It’s an area where you’ll naturally be able to cultivate a lot of dedication, focus and commitment, effortlessly and lovingly – as an extension of yourself. Now moving retrograde through your sign, Vesta invites you on a journey of identifying what it is that means the most to you. What motivates you to get up every morning? What would you dedicate your life to? What means the most? And what do you love the most? As with any retrograde, there will be a learning curve here. So, trust the process Cancer. This could mean losing things that you once thought you cared about, and learning a whole lot more about yourself in the process.

On November 4th Saturn goes direct at the first degree of Pisces, which to you will feel like the brakes are finally being released. This transit is moving through your sector of adventure, and life purpose – so you may start to feel more clarity when it comes to those areas. It is worth remembering that Saturn often shows up as challenges and/or obstacles. Get ready, because you’re going to either dissolve, adapt, overcome or transcend them. Tip: sometimes this can be as simple as understanding why they’re there, and gaining the lesson before it can move on.

On November 10th, Mercury will enter Sagittarius, and with our planet of communication in a sign ruled by Truth, your words will feel more bold, assertive and direct.

Adding to the truth-telling vibes is a New Moon in Scorpio, on November 13th which illuminates your sector of self-expression. The energy of Scorpio (amongst other things), rules fears – and so this New Moon presents a perfect portal for cultivating extra confidence, empowerment and strength when it comes to your own authenticity – through exploring your fears. Where do you hold back your truth Cancer? And why? What are you afraid of?

Major moves are taking place on November 19th, with Pluto shifting into Aquarius (where it will remain up until March 2043). Given the weight that Pluto holds in astrology, this is a huge deal Cancer. First of all, the Planet of Shadow is moving out of your opposite sign. Here, it naturally had an extra destabilizing impact on you, and this new shift will (in so many ways) feel like a huge weight off. Plus, on a broader level the flavor of our collective evolution shifts from Capricorn, into Aquarius for the next two decades. In other words, we’ll be adjusting and evolving alongside Aquarian themes like societal revolution, technological innovation, community orientation and so on. If Pluto in Capricorn was about dismantling disconnected patriarchal systems, revealing the exploitation of governments, and presenting global consequences of material greed on broader and individual levels… Well, mission accomplished. Pluto Aquarius will bring us new ways to address, innovate and resolve some of these issues. It will also bring its own shadow… watch this space.

On November 22nd, we have our first official day of Sagittarius season. Sag energy is extremely helpful for you Cancer. It infuses your soul with clarity, purpose and drive. If you’ve been feeling lethargic or sluggish in your body, this will be a time to get moving again, as it will feel significantly more seamless. It’s also the perfect window to reconnect with your humor, and sense of play.

We wrap up with a Full Moon on November 27th, which takes place in Gemini and activates your sector of spiritual connection. As a result, this can be one of the trippiest Full Moons of the whole year for you. It’ll be the perfect one to stargaze, meditate, pull tarot cards, or have long chats about the existential nature of life. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from yourself or spirit, this will be one of those times where the world begins to tingle with magic again.

KnowGemini November ’23 Scope

Key themes: Connection, clearing, bigger picture thinking, collective shifts, newfound lightness

Dear Gemini, bringing with it a focus on relationships and wellness, November has the capacity to catalyze waves of transformation through your life, and you’re here for it.

There’s a cosmic spring cleaning vibe coming through, as we’ve just had our Lunar Eclipse shaking up redundant energies, as well as the lunar North node’s ruler (Mars) moving through Scorpio. This will feel like old patterns finally being loosened up, giving you space to break free. On a personal level, you may notice some of your own behavioral patterns starting to feel unhealthy, misaligned, or simply ready to transform. Here, you’re reminded that every day, hour and moment offers you a fresh start Gemini. You can be the healthiest version of yourself, whenever you want. So why not start now? On a collective level, we can already see the themes of oppression, gender stigma, inhumane politics and capitalist greed through global structures – but all the above will be boiling up in intensity, as Pluto moves through its last leg of Capricorn.

But more on that soon. On November 4th, we have Saturn going direct in the first degree of Pisces. This astro signature invites you to take a big picture perspective, as your biggest dreams and goals (Pisces) are being tested (Saturn), for any weakness in their foundations. Consider any recent closed doors, “missed” opportunities, or failures – and notice where the universe is redirecting and guiding you. If you have a project or goal in mind already, this will be the time to plan thoroughly, identify any areas where reinforcement or more work is required – then get to it! Saturn here says we can build our dreams, through honoring the intersection of inner and outer work.

On November 13th, the New Moon in Scorpio unfolds, activating your sector of wellness and minimization. Any New Moon presents an opportune time for initiating new patterns and healthy habits, but this one will be particularly helpful. Why not create a mini lunar goal list and set out three key things that you would like to achieve by the next New Moon (in Sagittarius)? What would they be?

On November 19th, Pluto will enter Aquarius (until 2043!) and this is big, Gemini. As Pluto’s orbit takes its time, it could be a little while before we feel the full effect of this transit – which almost unfolds through more of a generational timeframe. Yet, this is a cataclysmic shift. Pluto is one of our most important planets in astrology, and one that turns to catalyze upheaval, by revealing the underbelly, hidden dynamics, and shadow elements of all it touches. It entered Capricorn in 2008, initiating some of the gnarliest global economic situations that we’ve seen in a long time (Saturn rules finance, wealth distribution, government and economics). Now, as we move through Aquarius – we have new themes. The planet of rebellion; Aquarius rules revolution, innovation, medical breakthroughs and societal progression. It does have a shadow (as every zodiac sign does) – which can look like discarding individuality for more collective/hive mentality, pushing technology to an unhealthy point (we’ll be establishing our boundaries with AI even more over the next two decades), as well as disconnection from the body. However it all plays out will be divinely intended, but it’s still worth bracing yourself for a lot of change.

November 22nd brings us a fiery Sagittarius season. At this point of the lunar cycle, as we collectively turn from the depths of Scorpio into lighter and brighter days – themes of celebration start to trickle through (enter: holiday season vibes). Plus, with the Sun activating your sector relationships it’ll be a wonderful time to reconnect with loved ones (old and new).

Finally, the month closes out with a gorgeous Full Moon in your sign (Nov 27th) – reminding you to embrace your journey, acknowledge how far you’ve come and celebrate yourself for every detail. A potent portal of culmination and release, perhaps there’s something you’re ready to release Gemini. Think: toxic relationships, patterns and/or vices. You’re supported and loved by the universe, you’ve got this.