Virgo Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Virgo, the week begins diving right into eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on Monday 25th, exact at 3:00 am EST. This happens in your area of resources and self-worth, inviting you to loosen your grasp a little when it comes to your income flow. What have you learned about how to work with your resources? What learning curves have you come up against or moved past? Your hard work pays off, even when the receipt is less than you were expecting. Sometimes it’s important to just trust the ebb and flow, as money is also energy. I’m not saying to stay still and wait. Do what you have to do, go after what you want, put your energy into the passion projects that not only bring joy to your days but can also up your bank statement. Keep going, and don’t give into anxiety when things are low, trust your process, things take time. The week comes to an end with Vesta moving from Gemini into Cancer for the next 7 weeks, urging you to honor your need to isolate and recharge from time to time. Foster the relationships and communities where you’re allowed to recharge your inner flame without feeling disconnected from your social circle.

Leo Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Leo, those changes you’ve been asking for? They’re arriving. Eclipse Season launches this week with our Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Monday. Your sector of communication is being illuminated here, encouraging you to explore the more intellectual facets of your identity. Your word for the week is curiosity. You’re on a journey of re-discovering the things that light you up, spark your interest and feel effortless to pursue. If you’ve ever felt super (or even mildly) drawn to a particular hobby, now’s the time to take those first steps. This might mean signing up to Master Class and letting curiosity take the lead, or simply picking up an unread book that’s been sitting on your shelf for too long. The point here is not to focus on outcomes or results, which (unbalanced) can stifle your creativity. Flow with it all, and see where you end up. We wrap up the week with asteroid Vesta shifting into Cancer, a transit which will feel grounding and clarifying. This transit invites you to further unlock your soul purpose Leo, and this is big. Notice and lean into opportunities to connect with a deeper sense of meaning and contribution. You’ll feel a heightened awareness growing, around ways you can honor your unique contribution to the world. You’re ready for this.

Cancers Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Cancer, Eclipse Season is here! Our Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse unfolds on March 25th, powerfully activating your sector of emotional processing. You’re being invited to heal the past, particularly your relationships. Reminder: friendship break-ups can be just as intense, if not worse, than romantic ones. Are there any feelings of grief, resentment or anger you’re still holding onto? If so, are you willing to begin letting them go? Your answer doesn’t have to be yes, even if that seems like the wiser choice. These processes will always take time, particularly if you’ve been hurt. Still, if your heart does feel ready, perhaps it’s time to start opening up again, whatever that means for you. At this time you’re invited to give yourself the self-intimacy and care that you perhaps once missed. Ruled by the Moon, Lunar eclipses will always feel particularly potent for you Cancer (and this is magic). Honor your sensitivity, especially the sore spots around your past. Maybe there’s someone you miss, but speaking to them isn’t on the cards. Visualizing a conversation, speaking to them aloud, or sending love energetically, will give you more solace than you can imagine. You are still connected.

Gemini Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Gemini, brace yourself for a transformative week. Eclipse Season kicks off this week with a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, exact at 3:00 am EST. This cosmic portal activates your sector of play and self-expression, encouraging you to laugh, sing and dance. It’ll be the perfect time to blow off some steam, and to return to the nourishing space that is joy. The idea might seem unnatural with the world in such disarray, but remember you can hold both grief and joy at the same time. Dulling your life force by staying in a rut of sadness or worry, will only render you less capable of stepping into a warrior role when the invitation does arise. By all means, honor feelings of overwhelm with grace – but equally importantly, when humor and play come through: embrace them. Mars’ transit through Pisces means taking action this week will feel natural, and easy. It’ll be a powerful time to tune into your inner world, for guidance on how to best navigate the outer.

Taurus Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Taurus, you have a powerful week ahead of you. Our first eclipse of the year unfolds with a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, exact at 3:00 am EST. This eclipse illuminates your sector of routine and well-being, inviting you to revive or delve into new self-care practices. Because it’s a south-nodal eclipse, themes of the past may come through – particularly relative to relationships. Don’t be alarmed if your exes feel more present in your mind than usual, it may simply be part of the releasing process. Honor this alongside your softness, allowing the emotional currents to gently guide you into a deeper understanding of your needs. On March 28th, a harmonious sextile between your planetary ruler (Venus) and Uranus (who transits your sign), will feel hopeful and synchronistic. This mini-portal offers an opportunity to become even more present with your blessings, as they flow through. If you feel ready to release anything that no longer resonates with who you’re becoming, know that the universe supports you in this. Reminder: the more space you create, the more it can gift you.

Aries Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Aries, get ready for themes of remembrance and self-discovery as eclipse season kicks off this week. We have our powerful Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 3:00 am EST, activating your sector of relationships and reciprocity. Here, you’re being invited to embrace vulnerability, as well as to connect with unexplored facets of your own identity. This could mean sharing yourself more transparently with a loved one, alternatively it might mean simply embracing the chance to understand and accept yourself, without judgment. This eclipse does take place in your opposite sign, which can naturally feel a little – unnatural. If emotional waves come through, honor them with compassion and even humor. Extending yourself the same understanding, patience and generosity that you offer to others. On Thursday, a harmonious connection between Venus and Uranus might bring a pleasant surprise or sense of spontaneity to your day. It’ll be a particularly auspicious time to connect with nature, whatever that means for you. As the Moon shifts into Sagittarius towards the end of the week, a sense of adventure and exploration takes center stage. This is the perfect time to lean into your passion-driven pursuits. Reminder: fortune favors the bold.