Dear Leo, those changes you’ve been asking for? They’re arriving. Eclipse Season launches this week with our Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Monday. Your sector of communication is being illuminated here, encouraging you to explore the more intellectual facets of your identity. Your word for the week is curiosity. You’re on a journey of re-discovering the things that light you up, spark your interest and feel effortless to pursue. If you’ve ever felt super (or even mildly) drawn to a particular hobby, now’s the time to take those first steps. This might mean signing up to Master Class and letting curiosity take the lead, or simply picking up an unread book that’s been sitting on your shelf for too long. The point here is not to focus on outcomes or results, which (unbalanced) can stifle your creativity. Flow with it all, and see where you end up. We wrap up the week with asteroid Vesta shifting into Cancer, a transit which will feel grounding and clarifying. This transit invites you to further unlock your soul purpose Leo, and this is big. Notice and lean into opportunities to connect with a deeper sense of meaning and contribution. You’ll feel a heightened awareness growing, around ways you can honor your unique contribution to the world. You’re ready for this.