Dear Virgo, the week begins diving right into eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on Monday 25th, exact at 3:00 am EST. This happens in your area of resources and self-worth, inviting you to loosen your grasp a little when it comes to your income flow. What have you learned about how to work with your resources? What learning curves have you come up against or moved past? Your hard work pays off, even when the receipt is less than you were expecting. Sometimes it’s important to just trust the ebb and flow, as money is also energy. I’m not saying to stay still and wait. Do what you have to do, go after what you want, put your energy into the passion projects that not only bring joy to your days but can also up your bank statement. Keep going, and don’t give into anxiety when things are low, trust your process, things take time. The week comes to an end with Vesta moving from Gemini into Cancer for the next 7 weeks, urging you to honor your need to isolate and recharge from time to time. Foster the relationships and communities where you’re allowed to recharge your inner flame without feeling disconnected from your social circle.