KTZ Weekly Scopes April 1 – 25th

Happy Mercury Retrograde, skymates! Here at KTZ we are in our final weeks of prepping for our KTZ App relaunch, which means we’re taking a break from sharing and uploading weekly scopes until our new app launches. Please make sure you’re signed up to be a beta-tester of the new and improved KTZ App. Beta-testers will receive early access to the app and 1 month of the premium version for free. Thank you for your support, flexibility, and loyalty throughout the years. We are so excited for you to immerse yourself in KTZ’s Universe this Spring 2024. Sign up to be a beta-tester at knowthezodiac.com/ktz-app. Enjoy the retrograde! Love, TeamKTZ.

Taurus Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Taurus, you have a powerful week ahead of you. Our first eclipse of the year unfolds with a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, exact at 3:00 am EST. This eclipse illuminates your sector of routine and well-being, inviting you to revive or delve into new self-care practices. Because it’s a south-nodal eclipse, themes of the past may come through – particularly relative to relationships. Don’t be alarmed if your exes feel more present in your mind than usual, it may simply be part of the releasing process. Honor this alongside your softness, allowing the emotional currents to gently guide you into a deeper understanding of your needs. On March 28th, a harmonious sextile between your planetary ruler (Venus) and Uranus (who transits your sign), will feel hopeful and synchronistic. This mini-portal offers an opportunity to become even more present with your blessings, as they flow through. If you feel ready to release anything that no longer resonates with who you’re becoming, know that the universe supports you in this. Reminder: the more space you create, the more it can gift you.

Taurus Weekly Scope Mar 18 – 24, 2024

 “The darkest hour is just before dawn.” Happy New Astrological Year Taurus! You’ve just experienced some challenging squares involving the planet of plot twists (Uranus), who currently transits your sign. If you’ve been feeling *un*pleasantly surprised, lost, or ungrounded – take time out this week to reconnect with the sanctuary of your inner world. Carve out the space to breathe and find that sweet Taurean peace, before moving on. But know that the tides are changing.  On Tuesday, a Cancer moon supportively trines Neptune and the Sun, before moving into Leo. This will feel like an energetic pep talk from the universe; reminder that you are both divine and powerful. On the same day (at 11.06PM ET), the Sun shifts into Aries, marking the equinox, Aries season, and a brand new astrological year. This is big! Taurus, you’re being reminded that often, experiencing slumps, heaviness or “contraction,” – is a sign that you’re about to go through an expansion. Think of the self-doubt that arises and churns, right before you land or step into an opportunity. It’s a natural process, as old and limiting beliefs begin to shake loose with your growth. A New Astrological year brings new beginnings. Trust that they’re in your favor.

Taurus Weekly Scope Mar 11 – 17, 2024

Taurus, following our Pisces Full Moon, this week brings dreamy, reflective and slowed down vibes. Your planetary ruler (Venus) will move into Pisces on Monday, staying there for the next few weeks and activating your sector of networking and belonging. It’ll be a powerful time to connect with community, whatever that means for you (think: family, chosen family, an online group, work friends etc). This could just be something as subtle as finally watching a show your friend’s been recommending, and having a kiki together afterwards. Despite being such a powerfully independent sign; shared experiences, and enjoying the interconnectivity of humanity, are a big part of your journey here. On Tuesday, the Moon shifts into your sign, eventually meeting Jupiter. This auspicious mini Taurus portal will be a wonderful opportunity to ground yourself and/or show your inner child some love. What excites you right now? Give yourself permission to fully lean into that. Over the weekend, a Gemini Moon squares Neptune, potentially evoking feelings of confusion, or a sense of scatteredness. Breathe through it lovingly and remember: just because you don’t know exactly what’s on the cards for your future, it doesn’t mean you’re lost. Jump, and the net will appear.

Taurus Weekly Scope Mar 4 – 10, 2024

Don’t lose sight of what you’re working towards, Taurus. Even if the fruits of your labor are not yet ready to be picked just yet, that doesn’t mean that you’ve taken a wrong turn. Here’s your cosmic reminder to trust that what’s meant to be yours, will be; that the timing of your life and its unfolding are being divinely orchestrated. You’re so loved by the universe, and you’ll have this remembrance nudging you on Monday, where a connection between Mercury and Uranus (in your sign) evokes synchronicity and pleasant surprises. With your sector of community and networking activated throughout the week, you’re also being invited to lean into themes of collaboration and reciprocity. Where could you use ideas, inspiration or even just help? You’re definitely one of the more independent signs of the zodiac – but this means that when you choose to connect with others, your power will be amplified. Finding answers through community may not appeal to your natural instincts, but for this exact reason, there’s plenty of untapped potential there. Why not use the Pisces New Moon (this weekend) to break free of this pattern? Surprise yourself, and set an intention for the month which involves trusting in someone else.

Taurus Weekly Scope Feb 26 – Mar 3, 2024

​​Dear Taurus, right off the bat this week brings lighter vibes, as a Libra moon harmoniously connects with Pluto on Monday. This will be a time to bring healing into your relationships, whatever that means for you. Whether it’s reaching out to an old friend, or finding forgiveness in your own heart – remember that finding gratitude for the depth of love once shared can often be a catalyst for transformation. On Tuesday, Mars (planet of action) will form a tense dialogue with Jupiter, who currently transits your sign. This might feel like you’re being actively held back – but try and reframe these thoughts lovely Taurus. The universe is conspiring in your favor. Perhaps it just takes a little while for all the other pieces to come together. Thursday will feel particularly empowering when it comes to asserting yourself, your needs, and your truth – as Mercury sextiles Jupiter (still in your sign). If you’ve had the same dialogue with someone over and over, without getting through… this might be a day where a new angle presents itself. Be patient, and pay close attention to where (and if) you tend to compromise, at the expense of yourself. The weekend will feel dreamy and intuitive, with the moon forming illuminating connections with both Neptune and Pluto. The vibes: deep and meaningful conversations, poetry, inspiring films and playlists that take you up into space.