Taurus Weekly Scope July 1 – 7, 2024

Dear Taurus, who are your people? On Monday, Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces, initiating a five-month period of introspection and activating your sector of community. Through to December you’ll be on a journey of reflecting on your social circles and the spaces you belong and find solace in. This will be a good time to consider who truly supports your dreams, as well as how your connections do or do not align with your higher aspirations. On Tuesday, Mercury moves into Leo, activating your sector of home and family sector. This transit enhances communication with loved ones, making it an excellent time for heart-to-heart conversations and resolving any family issues. Wednesday’s opposition between Mercury and Pluto may bring hidden tensions to the surface, so be mindful and remember the love that’s underneath. Approach conflicts with compassion, an openness to understand and heal; then watch as the same courtesy is returned to you. On Friday, Mars in Taurus forms a supportive sextile with Saturn in Pisces, presenting you ideas on how you can take a steady and disciplined approach to your personal goals. Perfect timing, as the same day, our New Moon in Cancer illuminates your sector of communication and learning. This will be the perfect time to start or set new intentions related to acquiring knowledge and expanding your skillset. Knowledge can be a powerful thing!

Taurus Weekly Scope Jun 24 – 30, 2024

Dear Taurus, you might have mixed feelings this week. First, Venus (your planetary ruler) forms a harmonious connection to Mars (in your sign), which is going to feel amazing. This will seem like a green light from the universe, renewed inspiration, or perhaps the sparking of a new desire. Consider this your affirmation from the universe. You deserve the best for yourself, and you’re on your way there. Yet, the universe does enjoy paradoxes — so at the same time, the cosmos is gearing up for our 4.5 month Saturn Retrograde (Friday). Retrogrades always invite us to pause and reflect on their themes, but given Saturn rules challenges, this one can be particularly, well, challenging. The silver lining here is that it’s here to help you build the foundations of your life. You’ll be able to see more clearly than ever what’s not working, and what needs to shift if you’re to reach those long-term goals. The retrograde activates your sector of networking and community, encouraging you to examine whether the foundations of your connections are truly solid and supportive.  This might be a time to (with gratitude) release acquaintances or groups you no longer align with, to make space for deeper, healthier, and more loving connections.

Taurus Weekly Scope Jun 17 – 23, 2024

Dear Taurus, major cosmic waves coming through this week. Both Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, making us all collectively a little more loving, sensitive and inward-focused. This shift will bring a more deeply communicative energy to your interactions, making it a wonderful time to reconnect with loved ones. The Sun enters Cancer on Thursday, marking the solstice, and one of the most powerful astro portals of the year. Your sector of community is being activated here Taurus, making it a time to reflect on your place in the world. Solstice energy tends to mark a new chapter. Perhaps you’re entering one now yourself. Enjoy connecting and finding like-minded souls, as you’ll feel particularly drawn towards those who reflect the change you want to see in the world. The next day we have a Capricorn Full Moon, activating your sector of self-expression. As this Full Moon opposes Venus (your planetary ruler) and Mercury; you’re invited to find a balance between your true feelings, and outward expression. It’ll also be a powerful time to release any creative blocks. Embrace opportunities to share your passions with the world, whether that means sharing your art on social media, or simply voicing your thoughts more at work.

Taurus Weekly Scope Jun 10 – 16, 2024

Dear Taurus, sit back and enjoy. Monday’s Leo Moon brings a wave of joy and a boost in your social life. As it goes on to harmoniously connect with Mercury, it’ll be an excellent time to take in the company of friends, new connections, and loved ones. There’s a reminder here that while staying focused on your goals is important, so too is kicking back and enjoying exactly where you are. Tuesday brings a challenging aspect as Mars (in your sign) squares Pluto in Aquarius. This energy could stir up power struggles in personal or professional relationships. You’re reminded here to stand your ground and assert your needs without compromising your integrity, at the same time acknowledging that everyone is entitled to their perspectives. You can use this mini portal to re-evaluate your approach to conflict, and find ways to assert your boundaries honestly, kindly, and effectively. More of this theme comes through on Thursday, as the Sun conjoins Mercury in Gemini, inviting you to share your knowledge with others. Whether you’re presenting a project, or simply expressing your views, remember: your words are important, and so valued. You never know how you’re inspiring those around you.

Taurus Weekly Scope Jun 3 – 9, 2024

Dear Taurus, this week is about balancing stability with embracing new possibilities and the flow of life. As Mercury shifts into Gemini, you may feel a sense of heightened curiosity and an increased capacity to be inspired by those around you. With the planet of communication then harmoniously connecting with Pluto, we’re collectively in for deep and transformative conversations. Stay open minded, it is Gemini season after all! The Venus Cazimi will feel major for you Taurus, as your planetary ruler begins a new dance and cycle with the Sun. This will be a time of closure, and new beginnings. If available to you, try switching up your routine or travel somewhere new. Join a class, go on a date, and fall in love with life even more deeply. The Gemini New Moon on June 6th will be the perfect opportunity for setting new intentions around exactly this. What are you ready to experience more of over the next six months? How about within the year? Mars enters your sign at the end of the week; your personal cosmic reminder that you can achieve anything and everything you set your mind to.

Taurus Weekly Scope May 27 – Jun 2, 2024

Dear Taurus, you’ll be feeling a fresh wave of new energy coming through this week. Following the New Moon we just had in your sign, your world is starting to look a little different, in the best way. There’s a cosmic reminder here that the discomfort that accompanies change is perfectly natural, particularly for yourself as a fixed earth sign. Sometimes that discomfort means you’re going the wrong way, but oftentimes that’s not the case. Be sure to tune into your gut instincts to clarify mixed messages and find answers. Speaking of answers, midway through the week Mercury (planet of communication) in your sign, will be harmoniously connecting with Saturn in Pisces. Saturn’s transit through Pisces is collectively encouraging us to rethink traditional three-dimensional ideas like wealth and career. This specific astro signature might mean bringing new energy into the ways you’re communicating and conversing with colleagues; or simply trying on a different perspective around the work you do.