Aries + Aries

Aries + Aries

There’s nothing quite like when Aries connects with another Aries – from the shared sense of passion, to the frivolity of friendly competition. There’s not a lot that the two can’t do alone, so together, they’re a force to be reckoned with.

For an Aries that loves themself unconditionally, another Aries will be sure to add a whole lot of empowerment and self-awareness, through mirroring their own qualities back to them.

No two days are the same in an Aries-Aries partnership. There’s always something new and exciting to do for the headstrong ram, so who better than another Ram to bring along for the ride?

The challenge here can be where the two need to take the time to slow down and check-in every once in a while. Aries moves incredibly quickly and impulsively through life, so the occasional “how are we feeling here?” will make sure the relationship grows and transforms as they do, regardless of pace.

This relationship will not keep the fiery nature of the ram in check.. This duo will mutually uplift and hype each other up,  in all the best ways. Decisions are going to be made quickly, and definitively. These connections can feel like a pair of war generals getting together to take over the world.

With a love that can feel almost sibling-like, Aries and Aries will stop at nothing to protect each other from the fast-paced world in which they exist together.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Aries + Taurus

Aries + Taurus

Taurus is the most likely candidate to slow down Aries… sometimes to the point of being a little difficult. Despite this, it’s a duo that screams “we’re not taking any BS.” 

The Ram and the Bull of the zodiac, these headstrong energies function best when they collaborate together, directing their willpower outwards. Otherwise, there’s potential for the kind of head-butt style conflict that arises when stubbornness kicks in (from both sides).

Taurus is a gentle match for the Aries who likes to take things slow every once in a while, and there’s a lot of love to be had between the two. 

A major challenge may arise with the ability to express and hear each other out. Emotional sharing isn’t exactly either’s forte, but the love language of service and touch are definitely in their vocabulary. Where Taurus brings sensuality and softness, Aries matches it with passion and enthusiasm.

In this kind of connection, Taurus tends to provide the wisdom of slowing down, reminding Aries to take in the little things in life. This pairing gets together to give each other advice from different perspectives, with Aries leaning more towards a motivational word of encouragement, while Taurus has no problem being straight up about ‘reality.’ 

Together, these two can get a lot done when it comes to being enterprising and resourceful, just as long as Aries doesn’t try to push the pace on where Taurus wants to go. 

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Aries + Gemini

Aries + Gemini

Of all the Fire and Air duos, Aries and Gemini can be one of the most fun. With a child-like curiosity for life – as well as the ability to take life in at a million miles an hour – these two keep up with each other in ways that make for incredible brainstorming sessions and an overall sense of fun.  As one of the few sign pairings that can actually hold the other’s attention, the compatibility between these two is incredibly warm, light and exciting.

When it comes to clear communication of needs, no one brings it out of Aries like Gemini can. That being said, this pairing is most likely to share the love language of endearing and affirming; constantly encouraging each other with love notes, compliments and affirmation. If Aries can relinquish their needs for pure autonomy, this partnership can last a lifetime.

Burnout between these two is not likely, though there is the capacity to feel ungrounded in the relationship. There will always be something to talk about, and both sides are generally happy to share honest and unfiltered opinions regarding each other’s lives. 

The most fun here is had when it comes to frivolous and lighthearted activities. Whether it’s in a familiar place where they know everyone, or in a brand new setting where they carry no agenda other than to explore and make experiences. 

Considering the curiosity and fleeting attention span of both signs, dull moments are few and far between.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Aries + Cancer

Aries + Cancer

In this connection we have the archetype of the child (Aries) with the archetype of the protective parental figure (Cancer). Considering the self-starting ‘cardinal’ nature of both signs, from the moment these two meet and establish connection, there’s likely to exist a sense of innocence or friendly affection. 

Following through and maintaining this connection is usually where the challenge presents itself, as Aries’ autonomous and direct nature tends to be at odds with Cancer’s manner of slowly opening up to others.

Overall this pairing is a comfortable one when the two take the time to understand that they are not that different, and when it comes to a need to feel taken care of. Although this may exist on varying levels. 

If Aries can acknowledge that Cancer’s strength is their sensitivity, there will be less obstacles in the connection. The two also share what can either look like an overbearing protective nature, or when channeled differently;  a passionate desire to be there for one another. 

The kind of friendship you’ll find between these two signs is sometimes one with a push-pull kind of dynamic. Aries is incredibly independent, which sometimes Cancer sees as wild and dangerous as the fire element they represent. There’s a lot of potential here for a friendship that is ‘safe.’  We could see Cancer seeking to keep Aries in check too often, or Aries shielding the emotionally sensitive Cancer to an unhealthy degree.

A healthy balance will be achieved when the two learn to embrace the unknowns,  allowing the other to live their life, mistakes and all… and simply enjoying the ride.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Aries + Leo

Aries + Leo

Wholly independent, yet no strangers to sparkling under the spotlight – Aries & Leo is a pairing that understands each other. As a fire + fire combo, the intensity and passion of either partner is going to be matched by the other. Both Aries and Leo require similar amounts of space and attention, and they’ll know how to (healthily) stroke the other’s ego in a way that promotes confidence and radiance.

This kind of pairing is passionate and dynamic. Nothing says head-over-heels like when these two decide to commit, as their chemistry is also fueled by the heat of their physical compatibility. 

As fantastic as this sounds, the Achilles heel here could be any hint of jealousy. While this could lead to either party getting burnt by the heat of misguided fury… remembering it’s “us together, versus the problem,” will elevate these two to power couple status.

Aries and Leo are like two suns in the same system, spinning in a fiery dance where their individual gravities become one. When it comes to taking action, giving compliments, and pursuing passions, these two are made for each other. 

In the unlikely event that they burn each other out, there will always be the potential to recharge and take life on with the same enthusiasm as the first time, every time.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Aries + Virgo

Aries + Virgo

As unlikely as this duo may seem, there’s a lot going for an Aries-Virgo pairing. The cardinal self-starting nature of Aries paired with the mutable and adaptable nature of Virgo makes for a productive and efficient connection where the combined drive, discipline and focus of these two can go far. 

Aries and Virgo learn a lot from each other, especially when they break through the barrier of judgment and instead, direct their talents toward solving the practical matters of life; and finding middle ground.

Fire + Earth signs are not always the most harmonious combination, so there are potential obstacles here. The foundation of this pairing will most likely be unmoving, built with practicality in mind. This could be an issue for Aries, who gets bored of routine… potentially stressing out stability-driven Virgo. For this reason: a healthy mix of routine and spontaneity is one of a few things that can keep this connection alive. 

Unless there’s an element of humor here to strengthen this connection, this pairing could also potentially fizzle out. That being said, a connection that doesn’t always reflect a vibe of ease and fun doesn’t mean there’s no connection at all. Virgo brings out Aries’ more mature, analytical side, slowing them down to a more focused and thoughtful state. In work contexts, this pairing can be particularly pleasant.


Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Aries + Libra

Aries + Libra

Ah, opposites. Just about everything there is to know about Aries is flipped in their opposing zodiac counterpart, Libra. Where the ram represents individuality and personal perspective, Libra is like the mirror of the zodiac, functioning best in good company. Together they balance each other out, but still have many differences that can break or make the connection. 

The yin to yang here is very real, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. Aries functions best alone, quickly and impulsively. Libra doesn’t. Most likely Aries will be the one taking charge in this pairing, making decisive moves and leading the duo into the sunset. If they don’t, they might feel frustrated with Libra’s passive and gentle approach to expressing (or indeed knowing) their true desires.

Still, these two can make very easy, chill and long lasting friends. The feeling of being around someone who sees things from a completely different (yet open) perspective is something both can appreciate. Here, friendly debates and deep introspective discussions are likely to be the bread and butter of keeping this connection strong. 

As the sign of ‘harmony,’ Libra knows just how to keep things calm, and is generally a master of relationships –  something Aries can benefit from. Again, a yin-yang kind of team.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice!