Scorpio’s December 2023 Forecast

Key themes: communication, presence, vulnerability, honesty, honoring your desires, following your intuition, uplifting your sense of self-worth, honoring your resources (tangible and intangible), coming out of your comfort zone, embarking on an adventure, healing through routine, commitment within partnership

Dear Scorpio,

The month of December begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn on the 1st, and you’ll want to get more serious about the messages you put out into the world. Look at how you communicate. Reach out to the people that have been on your mind. There can be gold even in the smallest of interactions, so remain present.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will enter the depths of your sign on the 4th, where it will be until the 29th. Your deepest desires are ready to surface. This is a time to be honest about what you want, from the smallest of delights, to the most vulnerable desires, like telling someone how you feel about them, or that you want to take the relationship to another level. Tell yourself the truth, go beyond the fears that keep you in doubt. Don’t be afraid to admit that you want something with all of your heart.

Neptune will go direct on the 6th in Pisces, where it has taken you for a wild ride when it comes to your creative energy and pursuits, as it has expanded your imagination and your ability to dream in ways you didn’t think were possible. There are still a couple more years of this left to go, so remember that there are no boundaries to your potential. Trust your instincts when it comes to your passion, trust your inner child, trust your heart and your intuition. It truly is guiding you towards the right path.

We have the New Moon in Sag on the 12th, at 6:32 pm EST, happening in your area of resources and self-worth. This is a reminder that we all deserve abundance. Never forget that you, your time, your energy, your efforts, and your talents are worth so much more than the price that capitalism and the labor market has set. Work on unraveling any beliefs of unworthiness. Look at your intangible resources, look at your innate talents and gifts, look at how you’ve cultivated and developed them. Allow yourself to experience them with great gratitude.

On the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde until January 1st, giving the end of 2023 a reflective mood. This time gives you a chance to bring more awareness to how you tend to become absent within your day-to-day surroundings. The first 10 days of this transit will be a time to practice being more present even in the most “automatic” and mundane of situations.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st, shining a light on the reflective journey that Mercury retrograde is taking you through. For you the end of the year is always about how you communicate (the power of your voice) and how you bring your presence into your daily activities (your ability to connect and not disconnect). This is an invitation to rid your daily duties of all the things that don’t matter or count for much. What a better way to come into 2024!

Then on the 23rd Mercury moves back into Sag, connecting you with the things that were going on during the last week of November surrounding your resources, material security and sense of self-worth, offering a deeper perspective.

On the 26th, we have the Full Moon in Cancer, becoming exact at 7:33 pm EST, shining a light on your spiritual and philosophical musings. The longing you hold to dedicate your life to something with greater meaning will be stirred up. What gives you purpose? What does your gut say? This is a time to stretch yourself. Listen to your intuition, what adventure does it want to embark on?

Also on the 26th, Chiron goes direct in Aries in your area of work routines and wellness practices. Remember to take inventory of your health and your habits. True healing and transformation isn’t about one huge shift, it’s in the little things, in the day-to-day, in the flow of life.

On the 29th, Venus will enter Sag, where it will be for the next 26 days, allowing you to find beautiful ways to nurture your sense of self-worth. You’ll want to be where things feel secure and steady. You’ll be more sensitive to the ones that provide these feelings of safety and warmth, helping you define who to let into your inner circle. It’ll also be a time where you’ll be able to tap into ways to monetize a talent that you’ve only been practicing for fun.

Jupiter will go direct in Taurus on the 30th, and things will keep shifting, expanding and becoming more evident within your partnerships. Take the leap, whether it’s confessing your love, coming into a great commitment, or parting ways. This is a great energy to close the year and to think about your New Year’s Resolutions.

2023 hasn’t been easy, personally or collectively, and 2024 will be a year of big shifts and revelations with Pluto moving into Aquarius. We are moving towards the world we want to see come true, and even if at times we may feel close to losing hope, we’ll all be creating the kinds of connections and communities where we feel more supported within our personal and collective dreams. Connection is what will create the possibilities that will overshadow the feelings of hopelessness.

As Mercury goes direct in Sag on the first day of 2024, start the year with this mantra “I respect my talents. I know my value, and I act accordingly. I take control of my finances, and make a plan where my resources can go towards manifesting my dreams. I come into empowering collaborations where healthy boundaries are maintained”.

Scorpio’s November 2023 Forecast

Key themes: embracing your inner child, rest and renewal, vulnerability, finances, honing your craft, recognizing and uplifting your worth, honoring your magic and your healing power

Dear Scorpio, we may all still be feeling a bit jet lagged from the eclipse season. What hunger have you been left with when it comes to connection and partnership? You know that you don’t want to get into just any relationship in order to not feel alone. So, remember to listen carefully to what your body, your mind and your intuition are trying to tell you when it comes to going into a deeper commitment.

November arrives with Saturn shifting to go direct on the 4th in the ethereal sign of Pisces. This is happening in your area of creative self-expression, where for the past months you’ve been looking into your need to commit to a life of more enjoyment, where being goofy is embraced, where your inner child can feel more at ease, and where leisure time isn’t frowned upon. You know that discipline and fun don’t have to live in separate worlds. You know that when you make space to merge these two aspects of life you begin to cultivate a life with less burnout.

On the 8th, Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will leave Virgo to enter its home sign of Libra, where it will be until December 4th. Happening in the deepest area of your chart, you’re being invited to spend more time in the dark, renewing your energy, connecting with your inner world, allowing what needs to go to die off. Even at work, if you can find at least one minute to pause, close your eyes and breathe deep, it will really help you to decompress. Don’t rush into a new partnership during this time. It’s a time to let go of a lot of relationship baggage so you can begin to embrace a new you once Venus enters your sign.

On the 10th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication and Exchange, will enter the wisdom-seeking sign of Sag, where it will be until December 1st. As this happens in the area of your chart that rules your physical world and your sense of self worth, move towards the things that help ground you. Do more of whatever calms your nervous system, and more of what enhances your ability to feel secure within your body and your psyche. This is always a good time to check in on your finances as your mind will be sharper when it comes to bringing more in, and you’ll most likely be wiser when it comes to distributing what you’ve got.

The New Moon in your sign is happening on the 13th, exact at 4:27 am EST, emphasizing the energy you’ve been swimming in since the Sun began to shine on your journey of self-discovery on October 23rd. You know the courage it takes to renew, to transform, to say goodbye to what has held you together until now, to shed your skin and to vulnerably become anew. Be with this process, go as deep as you need to, use your magic to cast spells that help rid yourself of the fear that wants to get in the way.

On the 22nd, we move into Sag Season, as the Sun comes out of your sign and shifts into the sign of the Centaur, and Mars follows its lead on the 24th, remaining in the sign of Sag until January 4th. This happens in the area of your life that has to do with your sustenance and your values. Your resources and your connection to pleasure will be highlighted. This is a call for action. It’s time to believe in your ability to sustain yourself and the ones that depend on you abundantly. Dare to make the transformations that you know are necessary for this to happen, even if it may bring some initial discomfort. Trust that it’ll be worth it in the long run.

The Full Moon in Gemini is happening on the 27th, exact at 4:16 am EST, in your area of intimacy, collaborations and shared resources. This is an invitation to tap into the strength that’s available in vulnerability. Remember that you are a master at this. Remember that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, it’s just that yours isn’t a brute force. Your strength is energetic, it resides in the realm of magnetism. It’s deep, and it knows how to wait as long as necessary for the exact right moment. It’s about deep transformative healing. Remember that there’s also great strength in allowing yourself to be held and to be helped.

I’ll leave you with a poem from Nayyirah Waheed that says: “your heart is the softest place on earth. take care of it.”

Scorpio’s October 2023 Forecast

Key themes: releasing outdated narratives, community and service, cultivating healthy routines, learning how to choose your battles and to preserve your energy, trusting and accompanying life and your processes, getting clear about your needs and desires within your partnerships

Dear Scorpio, the month of October comes with a call to tend to the voices within. We all carry narratives that stem from our pain and our fears, narratives that drain us when we don’t work on ways of countering or releasing them. As Mercury will be in Libra transiting your unconscious mind until the 22nd, give yourself the chance to have a conversation with those narratives. Become curious about them. Ask them why they’re there, and what they’re trying to protect. Maybe they don’t know that it’s time to go or to transform. Maybe they don’t know that they’re no longer helping, but hindering your growth.

On the 8th, Venus will enter Virgo, pulling your focus towards service. You’ll feel more social, and you’ll want to hang out more with your friends and them with you. But your drive towards your community will be more about how you can help them thrive than about just having fun. Finding ways to connect with others around a greater purpose is what will light you up and fill your heart.

Pluto is going direct, where it will make its last stretch through Capricorn before heading back into Aquarius in January. You’ve been learning to draw boundaries, even when it feels near impossible to do. Keep honoring and respecting that. Not just when it comes to people and situations that disrupt your space. But also regarding the structures that organize your day. Empower yourself through cultivating routines that feel healthy.

On the 12th, Mars will enter its home sign of Scorpio, helping us all get deep and serious about the pursuit of our goals. Choose your battles, honor your rhythm, go as slow or as fast as you need to, preserve your energy. Let go of the expectations that society places over you and decide what a win means for you. Being your own number one supporter isn’t about all the noise you make, but about finding your own way towards fulfillment and wellbeing.

Eclipse Season is back, as we welcome the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra becoming exact at 1:55pm on the 14th. This Eclipse happens in the deepest part of your chart, revealing the ways in which you’ve been learning —through your body and its instincts, not through the intellectual mind— that you have no control over what comes your way. This Eclipse is connecting you with the natural knowledge you hold for taking the energies that have the power to drain us and transforming them into energy you can use, that can be productive and empowering. This is a time to bring awareness to the stories of struggle you carry deep inside that hold you down. It’s time to transform them into something you can use for your own progress and wellbeing and that of your community.

We welcome Scorpio Season, with Mercury entering Scorpio on the 22nd, followed by the Sun on the 23rd. This is your time of the year. Know that the seeds that you are planting already contain all of the magic that will come from them. You don’t have to force life and its processes, focus on creating the necessary environment for things to take root, grow and develop. This is a time for care and trust.

The month of October comes to an end with the second Eclipse of the Season, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, becoming exact at 4:24 pm on the 28th. It’s ok to need acceptance, recognition and affection. This does not make you weak, it makes you human. You may be ready to break free from the connections that aren’t fulfilling these needs —in healthy ways, in empowering ways. Get clear about what you want and need within your connections. What you’re willing to give and what is non-negotiable. Be brutally lovingly honest with yourself and the ones you love. This is how you create unwavering bonds.

Scorpio’s September 2023 Forecast

Key themes: being intentional about connecting with your co-conspirators, meaningful conversations, believing in yourself and your dreams even when things seem hopeless, sacrificing small pleasures for what’s truly important

Dear Scorpio,
You’ve most likely been going through a cosmic reunion through your communities and your dreams with Mercury retrograding through your social circles, your hopes and your visions for the future. This is a nice time to have meaningful and dreamy conversations with your co-conspirators. Although misunderstandings are a possibility, don’t let this trip you up too much. Give it time, hold space for things to be processed internally, and revisit any conversations or lingering conflicts once Mercury stations to go direct again on the 15th.

Venus is finally stationing to go direct on the 3rd, after having taken you on a ride during the past 40 days through your professional and public spheres, inviting you to reclaim the parts of you that are yearning to shine out in the world. Things will still be falling into place until October 7th when Venus comes out of its post-retrograde shadow phase, but this is a good time to ask yourself and to reflect on how your work pace and how you present yourself to the world has been shifting. How would you like to keep bringing more sweetness and nourishment into your professional life? And how do you feel that your values can become more aligned with the work that you do out in the world?

The next day, on the 4th, Jupiter will station to go retrograde for what is left of the year. Jupiter is currently transiting your area of committed relationships, bringing support, ease, expansion and opportunities into your love life and your one-on-one relationships. These next four months of Jupiter’s retrograde motion will be about reevaluating how you want to tend to your partnerships and work toward establishing a more stable and sturdy foundation from which to grow together.
On the 6th, Mercury will enter the heart of the Sun during its retrograde motion, shining some clarity on the connections where there is no longer space to grow, and making more room for the alliances where you can help to make each other stronger.

We have the New Moon in Virgo on the 14th, at 9:40 pm EST, inviting you to commit to the communities that inspire you to keep expanding your knowledge of life and the world. Surround yourself with those that surprise you with their insights and their humanity. There’s nothing more inspiring than being part of a group that helps you keep hope alive. Make sure you’re investing your time and your energy in the ones that invest theirs in you.

On the next day, the 15th, Mercury will station to go direct, and things will begin to speed up a bit. Any feeling of hopelessness or pessimism regarding the future will begin to loosen up little by little and you’ll be able to have clearer vision when looking forward, until the 29th where we’ll all be more in the clear once the post-retrograde period is over.

We welcome Libra Season on the 23rd, shining a light on your inner world. You’re being redirected within and towards all of the behind the scenes work that needs to get done. Don’t be afraid to say no to one or more invitations. Your attention needs to go towards what matters most, and it’s important not to invest so much energy in unproductive exchanges. You know what you need to do, and it most likely needs to be done on your own. Rest and retreat will be key during the following month.

On the 29th, we will have the Full Moon in Aries at 5:57 am EST, and for you this will be a time of release. Scorpios get a bad rap, but y’all are the guardians of darkness, the ones that know how to hold what is way too hard for the rest of us to handle. That’s a lot, that’s intense, and I want to thank you for the energetic work you do. This is the time to honor what you’ve been hard at work honing, and to give yourself the chance just let go, to let it come through. This can be so healing for you and for the rest of us. No matter if it comes out all sweet and nourishing, or it comes in the form of tough love, don’t limit what wants to shine through. And if you’re under a lot of pressure right now to get things done, promise me that you’ll give yourself a break when needed. Restoration is essential for what you need to do during this time.

Scorpio’s August 2023 Forecast

Key themes: acknowledging and nurturing your non-negotiable needs, respecting your rhythm, owning your self-expression, aligning with the ones that resonate on a core level, rest and retreat, getting things done behind closed doors

Dear Scorpio, we kick the month of August off with the Full Moon in Aquarius becoming exact at 2:31 pm EST, on the 1st. This happens in your area of home, family and foundation, lighting up your inner realms. What would you like to improve when it comes to the quality of your home base? How much does your space allow for relaxation, nurturing and renewal? What are your needs that aren’t up for negotiation? This Moon is inviting you to settle into yourself. Give yourself more of what grounds you, feeds you, and keeps you feeling connected to your inner world. Connect to the intuition that’s informing you about what helps you find balance between your professional and emotional goals.

Venus will be retrograde throughout all of the month of August and into the first days of September. This is an event that happens once every 18 months, and brings with it a deeper understanding to what we want from our relationships, how our current relationships are flowing and how open we are to intimacy. This 40 day transit is happening in Leo in your area of professional aspirations and long-term goals. Everyone’s road to success is unique. Venus is reminding you about this. Venus wants you to validate your own progress and your own pace. Don’t think you have to move faster or do more in order to fit into a pace that’s unhealthy because you think this is what makes you valid and productive. Capitalism goes against self-care. And I know that it’s easier said than done. But accepting our limits and coming into a nurturing work pace can prove to be a truly radical act.

On the 16th, we have the New Moon in Leo, highlighting this Venus retrograde process. This will be an especially intense Moon, as it will also be conjunct Black Moon Lilith and square Uranus. You’re being reminded that your creative self-expression cannot be separate from your work in the world. No matter the line of work that you’re currently in, you’re putting something out into the world. If you’re feeling depressed with this life path, and how much space you have to bring your passion and your fire into it, it may be time to think how you can begin to do so, or how you can begin to manifest a new path for yourself.

Welcome Virgo season! The Sun will be shining a light on the people that you’re aligning with on a core level. Life’s already too complicated for you to continue to hang out with people that dim your light. You love yourself too much to keep wasting your energy on the connections that don’t offer you space to express your truth. Mercury also goes retrograde here in Virgo on the same day, the 23rd, inviting you to reconsider the goals and expectations you hold yourself to, and to observe the ways in which you compare yourself to your communities.

On the 27th, Mars shifts from Virgo to Libra, entering the deepest area of your chart. You’re tired. Prioritize rest. Real, deep rest, not the kind where you give yourself space but are tormenting yourself about it and thinking about all the things you have to get done. Retreating for a couple of weeks can help you get the pause you need in order to carefully work out your game plan. This won’t be easy. But try and cultivate the patience needed in order to conserve your energy and keep your plans and actions to yourself for now.

On the next day, Uranus will be going into its yearly retrograde phase for the next 5 months. Are you honoring your needs, no matter how unconventional they may seem, especially when it comes to your one-on-one relationships? Honor those new forms of connection that feel right.

We end the month of August with the Full Moon in the sign of Pisces becoming exact at 9:35 pm EST, on the 30th. This happens in your area of creative self-expression, fun and romance, inviting you to deepen your relationship to release. Whether that means putting the finishing touches on a creative project, or just softening, letting go and allowing yourself a good time. Acknowledge and celebrate your creative growth. You’re defying your inner critic by allowing your creative self-expression to shine through. And you’re also defying it by giving into the release of leisure.

The north node in Aries and the south node in Libra have been settling into your area of work and health routines and your area of unconscious patterns, respectively. You can gain the direction you’re looking for by getting things done without working yourself to exhaustion. Be extra aware of not getting so deep into your work and your health routines that it ends up turning into escapism or isolation. Find balance when you feel you’ve gone to an extreme.

Scorpio’s July 2023 Forecast

Key themes: how you speak to yourself, community, putting yourself out there, daily rituals, health, your voice.

Dear Scorpio, the month of July begins by bringing focus to your schedule, errands and messages with the Full Moon in Capricorn becoming exact on the 3rd at 7:38 am EST. Try to remain present in your day-to-day, things may speed up as your calendar fills up. Prioritize. Schedule some time to rest and recenter. Pay attention to your inner dialogues. Become conscious of whatever leads you towards fear or shame, and make less space for it by cranking up the volume on your inner wisdom. Also, remember to make space for the rituals that soothe and center you, as they can help you remain present and connected to your self-worth.

When Mars enters Virgo on the 10th, it will activate your communal spaces, friend groups, networks and collectives for the next month and a half. You will be tapping into what moves you to bond with certain groups. It’s likely that you’ll be moving towards the ones where you’re called to take action around a purpose or a cause. Make sure that your actions aren’t influenced by peer pressure. Trust yourself to take action when it feels right.

On the 11th, we have another shift in energy when Mercury moves into Leo in your area of long-term goals and professional pursuits, activating you to ponder about the mark you want to leave in the world. This will be an ideal time to showcase yourself and your talents by updating your resume, social media account, and/or website. This is a fake-it-til-you-make-it kind of time, a time to talk yourself up because people are going to be paying special attention for the next two and a half weeks.

As the North Node enters Aries for the next 18 months on the 17th, inviting you to bring your heart, soul and spirit into your work, your professional projects, and your daily routines. This will be a time to reconfigure the work and health rituals that have proven to be inefficient. What kind of nourishment is your professional life in need of? The inner work that you do during this time will realign you with the work you most want to do in the world.

The Sun enters the passionate sign of Leo on the 22nd, shining a light on your long-term goals and professional pursuits. Venus goes retrograde on the same day, and will be in backwards motion for the next six weeks. What will come up for review will have to do with the parts of you that don’t get a chance to shine —and are craving to— within your professional life. This is a time to validate your own success even when others don’t offer you this validation. You’re the only one who knows everything you need to go through in order to be present for your work day.

On the next day, Chiron goes retrograde in Aries in your area of health and routines. This time will be about finding a daily structure and rituals that bring more overall health to your life and your body. You’re being encouraged to take the initiative in your own self-recovery.

Pluto will find itself right in the middle between the North and South Node on the 23rd, 25th and 28th. Here Pluto is serving as a link between the past and the future, pointing towards what we need to let go of in order to move forward. Pluto is inviting you to let your voice and your truth shine through. If you have a writing, podcast or reporting project, think about what you’re not saying that you’d like to be talking about. If you’ve been meaning to start a project like this, you’ll certainly have the inspiration you need to take the first step.

On the 28th, Mercury will enter Virgo, inviting you to look into the ways you may be comparing yourself with your friends and the ones that are a part of your communities and networks. What expectations are you holding yourself to? How much of this has to do with what others are doing and what they think you should be doing? And how much of it has to do with your true desires and what you stand for?