KnowAries December ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Clarity, communication, self-empowerment, overcoming self-limitation

What a year, Aries.

December offers you a powerful chance to take all your growth and lessons of the year – and channel them directly into new seeds, tangible goals, actions and steps so that the next twelve months are even richer. With focus, awareness and intention – you’ll be able to make incredible moves this month.

The month kicks off with Neptune going direct in its home sign (Pisces) on December 3rd. For you, this activates your sector of spiritual connection, gifting you with a sense of clarity and perhaps even some loud divine intervention.

Perfect timing, as just a few days later Mercury enters the go-getter sign that is Capricorn on December 6th. This will add a layer of clarity, assertiveness and focus to your thoughts and communication style. It will be an excellent time to discuss, negotiate or commence new plans and projects.

The very next day a Full Moon in Gemini will be illuminating your sector of communication as well. All of the above is a strong prompt from the universe to speak up. If there’s anything that needs to be expressed from new ideas, your needs or expectations – now is the time.

As the first sign of the Zodiac, you do have a tendency to be a bit of a lone wolf at times Aries – but there is a reminder this month that you can’t always do it alone. Sometimes collaboration is simply a way of speeding up the process of manifestation.

On December 20th, Jupiter, otherwise known as the planet of abundance, luck, synchronicity and expansion – is entering your powerful sign. This is as good as it sounds, and you might just feel like you’re receiving a hug from the universe.

Because Jupiter is also direct, you may notice an increase in lucky breaks and opportunities. If this is the case, of course use your discernment, but stay open to the idea of radical changes. It might just be what’s needed!

Plus, Capricorn season beginning the next day (Dec 21st) reminds you that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

This sense of empowerment will be heightened on December 23rd when Chiron, the asteroid of our deepest wounding, ends its retrograde in your sign. This huge energy has the potential to alleviate self-inflicted limitations and sore spots. If you tap into it, by learning about your Chiron placement (by house and sign), this may just be a time of deep catharsis and emotional release. Because it’s in your sign this is particularly strong for you Aries. So, notice what’s been hurting and spend time in self-reflection. Here, you may just receive the solace that you’ve been seeking.

(Tip: KTZ does offer a wonderful Chiron guide, written by yours truly.)

A Capricorn new moon the very same day will ground the feeling that anything is possible for you Aries. You’ll always have hiccups and challenges (Mercury Retrograde begins Dec 29th) because such is life… but you always have the potential to rise and soar above them.

Thank you for being with us this year Aries, and see you on the other side.

KnowAries November ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Self-transformation, underlying dynamics, adventure, finding meaning

Aries, Scorpio season is notoriously known for being intense, but with some extra awareness you’ll find November to be one of the most expansive and transformative months of the year. It will also be one of the deepest!

On November 8th we have another Eclipse with the Full Moon in Taurus. This potent energy connects to the journey which began with the last eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio. You’ll be looking at themes of health, truth and self-growth. This will be a powerful time to pay close attention to the psychosomatic (or mind-body) connection. It’s no secret that heavy emotions can manifest as density in the body, and practices like yoga and exercise can be helpful for getting everything flowing healthily again. Remember the saying ‘your body is a temple?’ This is your mantra for this eclipse Aries.

With the Sun in Scorpio for most of the month (up until Nov 22nd), there will be a magnifying glass on your inner world, processes and psyche. More than that, you’ll be noticing extra dynamics and layers within relationships and the world around you. People may be saying one thing, while they mean another. Frenemies can become glaringly obvious in Scorpio season, and as uncomfortable as this can be – see it as a gift. Aries, the truth will always prevail, and the sharper your antennas are for it, the quicker you can get there.

Venus enters fiery Sagittarius on November 16th, followed shortly after by Mercury (November 17th). This energy is going to feel so comforting for you as a fellow fire sign Aries. We’ve had some pretty watery vibes going on, with Scorpio season and Jupiter heading back into Pisces. Veils have been thinned, and emotions right up there at the surface. Yet, this Sagittarian energy is going to warm everything up. You’ll likely feel this as a renewed sense of physical energy, momentum and excitement towards life.

The above themes will be furthered with the sun entering Sagittarius on November 22. This transit activates your sector of adventure, life purpose and meaning. If there was a time to make travel plans, it would be now. The Sagittarius New Moon the very next day (Nov 23) provides the perfect time to dream, plan and visualize your next steps. The sky’s the limit with this kind of New Moon, which is generally one of the most magical of the year.

The flavors of synchronicity and ease that come with this month’s New Moon are going to be deepened by Jupiter going direct in the sign of ethereal Pisces (November 23rd). Pisces, amongst other things – reflects concepts of existentialism and spiritual connection. If you tap into the energy of this auspicious day, you’ll likely be able to feel a deep sense of surrender, comfort and the sensation of being truly carried by the universe. November can be one of the most magical months of this year Aries. With only two more to go, make it count!

KnowAries October ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Clarity, getting back on track, transformation, self-care

Aries, if September felt a little bumpy, October is likely going to feel like a breath of fresh air for you. A full moon in your sign, a whole bunch of retrogrades going direct, and a powerful eclipse in your sector of transformation… this is big!

The start of the month sees Mercury ending its retrograde (October 2nd), and stationing direct in Virgo. This takes place in your sector of wellbeing and daily routine, meaning it will be an incredible time to begin planning, organizing and generally decluttering your life. If you feel like the pace has been a little too fast as of late, now’s the time to slow things down and to get clear on your unique – and clearly defined – vision.

Just a few days later (October 8th), Pluto (the ruler of the subconscious) goes direct bring waves of clarity, peace and ease. This retrograde tends to shake up our fears and triggers, so reflect on what you’ve learned in the past months – and release anything that feels redundant. Exploring your grudges, jealousy, resentment and all that other stuff that’s easier to ignore, will be one of the most healing and transformative things you can do. Speaking of transformation, the very next day we have a full moon in your sign! This auspicious day (and days surrounding) is one to deeply honor yourself, and the journey you’re on Aries. If you feel to, journaling or other self-reflective exercises will be particularly clarifying around now! Have a think about all you’re grateful for, and what you’re ready to let go of during this next lunar cycle.

Saturn going direct on October 23 is going to make life feel that much more seamless. Obstacles may suddenly turn into blessings, and more clarity and ease will be felt – particularly when it comes to spheres like work and finances. Because this activates your sector of networking and community, this could be a cool time to enter a collaboration or new project. Stay open to new opportunities where you might be working with new people – there’s a fresh new energy here that’s full of potential.

On October 25th we’re experiencing a solar eclipse in the powerful sign of Scorpio. Because this is a ‘south-nodal’ eclipse, it could be an intense one. This kind of signature usually points to hidden shadows and repressed dynamics rising to the surface. Because eclipses affect the whole collective, be mindful of the kind of energy you’re taking in around this time. If the news makes you feel drained and terrible, switch it off for a while! That’s not selfish or cruel – nor instigates you don’t care – it’s simply self-care for yourself.

October 30th launches a new chapter of learning with Mars (which is your planetary ruler) going retrograde in Gemini until January 13 of next year. There’s no need to get too concerned with the retrograde doom and gloom, this will simply be a portal for self-reflection and growth. Because it activates your sector of mental processing, this will be a time to pay close attention to the nature of your thoughts, beliefs, and way of communicating. What no longer aligns with the person you’ve become? Maybe that’s self-critical thoughts, or a fear in vocally asserting your boundaries. Aries, working with themes over the next months will allow you to glow as the strong and beautiful being that you are!

KnowAries September ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Choices, healing relationships, decision making, spiritual connection

Aries, September has the potential to significantly change the trajectory of your life. On the 5th, we see Venus entering the sign of Virgo. As well as ruling love and beauty, Venus also reflects our value systems and quality of life. As it enters earthy Virgo, there’s a theme of ‘refinement’ that comes up for the month. This will be a time where you begin noticing what aspects of your life uplift you, and which ones do the opposite.

With the Sun in Virgo until September 22, there will generally be strong lessons around the theme of discernment: of always making the best and highest choices for yourself, at all times.
This is the month for letting go of anything less than what you deserve. Aries, this could look like less mindless scrolling and more meditating, less alcohol and more water – and so on.
Tip: make healthy choices now, so you’re not forced to, later on!

September 6th is going to again bring out the necessity of better decision making, with the Lunar North Node in Taurus coming into a tension with Chiron in your sign. Chiron is all about our deepest wounds, and the North Node in Taurus reflects the path towards your future life. Aries, you could feel this planetary signature as sadness, overwhelm or frustration. Around this time, it’s important to be extra gentle with yourself. Rather than trying to distract yourself from the issues and feelings of ‘stagnancy’ in your life – sit with them and feel them. Then from there, reflect on what you do have the power to change.

September 9th marks the beginning of Mercury retrograde in your opposite sign of Libra. Retrogrades always mark a time of re-evaluating areas of our lives. For you Aries this retrograde highlights your sector of relationships. With the overarching theme of Choices this month, you’re being invited to assess who you’re spending time and energy on.
Have you found a healthy balance between giving and receiving? Are your intimacy needs being met? This retrograde is going to bring all kinds of epiphanies on these fronts, so stay tuned.

This month’s full Moon in Pisces on September 10th is going to bring back an influx of magic and spiritual connection to your life Aries. While there’s a lot going on in your spheres of practicality and 3-dimensional matters, this Moon is going to evoke a sense of balance – by activating your sector of spiritual meaning. This will be a powerful time to tune into the truth of your inner world; spend time in self-reflection, journaling, or meditation. Pay close attention to your own intuitive guidance. You also might be feeling more sensitive to the energy of others around this time, so be mindful of making plans.

Besides, the month takes a significantly more social turn with Libra Season beginning on September 22nd, and a Libra New Moon on 25th. Aries, with your sector of relationships and socializing activated, you’ll be feeling more inclined towards reaching out to others. If you’ve been out of the dating world for a while, this might be your ticket back in. Regardless, this moon’s vibes bring about a sense of playfulness to the week. Enjoy!

KnowAries August ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Self-reflection, thinking before acting, shifting global landscapes, love

Aries, with Jupiter and Chiron retrograde in your sign… the month of August may not have the same fiery flare of momentum that’s been consistent within other years. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing by any means – and the month will still likely carry a sense of reassuring warmth.

We’ve just had a major collective conjunction where your planetary ruler (Mars) met with Uranus on the lunar north node. This meeting created quite a portal of evolution – that will last for the first few weeks of August. It evoked an energy of letting go of the past, South Node energies. That means any restrictions, limitations, or beliefs that have been holding you back… as well as stepping into new, expansive and innovative ways of improving your overall quality of life.

Aries, the slower pace of August will actually benefit you in integrating the subtle transformations taking place on an energetic level. It will also be a time for self-reflection, lots of hydration, as well as conscious action. With the key word here being: Conscious. Mercury entering Virgo on August 4th means you’ll naturally be feeling a little more analytical, and weighing up the pros and cons in your decision making process.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 11th will cultivate and expand a similar energy… where all of a sudden life feels a little less personal – and like more of a chemical reaction. Aries, the beautiful thing is that you see life through this lens of objectivity every now and then, it can become easier to add and subtract elements in order to create your dream formula. Venus in Leo from the 11th will evoke the typical Leo Season vibes, as well as a feeling of warmth, and celebratory beauty. This could lead to some spontaneous and heart-felt demonstrations, and it could be a time to open your heart up to love and meeting someone new, if you feel so inclined!

Yet when the sun enters Virgo on the 22nd, you’ll be shifting your approach from the wider picture into a much more micro vantage point. There are benefits to this, and it’s kind of perfect timing… because on the 24th, a Uranus retrograde through Taurus will be shaking up realms of finance, resources, and abundance across the world. Stay tuned for any big global shifts around currency, agriculture, and economies, because this is the planetary signature for it. It’s not a time to make any rash decisions, but to rather observe and remain adaptable. As a global collective, we’re shifting landscapes within 2022, and you’ll do well to reflect this in your choices Aries.

The New Moon on the 27th reinforces this idea of waiting, before acting. Gestures don’t need to be grand, impulsive or radical for them to make a difference, or to evoke a change. Rather this month, you’ll be learning the wisdom of tweaking and building your life one tiny detail and brick at a time.

KnowAries July ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Slowing down, nurturing your inner world, self-reflection

Aries, with your planetary ruler (Mars) leaving your sign to enter Taurus, the month’s theme of ‘slowing down’ will be immediately felt.

This slowing down is compounded by an inward shift, as Mercury enters the watery sign of Cancer. Here, your emotions might start to feel more heightened or present than usual.

Because Mercury rules communication as well as mental processing, you’re invited into a place of emotional authenticity. If it feels aligned: share and connect with others, about what’s going on in your inner world. Remember – feeling emotional does not indicate anything other than the fact that you’re connected to yourself!

Around and on July 13th, you might notice the theme of emotions versus practical logic further arising, with a Full Moon in Capricorn. Here, a Capricorn Moon and Cancer Sun oppose each  other – highlighting a need for balance between the two. This Full Moon will be a good time to reflect on how you can take practical steps towards building the life of your dreams… all the while honoring your emotional needs.

On July 19th, your needs may become a little more outwardly-oriented, as Mercury enters the fiery sign of Leo. This transit, as well as Leo season (which begins on the 22nd) invites you back into center-stage. You’ll likely start feeling more expressive and inspired. The sky’s the limit with the Sun in its home sign!

Yet, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Neptune is still retrograde, and on July 19th Chiron – the asteroid of our deepest wounding begins its retrograde through your sign. Aries, have you ever felt like there’s an ongoing sore spot in your life? That would be Chiron energy.

This asteroid plays a unique role in our lives and astrological journeys. As we understand this energy, we move closer towards self-love and acceptance. This Chiron retrograde (particularly as it’s through your sign), will be a time to pay close attention to your trigger points Aries. You might start remembering experiences where you’ve been hurt, so make space for that. Be gentle with yourself – this is Step One on any path to healing.

July 25th brings another retrograde, as the partnership asteroid Juno starts to turn our relationships on their heads. Don’t be alarmed: this will simply be a time to notice any relationship imbalances between giving and receiving – as well as sovereignty versus togetherness. It’ll be a good time to have some important conversations, to set boundaries and get clear on whether you and your intimate connections are on the same page.The theme of boundary setting to honor oneself – fits nicely with the Leo New Moon on July 28th. This New Moon is all about celebrating yourself Aries; celebrating your journey here and the life you’ve created.