KnowAries June ’23 Scope

Key themes: Alignment and purpose, honoring impulses, self-prioritization, emotional processing

Aries, Jupiter is officially in Taurus and the world’s going to feel a little different for it. You may have noticed an increasing collective awareness around what abundance and wealth really mean – as well as how those definitions are different for each of us. June is going to be a month of finding clarity, as well as connection to your true self – both of which will help you answer the above definitions for yourself.

June 1st kicks us off with an auspicious planetary conversation. Jupiter is meeting the lunar north node in the sign of Taurus. Because Jupiter tends to expand all it touches, while the North Node reflects a pull towards the future… consider this an acceleration portal. Pay attention to any opportunities, impulses or triggers that arise. They might just be signals for your inner compass!

A few days later we have our first full moon of the month in Sagittarius (June 3rd). Sag energy always lights you up Aries. As a fellow fire-sign, its momentum-loving, purposeful and independent vibes are easy to resonate with. Because this moon activates your sector of adventure, you might be feeling more impulsive than usual. Lean into spontaneity where it feels aligned and see where it takes you. As they say, fortune favors the bold.

Speaking of bold, we have Venus (planet of love, values and beauty) entering Leo on June 5th. Venus has fun, in the sign of romance, pleasure and play. You might notice (particularly with Mars still in Leo) a stronger desire for self-prioritization. If so, honor it. It’s your life Aries, and Venus in Leo reminds you that you’re allowed to take up as much space as you want. Big main character energy.

June 17th initiates a slightly more somber tone with Saturn beginning its retrograde through Pisces. Saturn rules all things tradition, time, structure and authority. It’s sort of that one harsh (but secretly loving) teacher that pushes you in order to succeed. Its retrograde through Pisces will take on a specifically existential flavor (particularly for you, whose sector of spirituality is activated). It’ll be a powerful time to ask some big questions about what success means to you. How much has been defined by you, versus what you were told? What are you working towards in this life? And are your actions and efforts aligning with your real dreams? Saturn also rules conditioning – which makes this portal one to examine any limiting beliefs.

And what better way to ground in new, healthier beliefs, than a Gemini New Moon the very next day. Here, why not make some intentions for the next lunar cycle? Pick three words to conclude the sentence: “in this next month I want to intentionally cultivate…”

Three days later we continue the inward vibes with the official start of Cancer season (June 21st). This season activates your sector of home, belonging and emotional processing – meaning if there were ever a time to look at your feels, this would be it. Be mindful of extra sensitivities, and be gentle with yourself. When you’re processing inner emotions or energies – remember they’re not always visible to other people. In other words, it’s up to you to carve out the space and time to process what is happening. Find pockets of external peace for yourself Aries, so you can thrive on your inner healing journey.

KnowAries May ’23 Scope

Key Themes: Boundary setting, self-discovery, your inner world, health, honoring comfort

Aries, we’ve just wrapped up your season, launching you into a fresh chapter and solar cycle. What the next twelve months feel like is up to you – and that might feel either exciting or daunting. In the month of May, the universe wants to remind you that often: moving past your fear threshold to step into something new, will bring growth and opportunity. Sometimes, getting past that fear point is a cosmic test as to whether you’re ready for bigger and better things. You might not feel like you’re ready to level up, but if life is pulling you in that direction, then there’s no question that you are. Tip: don’t take nervousness as a signal that something is not meant for you. More often, it’s part of the natural process of moving into alignment with a soul desire.

That being said, May isn’t exactly a month for making impulsive decisions. Ruled by Mars, I know it’s kind of your thing Aries… but a certain degree of slowness, sensitivity and inwardness will be rewarded over the next four weeks. Afterall, it is Taurus season. Plus, we are in a Mercury Retrograde (also in the sign of Taurus). This retrograde may feel like life is on pause, or at least moving in slow motion. While you naturally might be getting a little restless, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to deepen your connection to yourself, and your inner world.

This idea is supported on May 1st, where we have Pluto retrograde beginning through the sign of Aquarius (this will remain the case until October 10th). Pluto is a particularly powerful symbol in astrology. This planet rules our subconscious fears, transmutation and evolution. Pluto retrogrades can kind of be likened to cleaning out the bottom of a pond. They tend to bring skeletons out of the closet, and this can take place on collective and personal levels.
Aries, because this transit activates your sector of community – you’ll likely start noticing some less-than-desired dynamics within social settings, group dynamics or broader society. This could also mean shadow aspects within yourself, and in the ways that you interact with others.

The very next day (May 2nd), lighter vibes emerge with Jupiter (planet of luck and expansion) in your sign forming a harmonious connection with Neptune. You might experience this as a burst of good luck, something falling into place, or an opportunity finally coming through. It’ll be a good day to shoot your shot, whatever that means for you.

On May 5th, the month’s key Astro event unfolds, with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Because it takes place in your sector or transformation, be prepared for shocks, twists and surprises. All Eclipse seasons tend to turn things on their head, but with this one being in Scorpio that’s turned up into high gear. You can almost guarantee this eclipse will catalyze some deep internal changes and healing processes. If so, be sure to give yourself the breathing space to process. There’s a lot of watery energy being activated in your chart inviting you into your depths and to get seriously reacquainted with your feelings, motivations, fears and desires.

On May 14th, the month takes more of a three-dimensional focus, with Mercury retrograde ending (in Taurus), and Jupiter entering Taurus two days later. A New Moon (also in Taurus!) follows three days later, on May 19th. Aries, these planetary movements are going to activate your sector of health, nourishment and wealth. In other words: it’s time to tune into the wisdom of your body and five senses. You’re specifically being invited to remember the importance of comfort, in allowing your nervous system to calm and move out of a fight-or-flight state. Find activities places that calm and soothe your mind. This might mean traveling to a body of water (even a bath), walking through nature, doing guided meditations, or reading. How can you bring your inner world into a completely chilled out state? Doing so for an hour at least every couple of days is going to bring you more health, vitality, and creative force than you’ve ever imagined. Good luck!

KnowAries April ’23 Scope

Key Themes: Celebration, simplifying, honoring the five senses, strengthening your spiritual chord, alchemy

Aries, the Sun’s dance through your sign means that we’re officially in your season for the bulk of April, and in divine resonance, it looks like it’ll be a beautiful month. The cosmos has been busy with some highly potent transits taking place at the end of last month, such as Pluto’s shift out of Capricorn (where it’s been for the last 15 years), into Aquarius (where it’ll stay for the next two decades). The planet of deep healing and fear, reminds us that when we try to ignore, reject or suppress that which scares us… it falls into our subconscious (Pluto) and influences our actions from there.

The reverberation of this is going to be felt for months, and because this is a collective transit, you’ll start noticing some big shifts in the behavior of our global family. Now in Aquarius, we’ll see Pluto raising the shadow sides of this sign. Think: hive mind thinking, technological advancements which further disconnect from our own humanity and each other, blind adoption of AI. It’ll be an interesting time, Aries, and one where you’re encouraged to cultivate your own discernment, sovereignty and certainty of where you stand. A similar theme arises with the other major transit we’ve just had, Saturn into Pisces. Because this activates your sector of spiritual connection, you’ll be on a potent journey of figuring out what life uniquely means to you, on its deepest levels.

If you’re feeling a little confused, it’s perfectly natural. Trust that everything will land in time. Besides, a perfect grounding energy will arise as Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd. Aries, here you’ll notice your mind slowing down and opening to more presence. If this doesn’t arise naturally, you’ll do well to consciously cultivate more spaciousness. Mercury in the first earth sign of the zodiac, is a reminder of the beauty in Simplicity. Because your sector of sensuality and health is being activated, it’ll be a great time to reconnect with the four elements. Simplify your life and spend time with nature. We’re in the season of your solar return which evokes a (wonderful) backdrop of celebration, but remember this is something that can be felt inwardly, calmly, and quietly too. Less time on your phone will serve you well here.

Four days later we have the Full Moon in your opposite sign, Libra (April 6th). Because this activates your sector of relationships and socializing – evoking the desire to share your special moments with loved ones, or perhaps new connections.

There’s a message here with this moon for you, of balancing your sense of self with your desire for connections. There’s a perfect sweet spot that lands right in the middle, and it’s up to you to decide what that looks like for you. The blast of social energy will only deepen as Venus enters Gemini on April 11.

On April 20th you’ll have an auspicious and powerful day with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign. Wow. If you’ve had the feeling that your 2023, or new astrological year (began March 21st), hasn’t been going the way you’ve intended… guess what – you’re in for some new blank page energy. This potent night, and days surrounding, will be the perfect time for deeply seeding intentions, visualizing your goals, and releasing anything and everything that does not serve you. Try and come up with three resolutions with the commitment to stick to them (as best you can) for a month. Return to your intention in four weeks and notice the profound shifts that have arisen… This is alchemy Aries.

KnowAries March ’23 Scope

Key Themes: Spiritual perspectives, shedding and growing, emotional release, celebration

Aries, March will be huge. Not only do we enter your sign’s season, and experience an equinox – two major planets are wrapping up major cycles. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves!

The month kicks off with Mercury entering Pisces on March 2nd, where it will remain for roughly two weeks. When the planet of communication enters the sign of spiritual transcendence, things can get a little trippy. Not only will you feel more connected to unconditional love, and the divine magic in all things – you’ll probably notice the lines between internal and external worlds blurring. Manifestation can arise much faster from your spoken words, with this kind of transit… so be mindful of the kinds of conversations (internally too) that you’re having.

Because this all illuminates your sector of spiritual connection, you may notice your thoughts changing flavor. It’ll be easier to access objectivity, and a kind of “bigger picture” perspective, which will feel like mental clarity.

Five days later (March 7th), we have our month’s Full Moon in Virgo. Aries, for you this activates your sector of refinement and wellness. Perfect timing, as you’re not far from your solar return. You can think of this as spring cleaning energy. It’ll be a powerful time to consciously clear out any stagnant energy from your life. Is there anything (or anyone) that you feel ready to release? Think: unhealthy mental loops, toxic relationships, procrastination patterns and so on. You’re giving yourself a self-loving detox.

On the same day, one of 2023’s most notable astrological events unfolds, with Saturn shifting out of Aquarius. Aries, as this planet moves into Pisces, you may notice things taking more of a distinctly spiritual flavor – and like all things Saturn, this will have both light and shadow sides to it. Life, and the world are going to feel a little different. The good news is, now that you’ve read your monthly astro guide, you’ll be able to put your finger on why, and to simply witness the unfolding.

Aries, on March 12th, the month presents you another auspicious window: Jupiter conjoining the asteroid Chiron, in your sign. This is going to grant you an incredibly expansive portal of healing. Chiron (also known as the wounded healer) points us towards the areas of our deepest wounding.

This illuminative chapter will give you a chance to (if you so choose) see your fears and sore spots much more clearly. From awareness, healing transmutation and wisdom can arise. It’ll be a good time for an emotional release. Cry if you need to – sometimes it’s the best medicine for letting go of grief.

The total opposite cosmic vibes arrive a week later, when Mercury enters your sign (March 19th), followed by the Sun the very next day (March 20th). Aaaaand… it’s Aries season baby! This, plus the Spring or Fall Equinox, depending on your hemisphere, as well as the start of a new astrological year. Huge.

Just a day later (March 21st) we have our first New Moon of the Astrological year – one of the most powerful portals for planting new seeds of intention. And guess what? It’s in your sign. Aries, this night (and the days surrounding) will feel like the burst of momentum you’ve been waiting for. The sky’s the limit, the question simply is: what do you want to create in your life?

KnowAries February ’23 Scope

Key Themes:  Self-empowerment, shooting your shot, new levels of trust in the universe

Aries, February could just feel like life recorrecting its course, after the many retrogrades that wrapped up at the end of last month.

With squares to Chiron (the wounded healer), Mercury retrograde and more – the start of 2023 may have felt a little challenging, slow or bumpy. Good news is, with the astrological fire turning up this month, that’s all about to change.

 We kick off the month with a Full Moon in Leo on Feb 5th. This is one of those moons which brings color back into the world. The sign of Leo is all about confidence, self-empowerment and boldness. Not dissimilar from Aries energy, at all. With this moon illuminating your sector of self-expression, you’ll be feeling yourself more than you have in a while. If that doesn’t come naturally to you, I recommend leaning into it. 

The Leo archetype is also all about self-love, which naturally, tends to result in deep healing. Cultivating new levels of self-empowerment, will also make this the perfect window of time to shoot your shot – whatever that means for you.

 Just a few days later on Feb 7th, we see Jupiter (planet of expansion) in your sign, harmoniously connecting with the Lunar North Node. The North Node reflects the particular signature through which we’re being called into evolution. At this time, in Taurus, that means going back to a clean slate with the basics. This means: the way we approach daily life, the food we’re eating, how safe we feel in our living situations, and how seamlessly abundance and financial prosperity enters our life. 

This month (with asteroid Vesta also entering your sign on Feb 7th) will be ideal to keep these ideas in mind, as you launch into new ways of doing all the above. Taking risks may pay off here.

 We’ll be getting a taste of the Piscean influence soon to come (Saturn moves into Pisces next month), with Pisces season beginning on Feb 18th, followed by a Pisces New Moon on Feb 20th

On the very same day Venus (planet of love and beauty) enters your sign Aries. For you, this equals an auspicious moon to say the least. As well as dreaming and following your intuitive calls, to clearly see what your visions and deepest desires are – it will be the perfect time for planting potent seeds of manifestation. We suggest setting intentions for the next six-month cycle, with the words ‘and so it is,’ at the bottom of your page. Words are powerful, and simply the action of physically writing intentions out will carry a strong energetic momentum. 

This moon (and days surrounding) will be a time for cultivating  new levels of trust in the universe. Dissolving your resistance to that idea, in whatever form it takes (inability to receive, distrust of others etc) … will up the floodgates for your dreams to freely flow through.

 On Feb 23rd, Saturn forming a tension with your sign is a reminder that the process mentioned above may not always be light and easy – but it’s oh so worth it. As Dossé-Via so eloquently noted in Signs and Skymates: ‘our essence is perpetually whole, but may shape-shift – it may turn itself inside out or in some other way show us aspects of ourselves we didn’t know existed before.’

KnowAries January ’23 Scope

Key Themes: Luck, emotional release, going for it, plot twists and pleasant surprises

Aries, the first month of 2023 will be one of those chapters where everything begins to click into place. It’s a fresh new chapter, and with Jupiter (planet of abundance and expansion) freshly in your sign, the cosmos is shining abundance down on you. You’ll likely be feeling ‘lucky,’ with the biggest planet in the solar system supporting and transiting your sign.

On Jan 6th we have our first Full Moon of the year. This tends to be one of the most powerful moons of the year, given that it falls in the moon’s ruling sign, Cancer. It’ll be a big one for you Aries, as it activates your sector of emotions. In other words, it’s the perfect time for some self-reflection, solitude, self-love and healing. This might mean clearing your schedule of social commitments and committing to a night with your feels. Cancer is all about comfort and coziness, so it’ll be the perfect time for a long bath or turning in bed early to do some journaling. Meditate, watch a candle flame or lay down and listen to music. Slowing down and doing absolutely ‘nothing,’ may seem unnatural given your fiery temperament – but there are gems of self-understanding and self-intimacy, to be found in the silence and stillness. The archetype of Cancer holds a lot of wisdom for us all.

Almost the complete opposite energy arises a week later (Jan 12th) with your ruling planet (Mars), ending its retrograde and going direct in the sign of Gemini. This potent activation will alleviate any lethargy or blocks on your path forward. Remember to walk before you run, but from here it’s all systems go again. You may start noticing faster manifestations, or more instant rewards for your efforts – so now will be a good time to shoot your shot.

That theme will be furthered a week later (Jan 18th), as we also end our Mercury retrograde, with the planet of communication going direct in Capricorn. If there are any negotiations, conversations or ideas to be shared – now will be the time. If you’ve been unsure where you stand with someone, a clear and assertive chat can clear it up around now with no love lost.

On Jan 20th, Aquarius season begins, followed with an Aquarius New Moon on Jan 21st. This activates your sector of community, making it a wonderful time to do some networking. Whether this means catching up with your boss, or discussing some of your ambitions and dreams with a friend – you never know what opportunities and surprise pathways can come through. This will be even more felt, as the next day (Jan 22nd) Uranus goes direct in the sign of Taurus. Uranus tends to bring shocks, surprises and twists, so get ready Aries!