Aries + Aquarius

Aries + Aquarius

Fire and Air sign compatibility can be very strong, and, there’s a lot to be said about Aries and Aquarius’ mutual willingness to express themselves authentically, without filters. Aquarius is an ambitious sign on a mission – qualities that Aries is generally happy to get behind. Together, they deeply value individuality and can therefore be incredibly compatible, especially when it comes to accepting the other just as they are.

Even the most compatible signs have their quirks. Aquarius can come off as detached and aloof, whereas Aries is very obvious about their feelings of affection, and not a huge fan of rejection. The major challenge here can fall in clearly expressing tender and heartfelt emotions, as the glue that bonds them is likely to be more intellectual than emotional or spiritual. Still, with time, a strong connection can be built.

Aries and Aquarius can be incredibly supportive towards each other, noticing and embracing all that makes the other unique. No idea is too wild and no opinion is too out there for either sign, making this the kind of connection that can last lifetimes. 

This connection is also the type that could drift away for years at a time, as each member does their own thing, only to be reunited, as if they were together their whole lives and nothing had changed.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Taurus + Aquarius

Taurus + Aquarius

Taurus and Aquarius can spend hours debating and sharing jokes about the revolution, before going a few weeks without texting, with no drama at all. These are two signs who appreciate their own space, but when they’re back each other’s presence, it will be as if they never parted, picking up on the last intimate moment that they left off. 

Aquarians are known for their free thinking nature, keeping Taurus intrigued while encouraging them into appreciation of their own uniqueness. Both signs have a great appreciation for alone time, something which ironically helps them feel even more deeply connected. Here there will be a bonding ritual in sharing enthusiasm for all they’ve discovered and learned while away from the other. 

Aquarius has a tendency to live in the future, and for this reason, they will likely appreciate the Taurus wisdom of presence in the ‘now.’ At the same time, Taurus has much to learn from the natural Aquarian talents of innovation and manifestation.

A challenge may arise as community-oriented Aquarius does have a relatively ‘detached’ way of relating to others, including loved ones. Taurus is more of a ‘quality over quantity’ type of being when it comes to connections, so it’s important to set clear expectations with each other on this. Here, it’s important that this pair find the perfect amount of communication and quality time, and then stick with it.

Both signs may also have a hard time expressing vulnerability, emotions and feelings, also something to remain aware of. If either party feels like something is ‘off,’ the protocol should be to immediately ask. Likewise, if either member feels uncomfortable, it’s important that for the sake of the connection they step into a space of bravery, to share with the other. Scheduled check-ins where the pair speaks freely at length will help tend to things that may have otherwise gone unsaid! 

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Gemini + Aquarius

Gemini + Aquarius

As signs who are perhaps most likely to talk to themselves when no one’s looking… Gemini and Aquarius (or as Big Boi and Andre 3000 coined this partnership, “Aquemini”), may be the only ones capable of conversing with the other to exhaustion. Both are Air signs, meaning that they share a common interest and tendency to communicate in volumes. 

Despite Aquarius being a little more rebellious or politically-driven, they also live for taking unconventional approaches to things. This can pique the interest of Gemini, to the point that a strong connection can certainly start to spark. Both signs are most likely to commit to another when they know for a fact that adventure will always be a priority between them. 

A potential match made in heaven, Aquarius is all about embracing the unique and rare attributes of a partner. Gemini, with their free-spirited nature, is also looking to create the kind of bonds that won’t be weighed down by judgment or assumptions. This kind of friendship can allow for a full bloom of both parties, a celebration of quirks, and a deep sense of mutual encouragement.

Gemini and Aquarius get a lot done together if they have a specific mission in mind, especially when it comes to addressing or working with groups of people. There’s a whole lot of intellectual energy here, and when combined, magic can happen. 

With so much to say on both sides, these skymates are more likely to engage in a Scrabble match rather than embark on a silent meditation retreat (they may be open to challenging themselves through tryin it out though), and they provide each other a sense of calm simply through feeling their likeness. Light, seamless, innovative, and fun – this kind of connection can grow into one that lasts a lifetime.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Cancer + Aquarius

Cancer + Aquarius

Cancer and Aquarius are one of those duos that will either get along swimmingly or just kind of write each other off.

When in balance, these two can open up a world of esoteric and surreal wonder as they chat about tenth dimensional topics, the human psyche and outer space. There’s almost no chance of it getting boring once the lid of conversation comes off, and no running out of topics. This duo will be endlessly fascinated with the other’s unique way of perceiving the world.

The main challenge that would arise with Cancer and Aquarius, is actually getting to that point. Both can have quite a guarded disposition towards others, for slightly different reasons. Cancer takes a while to trust and open into revealing their true self to another. Aquarius on the other hand, can be notoriously detached. This sign values communities and group settings – almost more than the individuals who make those up.

Cancer might be a little put off by Aquarius’ seemingly detached manner, whereas Aquarius could feel that Cancer is simply not interested in connection. These two are going to have to take the time and shift their mindsets towards the curiosity of the other.

Another remedy for this would be for this duo to share activities together – rather than stick to small talk over meals. If they were to engage in a project or creative task together, their personalities would shine. The upside? This pair is meant to have fun. They’ll appreciate the eccentric nature and quirks of the other which are in so many ways similar, but in other ways totally different.

Cancer and Aquarius have probably felt like aliens in their life prior to meeting each other. So, upon meeting each other, they may just feel like they’ve found home.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Leo + Aquarius

Leo + Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius are another pair of opposite signs in the zodiac. Leo rules individuality, while Aquarius rules society and community. Leo is fire, while Aquarius is an air sign. Although these signs are opposite, and therefore can certainly have the potential to miss each other – like all zodiac polarities – there’s also a high chance that they’ll expand and benefit each other, simply by being themselves.

Leo could initially be confused by the Aquarian tendency to lean into group dynamics. Aquarius is a sign that enjoys social circles, and all things democratic. Aquarians tend to have a wide range of friends, all of whom are treated equally.

Aquarius, as an air sign, is also known for being relatively detached in their style. Leo, by contrast, is a sign that tends to put people and things into a hierarchy. The lion will value a few select beings, to whom they’ll give unconditional love and loyalty –  with a tendency to close themselves off to those who haven’t yet ‘earned their place.’

As a fixed sign, Leo knows what they want, and could see the flexibility of Aquarius as merely flaky. The lion acts almost entirely from their heart, while Aquarius is ruled by the head. In fact, there really is a chance that these two signs will feel like the other is speaking a different language. Yet, if this pair takes the time to listen, find mutual appreciation, and curiosity for the other, they might just learn a thing or two.

Leo reminds Aquarius that it’s okay to put their own goals at the forefront every now and then. Aquarius in return, reminds the lion not to take things so personally, and that life can be as objective as one decides. The fiery Leo tends to read too far into things, feeling slighted by the smallest gesture (or lack of). Aquarius shows the lion that quite simply, not everything’s about them.

Leo and Aquarius are also both highly creative and intelligent signs. If this duo puts their heads together, they’re likely to come up with pretty amazing work. You can also trust these skymates to have lengthy conversations about the nature of life, and everything from a-z. These cosmic opposites both attract and repulse each other, and they certainly have a lot to work with in this connection.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Virgo + Aquarius

Virgo + Aquarius

Virgo and Aquarius are an unexpected duo that surprisingly can work, if they both choose to make it work. As far as the spectrum of general character goes, Aquarius is on the more unpredictable or abstract side, whereas Virgo is a practical and steady moving sign, grounded in the natural rhythms of the Earth. Between these two extremes is a middle ground which reaches some kind of compromise – in this case, perhaps best achieved through stimulating and intellectual conversation. 

Indeed, a quick and exploratory mind is something that Virgo and Aquarius do share in common. This can become the foundation of a beautiful connection. Small talk will be rare, as these skymates would much rather discuss a documentary, politics, or the logistics of some ground-breaking new idea that will revolutionize the world. 

Aquarius is known for being somewhat aloof and emotionally-detached in relationships, something that Virgo could find unsettling. Communication will be key here, as the pair learn to speak each other’s love languages. 

When it comes to opinions, both of these signs have plenty, especially when it comes to brainstorming ways that things in the world can be improved. Aquarius is an innovative trailblazer that goes above and beyond people’s expectations of them to prove a point. Virgo is more focused on the details of the work itself. What the two do share is a deep drive to provide service and a positive mark for humanity.

With the airy and abstract innovative qualities covered by Aquarius, and the earthy practicalities smoothed out by Virgo, it seems all bases are covered to create something radically and positively impactful. But if either skymate in this connection lacks patience or maturity, it may not be a long-lasting tie.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice! 

Libra + Aquarius

Libra + Aquarius

No one has fun quite like Air signs do. With a natural ability to hover over the heaviness of life’s challenges, a Libra-Aquarius pair feels magically drawn to one another. Think of the magical Libra-Aquarius couple John Lennon and Yoko Ono, whose connection seemed to pause everything else outside their sphere.

With both dominant air energy in this dynamic, there’s a likelihood that a Libra-Aquarius duo will connect almost instantly on mental and intellectual spheres. This could look like engaging and exploratory conversations that move at a million miles per hour or petty arguments over who said what, as the two signs try to out-smart one another. 

Aquarius’ tendency to detach or present themselves as stand-offish can sometimes frighten Libra. It’s as though they never know what’s next. Funnily, Aquarius may feel a similar way about their air sign counterpart, whose open way of receiving everyone leaves Aquarius wondering where exactly they stand.

There’s plenty going for a Libra-Aquarius duo too. Libra enjoys Aquarius’ rebellious nature, as well as their eccentricity. It feels wonderfully dynamic for Libra to be connected to someone who keeps them on their toes, bringing excitement and contrast into their life. 

Libra and Aquarius also share a love of people and the connections we form as a human family. This means they might have an interest in altruistic or humanitarian pursuits. Regardless, there will be no lack of beautiful events, group connections and widening social circles, all which enrich the lives of this high-spirited duo.

Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?

Order KTZ founder Dossé-Via's new astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates!

This book revolutionizes how we view love and relationships through the lens of astrology and synastry.

The abridged paperback version, The Essential Signs & Skymates, comes out on August 6, 2024. Pre-order before August 6th, and you'll receive a free compatibility report for you and the skymate of your choice!