KnowVirgo June ’22 Scope

Key Themes: long-term goals, self-care, health, community.

Virgo, the month of June starts out with Mercury going direct in Taurus on the 3rd. I invite you to take a look at the things you were reviewing from May 23rd until now concerning your desire for freedom and how you expand through philosophical beliefs and new experiences. You’ll be able to see the bigger picture more clearly and to reroute without that many bumps in the road.

On the 4th, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius until October 23rd, and you may start to feel the weight of your responsibilities when it comes to your daily rituals, your health practices and your work. This will be a good time to look into how unconventional and authentic you wish to be when it comes to bringing more wellness into your life. It’s time to stop thinking so much about it and to take the steps towards what you desire. The kind of wellbeing you want to create will most likely take time and have its setbacks, but it will have been so worth it when you get there.

On the 13th, Mercury re-enters Gemini, bringing back themes that were present between April 30th and May 22nd, concerning your work, long-term goals and the role you occupy on the social stage. Where things may have backfired before, you’ll be able to see and act more clearly now.

The Full Moon in Sag occurs on the 14th at 7:52am EST, highlighting the healing that has happened in your home and with your family during the past six months. This is a time for you to connect with what you deserve. You are a child of the earth. Keep cultivating spaces where you can relax, let go of the weight of the world and settle deeper into yourself. 

Cancer Season comes rolling in on the 21st, shifting the energy into more of an inner, emotional, grounding and security seeking mood. A light will be shining on your area of friends, networks and communities. It’s a good time to get clear on the expectations you have of others. Being real about when you want something from someone that isn’t ready or able to give it to you can avoid endless issues and pain for you both.

On the 22nd, Venus moves into Gemini until July 17th, and this is a time when public recognition and appreciation flourishes for you. So, go ahead and let people know what you’re up to. Spice up your portfolio and social media.

On the 28th, Neptune will go retrograde in Pisces until December 3rd, calling you to act on your intuition and impulses rather than on logic and practicality. This transit will help you to see through the idealizations you have when it comes to love and relationships, especially if you’re able to let go of judgement and allow your heart to lead the way.

The New Moon in Cancer also happens on the 28th at 10:52pm EST, highlighting for you the magic of community. Connect with your people, with your co-conspirators. It’s time to create more space in your life for the people that believe in you.

KnowVirgo May ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Expansion, depths, sexuality, intimacy, long-term desires.

Virgo, the month of May will be a time of expansion, to come out of your comfort zone, learn new things and connect with new experiences. As the month begins, you’ll still be feeling the effects of the Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus on April 30th. Be present with all of the changes that are integrating and expanding the beliefs that sustain your life.

On May 2nd, Venus enters Aries, activating your area of shared energy until the 28th. You’ll be in the mood to get your kink on. But you don’t want to be with just anyone. Take the time to make sure you feel safe and respected before opening up your space to another.

On May 10th, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini until June 3rd, and it starts its backwards journey in your area of professional pursuits. This transit will aid you in looking into how you communicate within the workplace, how you speak to authority figures and how you express your own authority. On the 22nd, Mercury retrogrades back into Taurus, bringing themes from the previous Eclipse.

Also on May 10th, Jupiter starts a new cycle as it enters Aries until October 28th, joining Venus in activating your area of intimacy. You’ll get a chance to see your collaborations more clearly, especially when it comes to power struggles and how much energy each person puts into the relationship or shared project. Jupiter, traditionally known as the great benefactor, offers you the opportunity to expand and improve these connections.

On May 16th, the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is happening at 12:14am EST, illuminating your area of communication and daily life. It may be time to let go of unhealthy or limiting ways of communicating, and embracing more empowered and intimate ways of expressing yourself and connecting with others.

Gemini Season comes rolling in on the 20th, shining a light on your long-term goals until June 21st. As Mercury retrograde moves out of Gemini on the 22nd, it’ll be a great time to activate all of the things you reviewed and reassessed concerning your life path and the things you’re willing to do to get to where you want to be.

On May 24th, Mars enters Aries, joining Jupiter in your area of shared resources until July 4th. Where you were feeling super sweet and vulnerable with Venus, Mars now swoops in activating and intensifying your intimate and sexual encounters. It will also help you take on what needs to be fixed within your collaborations.

On May 28th, Venus enters Taurus, joining Mercury in your area of adventure and spirituality until July 17th. After going through the depths of your intimacy and sexuality, things will start to feel a bit less dense and trying when it comes to your collaborations and intimate relationships. You’ll be able to have more fun, and explore new things.

May comes to an end with the New Moon in Gemini on the 30th at 7:30am EST, helping you to connect with the emotions, doubts or frustrations that need your care and attention when it comes to your career and life path. Listen to what’s going on within, your body and your emotions know what they need, you’ve just got to give them space to be.

KnowVirgo April ’22 Scope

Virgo, you’ve been connecting with some deep emotions that have to do with sexuality, intimacy, boundaries, shared energy and the use of power. April starts out with the New Moon in Aries, plunging you deeper into these realms. You like to have control, but Aries Season tends to be a time of the year that helps you release this need, allowing you to go deeper into your feelings. But you have to stay present and do the work, if not things will just feel uncomfortable, and like you don’t have a say over your personal space.

Own your feelings, own your desires, no matter how dark or taboo you think they may be. Own and face your fears, this is the only way to defeat them. If you do this, you will experience pressure during the process, but transformation and a sense of freedom and pleasure will begin to take over.

When Venus enters Pisces on the 5th, your partnerships will come into focus. Whether the theme is new love, strengthening current bonds, or an ending, you’re being invited to open your heart, and be super empathic with yourself and others. When Mars enters Pisces as well on the 14th, it’ll be easier for you to act on what you feel is right.

On the 10th, when Mercury enters Taurus, things will begin to feel a bit lighter, and your mind can wander. Read things that connect you to new worlds. Engage in mind opening conversations.

Worldwide social events may start to feel a bit out of control this month when Jupiter and Neptune meet in their home sign. I encourage you to find solace in your one-on-one relationships. Love is the best remedy for anything. Even when there are things we can’t fix, at least we know we can bring more love and connection into the world.

The Full Moon in Libra on the 16th is the best excuse you can get to take good care of yourself. Make your self-worth and your most basic physical and emotional needs a priority during the second half of the month. Indulge your senses!

When Taurus Season comes shining through on the 19th, you will feel the weight of your emotions begin to lift. The deeper you allowed yourself to go during Aries Season, the higher you’ll be able to soar now. This will be a time to, slowly but firmly, come out from your comfort zone and explore new terrain. You’ll find that what scared you before, now begins to excite you!

The last days of the month are intense. Pluto will go retrograde on the 29th, awakening old wounds that are ready to be healed. In your case these wounds have to do with your self-expression. Mercury enters Gemini on the same day, inviting you to speak your mind within the workplace. Voice your authority. And we end the month with the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th, impacting your belief systems. A new way to see the world wants to be born within you. Question everything, this is how you allow it the space to come through.

KnowVirgo March ’22 Scope

Virgo, the month begins with the New Moon in Pisces receiving hopeful and expansive blessings from Jupiter. Bring your awareness to how you show up in relationship. You’re being blessed with so much love. I want you to be open to receive and enjoy it at your own pace. On the 6th, when Mars and Venus enter Aquarius, you’ll feel great, like you have all of the energy you need to get your life in order. Clean out your closet, your virtual clutter, and the relationships that aren’t working. Make time to rest, so you don’t burn yourself out. Mercury enters Pisces in your area of partnerships on the 9th, if there are pending conversations with your lover, bestie or associates, this is a great time to have them. On the 18th, we have the Full Moon in your sign. What is your body desiring? This is a time of purification. Center the practices that help you feel renewed. On the 20th, the spring equinox brings the Aries Season and the beginning of the zodiacal year. Then Mercury enters Aries as well on the 27th. This will be a time to do all of the things that keep your mental health in check.

@KnowVirgo February ’22 Scope

The Lunar New Year happens on the 1st, marked by the first Aquarius New Moon of the year. The Ox gives way to the Tiger. Where we’ve had to put all of our focus into only one direction, things will expand. The Tiger wants us to follow our intuition and take bold risks. Virgo, the New Moon happens in your area of health and routine. It’ll be easier to get your life in order and become more productive. Don’t disregard your wellbeing. Mercury finally goes direct on the 3rd, and you’ll feel more free, fun and flirty. Go with it! It then enters Aquarius on the 14th, helping you create a plan that takes your work, health and leisure needs into account. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16th, wants you to take time for yourself. Make sure to feel your feels. Venus and Mars join forces in your area of romance and creativity. Give into the things you’re passionate about. Come Pisces Season on the 18th, you’ll feel moved to work things out within your relationship and your approach towards them.

@KnowVirgo January ’22 Scope

Virgo, 2022 started out with Mercury entering Aquarius and with the first New Moon of the year in Capricorn. This will be a good time to get to know your coworkers a bit more. Propose conversations that exceed the boundaries of work. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th, you’ll be reviewing the innovations you want to make within your daily rituals and wellness practices. On the 18th Uranus goes direct just before Aquarius Season begins. A change in perspective can come in handy when trying to sync into your natural rhythms. With the Full Moon in Cancer the next day, say yes to the invitations that feel right. During the last week of January, Mars enters Capricorn, and Venus goes direct in the same sign. You’ve been wanting to connect deeper into your creative process and your ability to just let loose and have some fun. You’ll finally have the push you need to go for it.