KnowVirgo December ’22 Scope

Key themes: partnerships, romance, intimacy, pleasure, creative callings, self-expression, professional pursuits, social status, shared resources.

What a wild ride 2022 has been, after two years deep in a life changing pandemic, we’ve been able to start taking steps out of a life with so many restrictions (depending on the reality of each part of the world) and step into a life where enjoying the outside world and planning for a future seems more tangible. None of us are the same as who we were three years ago, the collective trauma is real, but so are the ways in which we’re thriving to heal and mend, collectively and individually.

We start December with nebulous Neptune going direct in Pisces on the 3rd, sparking our imaginations and our ability to dream. During the past five months you were able to take off the rose-colored glasses and see what was working and what wasn’t within your one-on-one relationships. Don’t forget to keep addressing the imbalances. This way you can enjoy the romance and the fantasy while keeping it real.

On the 6th, Mercury, the messenger, leaves the expansive fire of Sagittarius, to enter the earthy focus of Capricorn, followed by Venus, the goddess of love, doing the same on the 9th. This happens in your area of creative self-expression, romance and children. It’s time for you to make a commitment to fun, to pleasure, to having a good time. It’s time for you to make amends with the fact that sometimes the end goal is just to feel, to laugh, to live out the process and the experience.

The last Full Moon of 2022 is happening in Gemini on the 7th at 11:08 pm EST, reminding us, in the midst of so much chatter, to be in deep exchange with ourselves. Illuminating your area of career, long-term goals and social status, this Full Moon will have you shining in all that you do. You’ll be able to bring clarity and reassess the choices that you’ve had to commit to when it comes to the balance between family/home duties and your aspirations for your work in the world.

On the 20th, Jupiter leaves Pisces for good and will enter Aries, starting a new twelve year cycle of expansion and wisdom around the zodiac. Say yes to getting deep, intimate and vulnerable. Jupiter is here to help you acknowledge where it hurts and where there’s lack. It’s here to help you clear out and untangle the stagnant, what’s been kept in the dark, and what needs some air to breathe, to transform or to finally die out.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st! Beginning with the winter solstice, the sun’s journey through Capricorn reminds us of the power of our commitments. Followed by the last New Moon of the year happening in Capricorn on the 23rd at 5:17 am EST, bringing a breath of fresh air into your self-expression. A lot of energy is being infused into your romantic journeys and your creative callings. You’ve got so much love and passion to share, don’t hold that back.

On the 23rd, Chiron, the wounded healer, will be going direct in Aries in your area of joint ventures, shared resources, collaborations and intimacy. This is a reminder that the healing power lies within you. Trust your energy, trust your body’s wisdom, and its capacity for transformation.

2022 comes to an end with Mercury going retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th. The end of the year will be asking us to review our commitments, to see how much we truly want to be invested in them. Keep this in mind when making your new year’s resolutions. In your case there will be a special focus on your creative projects, romantic entanglements, self-expression, the children in your life, and how much space you make for joy and pleasure.

KnowVirgo November ’22 Scope

Key themes: journeys, new knowledge, home, family, ancestry, letting go of old patterns, love

What habits are you ready to release, Virgo? With November beginning right in the middle of eclipse season, check in on what has been stirred up within you since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th regarding your communication dynamics and your daily activities. What new routines do you wish to integrate into your day-to-day? What kind of people do you want to exchange with on a daily basis? Which types of interactions have you realized you want to distance yourself from because they’re draining and maybe even vampiric? Reflect on this and set your intentions for the next 6 months.

The Full Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus happens on the 8th at 6:02 am EST, and it will join forces with Uranus in your area of spirituality, philosophical exploration, and journeys that lead to new experiences. Allow for the winds of new knowledge to soften the barriers of your beliefs. Allow for new insights to rock you, move you, plant seeds within you. Allow for your wisdom, the one that comes not from books, but from what you’ve experienced body and soul to shine through. Pay attention to the unexpected, it brings magic with it.

On the 16th, Venus leaves the deep and intuitive waters of Scorpio to enter the expansive, wisdom-seeking Sag until December 9th. Mercury then joins Venus on the 17th, and will also be transiting Sag until December 6th. This happens at your root. Remember that you can always draw on the strength of your ancestors, they are always with you —their stories, their struggles, their resilience and their resistance. You are a product of so much that came before you, since the beginning of humanity. Let this inspire you to love more fiercely, yourself and the ones that are deserving. This is no time to minimize who you are and what you have to give in order to be embraced. As Nayyirah Waheed writes “love does not ask you to be nothing for something”.

Sag Season begins on the 22nd, and the Sun will highlight the themes that Venus and Mercury have already been bringing to your attention. Allow the water, the wind, the warmth of the Sun, the earth beneath your feet to hold you. We get more and more afraid of the world each day, and rightfully so, but what are you doing to be able to trust what can be trusted? To connect with what has the ability to hold you? No one can do life isolated or alone.

The next day, the Moon and the Sun will meet, bringing the Sag New Moon at 5:57 pm EST in your area of home, family and ancestry. Your patterns have roots, and when you trace them back, healing becomes more plausible. Stop trying to build a foundation on shaky ground. You are your foundation, you are your center. Become fortified from within, rest within your wisdom. Stop looking outside for approval.

On the same day of the New Moon, Jupiter will station to go direct in Pisces, where it will be until December 20th for the last time in twelve years. Reminding you to let yourself be soft and sweet within your tightest connections. This is a time to open your heart, to let love circulate through your life. You are softening and releasing so much, don’t be afraid of all the feels that come with it.

November ends with Pallas going retrograde in Cancer on the 30th, leading you to reflect on what you’re willing to fight for within your friendships and communities. It’s a time to assess when independence is needed and when there is more strength to be found in unity.

KnowVirgo October ’22 Scope

Key themes: self-discovery, intimacy, finances, career, daily routines.

October begins with Mercury going direct in the sign of Virgo. For the past 9 days or so, you’ve been re-examining who you are and how you wish to present yourself to the world. Now you’ll have the energy and the direction to start to put this into practice at your own pace.

On the 8th, Pluto also goes direct, in the sign of Capricorn, where it’s been for the past 14 years. During its retrograde, you got the chance to see how you use your creativity and your self-expression, how much you own it and allow yourself to be inventive. Pluto’s slow, so this realization isn’t something so evident, it happens at a very steady pace. When it turns direct, you get a chance to recognize all that you have to give, and how you can use your gifts in ways that can empower yourself and your community.

This month, the Full Moon will happen in Aries, on the 9th at 4:55pm EST. A light will be shining on your intimate spaces, where you share and exchange yourself, your energy and your resources with others. Aries opens doors, helping you to release something that’s been stuck in your system far too long. This is part of your healing process. Do what you can to aid this release, while being patient and tender with yourself and the vulnerability it requires.

Mercury will re-enter Libra on the 10th, taking you back to the things you were experiencing or thinking about surrounding money, finances, resources and self-worth between August 26th and September 22nd. You will now be able to take more conscious actions and decisions.

Saturn also goes direct this month on the 23rd in the sign of Aquarius, where the magic of your rituals, practices and processes reside. It’ll be easier for you to create a sound structure for the details that make up your day-to-day life. So make room for the practices that help keep your body and mind healthy.

Also on the 23rd, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio, followed by the Sun, and on the 25th we welcome the second eclipse season of the year with a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Be patient with what is required of you. It may be hard to get a handle on your precious time and energy during the following weeks. Even if your schedule is too full, make sure to give yourself a small and renewing escape from your regular programming each day.

On the 28th, Jupiter retrograde will re-enter the sign of Pisces, bringing back some of the wisdom we began to tap into at the beginning of May. In your case, it has to do with who you share yourself with and how. It has to do with seeing beyond the more evident differences between you both, in order to connect with the spaces where you’re more aligned.

Mercury will join Venus and the Sun in Scorpio on the 29th, and you may be faced with some deep and intimate conversations. Some agreements may have to be made, and others may come to an end. Be there for it, even if things get messy.

On the 30th, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini for the next two and a half months, helping you tap into your will power and the ability to make the difficult decisions when it comes to your profession and social status. Know what to prioritize so you can avoid burning out.

KnowVirgo September ’22 Scope

Key themes: resources, self-worth, pleasure, partnership, love, security, sharing.

The month of September opens up with Venus —the planet of love, intimacy and beauty— entering your sign until the 29th. During this time, your focus will be on feeling yourself. Virgo Season is a time of self-actualization for you, and with Venus in the mix, you’re being invited to imbue the consistency and daily rituals needed for this to take place with a little beauty. Bring flowers into your home. Wear perfumes just for yourself. Spend more time indulging in the things that bring you comfort and pleasure.

On the 9th, Mercury —the Messenger— will station to go retrograde in the balancing sign of Libra, activating your area of finances, values and self-worth. This transit will serve as a reminder that your worth is not contingent on your material possessions. Situations may come up that lead you to rethink where you choose to place your value, bringing your awareness to your support groups and your social capital. Think carefully about where you direct your resources during this time.

The Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces will happen on the 10th, at 5:59am EST, shining a light on your area of partnerships and agreements. What you’ve been able to build together, through reality, as well as fantasy, will be celebrated. This is an invitation to loosen up to love. It’s an invitation to let in the ones that are there for the obvious and for the undertones, for the factual and for the dream. Don’t rush things, but do make an effort to relax into the feelings you can’t control.

On the 22nd, the Sun’s exit from your sign will give way to Libra Season, highlighting your sense of security. Get clear about what’s non-negotiable for you. Get organized. Map out a schedule where what’s needed can get done, and where you have enough space for leisure, and to be flexible towards change. Your body will be the boss during this Season, follow its lead and listen to its needs. Gift it moments of pleasure and relaxation.

Mercury, still retrograde, will move back into your sign on the 23rd, leading you to review ideas, exchanges, conversations and idealizations that occurred in regards to your self-discovery and your intimate relationships during August 20th to 25th. Give yourself time to mull things over without jumping to conclusions just yet. You’ll be able to see things clearer and have more fluid conversations during the first couple of weeks of October.

The New Moon in the sociable sign of Libra will happen on the 25th, at 5:54pm EST. The darkness of the Moon wants to connect you to the magic of sharing. How can you cultivate intimacy through the exchange of resources, instead of it leading to an imbalance of power?

Finally, on the 29th, Venus enters its home sign of Libra, uplifting the energy of the New Moon. Keep in mind that the tension and emotional residue that come up in relationship when money is involved has nothing to do with you and with your intrinsic worth. Don’t get entangled in these unconscious stories. Make sure that what you gift your loved ones comes, not from a place of social expectations, but from an honest investment in their wellbeing.

KnowVirgo August ’22 Scope

Key themes: let go of control, re-discovery, dreams, intimacy, ambition.

Virgo, for you this month can have its deep and dark times, but it will be filled with magic as well. Make space to be with yourself. Something is brewing deep within and you’re getting ready to manifest many things. This requires silence and space. Keep a dream journal, as insights will come through the liminal.

On the 4th, Mercury will enter your sign until the 25th, where it feels at home. Try to liberate yourself from the need to be right. Perfection is in how you flow and how you uphold your values. Perfection isn’t perfect, nothing is. So let go of the outcome, and just enjoy the ride. Open up to rediscovering yourself within your exchanges and communications.

Venus then enters the deepest space of your chart on the 11th, inviting you to review and come deeper into contact with your intimacy until September 5th. How you share yourself should be a means of empowerment. You are so special, so unique. Your intimacy and vulnerability are valuable and potent gifts. Keep this in mind when you share yourself with another. And as others share their intimacy with you, also treat it as a cherished gift.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is happening on the 11th as well, at 9:36 pm EST, highlighting the progress you’ve made in your work and in your health practices. Make this time about resting and celebrating how far you’ve come. You deserve to take a break.

On the 20th, Mars leaves the manifesting energy of Taurus and enters the connecting energy of Gemini. This transit will be a long one, and one where your ambitions will be stimulated. You’ll have all of the energy you need to put your focus into your goals and professional pursuits. What would you like to accomplish or get started on from now until the end of March 2023?

Virgo Season swoops in on the 22nd, and the Sun will be shining on you during the next month. Visualize what you want from now until your next birthday. Your power of manifestation is strong when you let go of control and get out of your own way. Make those bold and sustainable changes you know you need right now.

Uranus will be going retrograde on the 24th for the next five months. Allow yourself to let go of control, Virgo. You are an adaptive sign, tap into that talent. Embrace change, and allow yourself to really be there for the ride and see where it all takes you.

On the 25th, Mercury enters Libra until October 29th, reminding you that you are the abundance. You are the resources that you’re after. They live within you already. Stop going after what’s outside of you. Pause, and tap in.

The month comes to an end with the New Moon in Virgo happening on the 27th at 4:17 am EST. This is your Moon, it’s your time. Gift yourself silence during the New Moon. Whatever intentions you wish to plant, do it a few hours after or the next day after the New Moon. This way you allow the intentions to flow from within, instead of looking for them through the mind. Honor yourself. Leave the spaces where your gifts aren’t being recognized or valued. You are magic.

KnowVirgo July ’22 Scope

Virgo, the month of July begins with a shift in energy as Mars enters Taurus, and Mercury enters Cancer on the 5th. Mars will activate your sense of adventure, and your need for spirituality and philosophical journeys until August 20th. Follow your hunger for new experiences. Mercury will bring more movement into your friendships and communities until the 19th. Keep an open mind, and come closer to the ones that make you think and offer you new perspectives.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is happening on the 13th, at 2:37 pm EST, sparking your joyful and romantic nature, and your creative self-expression. It’s going to shine a light on your passions and your burning desires. What’s the thing you most want to love right now? Follow the urge to bring more structure to all of this fire that’s burning within you, so that your creative projects can thrive and manifest into something greater.

On the 17th, Venus, the planet of love, shifts into foundational Cancer until August 11th, and you’ll be receiving so much warmth from your communities. It’s a beautiful time to value those bonds that you’d like to keep cultivating over time. You may be tempted to let things slide with your friends. Don’t do this with the things that really matter. Be true to what you can and cannot put up with in your relationships.

On the 19th, Mercury shifts into Leo until August 4th, and we begin to get a feel of the season ahead. The past may come up to meet you. You may have to deal with an ex or two sliding into your DMs. Do what you have to do to clear out the inner baggage that you no longer wish to carry around. Make more spaces for silence and solitude throughout your days, to be on your own, to rest and recoup.

We also begin to go deeper into retrograde season on the 19th, as Chiron shifts direction in Aries until December 23rd. This will be a time to heal deep intimacy issues. Bring awareness to your boundaries. Make sure not to take on so much of others’ that you forget to prioritize yourself.

As Leo Season begins on the 22nd, you’ll start to go deeper into yourself. Take this time to let go of the things that you no longer want to hold on to, and to integrate the things you do. You don’t have to make this into such a conscious process. Allow your emotions to take the lead, and trust the work that’s going on behind the scene.

When the New Moon in Leo happens on the 28th, at 1:55 pm EST, is when you’ll most feel the need to slow down in order to refuel energy. Give yourself the space to explore the process you’re in, it’s deep and not easily accessible or understood through the fast moving pace of the mind. You’re close to a rebirth, so treat yourself with the nurturing care that this requires.

Also on the 28th, Jupiter will go retrograde in Aries until November 23rd. This is a time to check in on the opportunities you’re taking, to see if they’re actually helping you feel more empowered. Check in on your sexuality, to see if you’re experiencing it from a place of deep pleasure and mutual respect?