Virgo, 2022 started out with Mercury entering Aquarius and with the first New Moon of the year in Capricorn. This will be a good time to get to know your coworkers a bit more. Propose conversations that exceed the boundaries of work. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th, you’ll be reviewing the innovations you want to make within your daily rituals and wellness practices. On the 18th Uranus goes direct just before Aquarius Season begins. A change in perspective can come in handy when trying to sync into your natural rhythms. With the Full Moon in Cancer the next day, say yes to the invitations that feel right. During the last week of January, Mars enters Capricorn, and Venus goes direct in the same sign. You’ve been wanting to connect deeper into your creative process and your ability to just let loose and have some fun. You’ll finally have the push you need to go for it.