Key Themes: long-term goals, self-care, health, community.

Virgo, the month of June starts out with Mercury going direct in Taurus on the 3rd. I invite you to take a look at the things you were reviewing from May 23rd until now concerning your desire for freedom and how you expand through philosophical beliefs and new experiences. You’ll be able to see the bigger picture more clearly and to reroute without that many bumps in the road.

On the 4th, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius until October 23rd, and you may start to feel the weight of your responsibilities when it comes to your daily rituals, your health practices and your work. This will be a good time to look into how unconventional and authentic you wish to be when it comes to bringing more wellness into your life. It’s time to stop thinking so much about it and to take the steps towards what you desire. The kind of wellbeing you want to create will most likely take time and have its setbacks, but it will have been so worth it when you get there.

On the 13th, Mercury re-enters Gemini, bringing back themes that were present between April 30th and May 22nd, concerning your work, long-term goals and the role you occupy on the social stage. Where things may have backfired before, you’ll be able to see and act more clearly now.

The Full Moon in Sag occurs on the 14th at 7:52am EST, highlighting the healing that has happened in your home and with your family during the past six months. This is a time for you to connect with what you deserve. You are a child of the earth. Keep cultivating spaces where you can relax, let go of the weight of the world and settle deeper into yourself. 

Cancer Season comes rolling in on the 21st, shifting the energy into more of an inner, emotional, grounding and security seeking mood. A light will be shining on your area of friends, networks and communities. It’s a good time to get clear on the expectations you have of others. Being real about when you want something from someone that isn’t ready or able to give it to you can avoid endless issues and pain for you both.

On the 22nd, Venus moves into Gemini until July 17th, and this is a time when public recognition and appreciation flourishes for you. So, go ahead and let people know what you’re up to. Spice up your portfolio and social media.

On the 28th, Neptune will go retrograde in Pisces until December 3rd, calling you to act on your intuition and impulses rather than on logic and practicality. This transit will help you to see through the idealizations you have when it comes to love and relationships, especially if you’re able to let go of judgement and allow your heart to lead the way.

The New Moon in Cancer also happens on the 28th at 10:52pm EST, highlighting for you the magic of community. Connect with your people, with your co-conspirators. It’s time to create more space in your life for the people that believe in you.