Key themes: journeys, new knowledge, home, family, ancestry, letting go of old patterns, love
What habits are you ready to release, Virgo? With November beginning right in the middle of eclipse season, check in on what has been stirred up within you since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th regarding your communication dynamics and your daily activities. What new routines do you wish to integrate into your day-to-day? What kind of people do you want to exchange with on a daily basis? Which types of interactions have you realized you want to distance yourself from because they’re draining and maybe even vampiric? Reflect on this and set your intentions for the next 6 months.
The Full Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus happens on the 8th at 6:02 am EST, and it will join forces with Uranus in your area of spirituality, philosophical exploration, and journeys that lead to new experiences. Allow for the winds of new knowledge to soften the barriers of your beliefs. Allow for new insights to rock you, move you, plant seeds within you. Allow for your wisdom, the one that comes not from books, but from what you’ve experienced body and soul to shine through. Pay attention to the unexpected, it brings magic with it.
On the 16th, Venus leaves the deep and intuitive waters of Scorpio to enter the expansive, wisdom-seeking Sag until December 9th. Mercury then joins Venus on the 17th, and will also be transiting Sag until December 6th. This happens at your root. Remember that you can always draw on the strength of your ancestors, they are always with you —their stories, their struggles, their resilience and their resistance. You are a product of so much that came before you, since the beginning of humanity. Let this inspire you to love more fiercely, yourself and the ones that are deserving. This is no time to minimize who you are and what you have to give in order to be embraced. As Nayyirah Waheed writes “love does not ask you to be nothing for something”.
Sag Season begins on the 22nd, and the Sun will highlight the themes that Venus and Mercury have already been bringing to your attention. Allow the water, the wind, the warmth of the Sun, the earth beneath your feet to hold you. We get more and more afraid of the world each day, and rightfully so, but what are you doing to be able to trust what can be trusted? To connect with what has the ability to hold you? No one can do life isolated or alone.
The next day, the Moon and the Sun will meet, bringing the Sag New Moon at 5:57 pm EST in your area of home, family and ancestry. Your patterns have roots, and when you trace them back, healing becomes more plausible. Stop trying to build a foundation on shaky ground. You are your foundation, you are your center. Become fortified from within, rest within your wisdom. Stop looking outside for approval.
On the same day of the New Moon, Jupiter will station to go direct in Pisces, where it will be until December 20th for the last time in twelve years. Reminding you to let yourself be soft and sweet within your tightest connections. This is a time to open your heart, to let love circulate through your life. You are softening and releasing so much, don’t be afraid of all the feels that come with it.
November ends with Pallas going retrograde in Cancer on the 30th, leading you to reflect on what you’re willing to fight for within your friendships and communities. It’s a time to assess when independence is needed and when there is more strength to be found in unity.