Key themes: partnerships, romance, intimacy, pleasure, creative callings, self-expression, professional pursuits, social status, shared resources.

What a wild ride 2022 has been, after two years deep in a life changing pandemic, we’ve been able to start taking steps out of a life with so many restrictions (depending on the reality of each part of the world) and step into a life where enjoying the outside world and planning for a future seems more tangible. None of us are the same as who we were three years ago, the collective trauma is real, but so are the ways in which we’re thriving to heal and mend, collectively and individually.

We start December with nebulous Neptune going direct in Pisces on the 3rd, sparking our imaginations and our ability to dream. During the past five months you were able to take off the rose-colored glasses and see what was working and what wasn’t within your one-on-one relationships. Don’t forget to keep addressing the imbalances. This way you can enjoy the romance and the fantasy while keeping it real.

On the 6th, Mercury, the messenger, leaves the expansive fire of Sagittarius, to enter the earthy focus of Capricorn, followed by Venus, the goddess of love, doing the same on the 9th. This happens in your area of creative self-expression, romance and children. It’s time for you to make a commitment to fun, to pleasure, to having a good time. It’s time for you to make amends with the fact that sometimes the end goal is just to feel, to laugh, to live out the process and the experience.

The last Full Moon of 2022 is happening in Gemini on the 7th at 11:08 pm EST, reminding us, in the midst of so much chatter, to be in deep exchange with ourselves. Illuminating your area of career, long-term goals and social status, this Full Moon will have you shining in all that you do. You’ll be able to bring clarity and reassess the choices that you’ve had to commit to when it comes to the balance between family/home duties and your aspirations for your work in the world.

On the 20th, Jupiter leaves Pisces for good and will enter Aries, starting a new twelve year cycle of expansion and wisdom around the zodiac. Say yes to getting deep, intimate and vulnerable. Jupiter is here to help you acknowledge where it hurts and where there’s lack. It’s here to help you clear out and untangle the stagnant, what’s been kept in the dark, and what needs some air to breathe, to transform or to finally die out.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st! Beginning with the winter solstice, the sun’s journey through Capricorn reminds us of the power of our commitments. Followed by the last New Moon of the year happening in Capricorn on the 23rd at 5:17 am EST, bringing a breath of fresh air into your self-expression. A lot of energy is being infused into your romantic journeys and your creative callings. You’ve got so much love and passion to share, don’t hold that back.

On the 23rd, Chiron, the wounded healer, will be going direct in Aries in your area of joint ventures, shared resources, collaborations and intimacy. This is a reminder that the healing power lies within you. Trust your energy, trust your body’s wisdom, and its capacity for transformation.

2022 comes to an end with Mercury going retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th. The end of the year will be asking us to review our commitments, to see how much we truly want to be invested in them. Keep this in mind when making your new year’s resolutions. In your case there will be a special focus on your creative projects, romantic entanglements, self-expression, the children in your life, and how much space you make for joy and pleasure.