Scorpio’s December 2022 Forecast

Key themes: creative self-expression, romance, communication, intimacy, vulnerability, health.

What a wild ride 2022 has been, after two years deep in a life changing pandemic, we’ve been able to start taking steps out of a life with so many restrictions (depending on the reality of each part of the world) and step into a life where enjoying the outside world and planning for a future seems more tangible. None of us are the same as who we were three years ago, the collective trauma is real, but so are the ways in which we’re thriving to heal and mend, collectively and individually.

We start December with nebulous Neptune going direct in Pisces on the 3rd, sparking our imaginations and our ability to dream. When it comes to creative pursuits and romantic explorations —especially of the dreamy kind— this time is not about knowing or about wanting to have control over how things will end up in the long term. Trust your instincts when it comes to what drives your passion, even when you can’t see as clearly.

On the 6th, Mercury, the messenger, leaves the expansive fire of Sagittarius, to enter the earthy focus of Capricorn, followed by Venus, the goddess of love, doing the same on the 9th. This happens in your area of communication, daily activities and exchanges. Get serious about your message. Look at how you communicate. Does it serve for more understanding and closeness within your bonds or does it make you clash? Thrive for more sweetness in how you articulate your truth.

The last Full Moon of 2022 is happening in Gemini on the 7th at 11:08 pm EST, reminding us, in the midst of so much chatter, to be in deep exchange with ourselves. Illuminating your area of intimacy, collaborations and shared resources, this Full Moon wants to remind you that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. Visit your fears, rethink them. Know that some fears aren’t worth the energy they take up. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, sensitive, in need of protection. There’s strength in being a badass, but there’s also strength in allowing yourself to be held.

On the 20th, Jupiter leaves Pisces for good and will enter Aries, starting a new twelve year cycle of expansion and wisdom around the zodiac. What work projects are you excited to bring to life? What health and wellness routines are tugging at you? During the next months, your ability to focus will help you take over your daily grind in a way that feels right for you, while being able to confront any obstacle that gets in your way.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st! Beginning with the winter solstice, the sun’s journey through Capricorn reminds us of the power of our commitments. Followed by the last New Moon of the year happening in Capricorn on the 23rd at 5:17 am EST, bringing a breath of fresh air into the ways you communicate and how you remain present within your daily activities. This is an invitation to rid your daily duties of all the things that don’t matter or count for much. This is the best way for you to come into 2023.

On the 23rd, Chiron, the wounded healer, will be going direct in Aries in your area of daily rituals, work, health and wellness practices. How are you taking initiative when it comes to your own recovery? Bring awareness to the things that are troubling you physically, emotionally or psychically. Take up therapeutic practices. Make the intention to heal.

2022 comes to an end with Mercury going retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th. The end of the year will be asking us to review our commitments, to see how much we truly want to be invested in them. Keep this in mind when making your new year’s resolutions. In your case there will be a special focus on communication, exchange, daily habits and activities, and how you bring your presence into everything you do.

Scorpio’s November 2022 Forecast

Key Themes: rebirth, self-actualization, relationships, self-worth

Happy Solar return, Scorpio! This is not just like any annual rebirth because Eclipse season is accelerating your transformative powers. With the recent Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, you may have discovered profound insights into why you are the way you are — including the parts of you that were repressed a long time ago. As Scorpio season empowers the renewal of your self-concept, it might involve purging layers of who you thought you “should” be and actualizing what you have always been deep down all along. Scorpio, what did the Eclipse reveal about what your true self needs in order to be happy and to live decisively in the world?

Since the Solar Eclipse in Taurus this past Spring, you have been working on being more true to yourself in the context of personal relationships, and perhaps even embodying unconventional ways of relating. By the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in earthy Taurus on November 8th at 6:02am, these issues may come bursting with energy so pay attention to your body’s wisdom and be aware of projections. Scorpio, what sensations, feelings, temperatures, and textures emerge when you feel safe to be your authentic self?

As this Eclipse conjoins surprising Uranus and squares challenging Saturn, your needs and desires may suddenly demand inclusion and communication, thereby creating potential crises and upheavals. Like a diamond under pressure, trust that this will bring you closer to your soul’s evolutionary path. As Oprah Winfrey expressed, “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.” Along with Mars retrograde, you may feel extremely fatigued by mid-November, so be sure to stay hydrated and prioritize rest to help you access your inner wisdom.

Venus lightens the mood as it enters optimistic Sagittarius on November 16th through December 9th. As the planet of Love & Connection emerges out of intense Scorpio, it’s a good opportunity to value the bigger-picture perspective of what decayed during Eclipse season. With Venus in Sagittarius, consider accessing resources that represent a sense of hope in your journey of self-becoming. Ritual objects like crystals, talismans, or images can help anchor your self-esteem as you integrate the lessons of Eclipse season.

The next day, Mercury joins Venus in exuberant Sagittarius in your sector of self-esteem and money until December 6th. With Mercury in Sagittarius, open your mind to seeing the information gained over the past 6 months as valuable assets for rooting your sense of inner knowing and inspiring others. What did you learn about the meaning of life and your place in it, Scorpio? As Scorpio Queen Whoopi Goldberg stated eloquently, “We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.”

As the Sun enters adventurous Sagittarius on November 22nd, your awareness focuses on material possessions and comforts until December 21st. Welcome to Sagittarius season, Scorpio! Take a break from all the deep introspective work you’ve been doing and pamper yourself, Scorpio. While you may feel increasingly optimistic about your financial situation, be aware of “fuck it” moments when it comes to spending for filling an emotional void. Instead, Scorpio, how can you use your resources to nourish your sense of vitality and confidence?

The answers to this question will be valuable for the New Moon in Sagittarius at 5:57pm on November 23rd, setting the tone for the next 4-week lunar cycle. As Natalie Page shared, “Every moment you spend is an investment”. Scorpio, you are your biggest investment and the present moment is the highest currency, so what’s truly worth your time and energy?

A few moments later, expansive Jupiter in fellow water sign Pisces stations direct, adding ripples of compassion and ease in your sector of self-expression and creativity. We’re at the end of a 12-year cycle of opportunity, Scorpio, so what did you learn about what lifts your spirit and helps you get into a flow state? Jupiter in Pisces provides a final oomph for dissolving any inhibitions on your creative self-expression.

Scorpio’s October 2022 Forecast

Key Themes: rebirth, identity, celebration, maturity, empowering mindset

Scorpio, over the past three weeks, Mercury retrograde facilitated a logical reassessment of your priorities for your future path. As Mercury stations direct in earthy Virgo on October 2nd, what needs to be pruned to make space for who you’re becoming, Scorpio? When Mercury enters easy-going Libra on October 10th through October 29th, open your mind to the beauty that comes when you surrender what you’ve outgrown, like a graceful grandmother carrying wisdom and creating rich soil for future generations.

On October 8th, your co-ruler Pluto stations direct in Capricorn after a 6-month retrograde in your sector of communication and learning. Scorpio, your staying power and resilience are astronomical, and you’ve undoubtedly been through so much. Yet, Pluto retrograde may have highlighted your unconscious mental tendency to expect the worst and manipulate conversations, especially when you’re in survival mode. Now that the planet of Transformation is initiating direct motion, how can you move forward with an empowered state of mind, knowing that you possess the courage and strength for transforming to the height of an Eagle and the wisdom of a Phoenix?

The fiery Full Moon in Aries shines bright on October 9th, activating your sector of health, wellness, and service. As this Full Moon conjoins Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Jupiter, the planet of Expansion, celebrate the courageous efforts made for prioritizing your healing journey and improving your daily work conditions. On the other hand, if you’ve put some things on the back burner, bursts of emotional energy such as anger, resentment and even burnout may surface with this Full Moon. Rather than identifying with these emotions and projecting blame, Scorpio, how can you acknowledge these emotions as protective messages demanding conscious action?

October 23rd brings tidal waves of cosmic energy as it initiates your annual rebirth, this time with a mature spin. First, Saturn in humanitarian Aquarius stations direct after a 5-month retrograde, which may have emphasized the weight of your domestic duties while compelling you to reexamine outdated family traditions. What fears and reality checks did you come face-to-face with in your home and family sector over the past quarter, Scorpio? Use the discipline and responsibility of Saturn to create a sustainable system of belonging to plant your roots into.

Next, Venus, the planet of Love and Connection, enters emotional Scorpio, activating your sector of personality until November 16th. With Venus in Scorpio, you may be in the mood to infuse your sense of style with increased personal magnetism and charm. A few hours later, the Sun enters your sign until November 22nd – it’s Scorpio season baby – happy Solar return! You are the alchemist of the Zodiac, Scorpio, and this is when you shine. Scorpio, people are both terrified and intrigued by your passionate approach to life and captivated by your alluring mystery. As Alexandra Elle put it, “You attract what you put out, so be mindful.”

The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio strikes on October 9th, illuminating a powerful portal for renewing your identity and the image you project to others. Eclipses often bring unexpected changes, so don’t be afraid to let go of old ways of presenting yourself. Like the flora that wilt and die in Autumn, how do you want to bloom come Spring, Scorpio? Use your powers of manifestation and acute perception to cut through your deepest desires and write, draw, paint or dance what you envision.

As Mercury enters intense Scorpio on October 29th through November 17th, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. Your mission with Mercury in Scorpio is to commit your mind and words with utter determination to support your vision of Self. After all, your thoughts shape your reality, Scorpio, so be open to new, empowering ways of thinking about yourself and expressing who you are.

The month concludes with your co-ruler, Mars, stationing for its first of three retrogrades in adaptable Gemini, from October 30th until January 12th, 2023 in your sector of death, sex, and shared assets. Mars retrograde provides an opportunity to get curious about your repressed emotions and sexual desires, and to connect to the warrior within. While it’s in your nature to transform and welcome the darkness, Scorpio, you may feel increasingly vulnerable to the point where it’s difficult to assert yourself and communicate your needs in matters of intimacy during this Mars transit. As astrologer Nura Rachelle stated, “If you’re not afraid to feel or fail, you can achieve anything”. Allow this to be your motto this October and beyond, Scorpio.

Scorpio’s September 2022 Forecast

Key Themes: future goals, social network, creativity, spirituality, recharging

Scorpio, the month of September compels you to clarify your future goals and recharge your spiritual batteries in preparation for next month’s powerful rebirth. This month’s astrology is supportive of melting any subconscious tension and letting go of the past year. So, whether it be music, dance, ritual, therapy, poetry or any form of art, allow yourself to tune into a higher state of consciousness and be moved from deep within.

When Venus, the planet of Beauty & Connection, enters earthy Virgo on September 4th, you’re compelled to regroup yourself for your next chapter and get honest about what’s happening in your social network. With Venus in Virgo until September 29th, it’s an ideal time to form alliances that support your future goals and to align yourself with groups that share a similar hunger for transformation in your area(s) of interest.

Mercury, the planet of Communication, turns retrograde in harmonious Libra on September 9th, activating Scorpio’s sector of spirituality and healing until September 23rd. At this point, Mercury will retrograde back into analytical Virgo as it re-enters Scorpio’s sector of friendships and future goals. Your mission with this 3-week Mercury retrograde period until October 2nd is to logically reassess your priorities and review what you’ve outgrown in order to clarify your path.

On September 10th, the inspiring Full Moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune, the planet of Illusion & Imagination, activating Scorpio’s sector of self-expression and creativity. On hand one, this Full Moon may illuminate your escapist tendencies or the ways you prevent yourself from fully receiving the pleasures of life. On the other hand, this Full Moon is incredibly supportive of getting in tune with yourself and receiving visions as it heightens your creative imagination. Scorpio, the days leading up to the Full Moon are powerful for finding a healing rhythm as you pour your heart into something or someone fun!

On September 22nd, the Sun enters graceful Libra. Welcome to Libra season and the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere! As Libra season spotlights Scorpio’s sector of spirituality and healing until October 23rd, it’s a ripe time for facilitating inner peace by releasing the grips of the ego. Just one season ends and another begins, Libra season is ideal for contemplating the past year and distilling its wisdom as we approach your solar return.

Emphasizing the graceful winds of the Libra Sun, the New Moon in Libra on September 25th sets the tone for the next four weeks and provides an opportunity to begin anew in Scorpio’s sector of spirituality and healing. With this New Moon, recognizing signs of emotional and mental imbalances and bringing peace to your soul are priorities so follow any calling to withdraw into your spiritual depths. As this New Moon makes a tense opposition to Jupiter in fiery Aries in Scorpio’s sector of health and wellbeing, you’re also compelled to infuse balance and compassion in your ongoing efforts for becoming more competent.

The month ends with Venus entering its home sign of Libra from September 29th through October 23rd. Riding on the momentum of the recent New Moon, Venus in Libra incites you to open yourself to receiving assistance from a higher power and to remember the beauty that exists amongst the chaos. Next up is your season, Scorpio, and a powerful rebirth awaits, so make the most of Venus in Libra to recharge your spiritual batteries.

Scorpio’s August 2022 Forecast

Key Themes: future goals, reaping, domestic environment, emotional responsibility

Scorpio, while you’re in the process of reaping the rewards of your efforts, the month of August also encourages you to renew your priorities and think about what’s next.

On August 4th, Mercury, the planet of Communication, enters earthy Virgo activating Scorpio’s sector of friendships and future goals until August 25th. With Mercury in Virgo, your mind becomes rewired to receive detailed transmissions for future growth and practical steps on your journey of self-becoming.

Venus enters expressive Leo on August 11th, and as the Planet of Love, Beauty and Connection activates Scorpio’s sector of career and reputation until September 5th, it’s an ideal time for reaping rewards and allowing yourself to receive praise and admiration from your co-workers and community members.

The lunar cycle culminates on August 11th with the Super Full Moon in rebellious Aquarius, illuminating Scorpio’s sector of home and family. While you’ve been focused on career goals and future growth, this Full Moon demands that you pay attention to your personal life. As this Full Moon conjoins with reality-facing Saturn, it challenges you to take responsibility of your emotions and to set appropriate boundaries in your domestic environment. This Full Moon also forms a conflicting square to Mars in Taurus, your opposing sign, and issues surrounding relationship norms inherented from family may surface around this time.

On August 20th, your ruling planet Mars enters open-minded Gemini, highlighting Scorpio’s sector of death, sex and shared resources until November 23rd. Mars in Gemini welcomes you to get curious about your sexual instincts, to try something new in matters of intimacy, and to diversify your joint assets. While you may be inclined to fiercely communicate your desires during this Mars in Gemini transit, Scorpio, be aware of unconscious projections and defensiveness, and consider this an opportunity to learn about tender areas for healing.

On August 22nd, the Sun enters earthy Virgo, lighting Scorpio’s sector of friendships and future goals until September 22nd. Welcome to Virgo season! Emphasizing your natural transformative powers, Virgo season is ripe for organizing your life toward a sense of future direction, perhaps through purposeful skills and aligned networking.

On August 24th through the rest of 2022, Uranus turns retrograde in sensual Taurus, your opposing sign, providing space to reflect on any wake-up calls for liberation that have stirred up your sector of relationships. The next day on August 25th, the circuits of the mind and communication take a graceful elevation as Mercury enters Libra, activating Scorpio’s sector of spirituality and healing until September 23rd. Mercury in Libra compels you to cultivate mental serenity as you practice communing with higher levels of consciousness.

The month ends with the New Moon in Virgo on August 27th, renewing Scorpio’s sector of friendships and future goals. Your mission with the Virgo New Moon is to visualize your ideal future and to realistically analyze what’s currently happening. Use this New Moon portal to prune, purify and enhance the manifestation of your goals, paying particular attention to renewing your priorities and social alliances.

Scorpio’s July 2022 Forecast

Key Themes: celebration, mindset, travel, inner mentor, destiny, relationships

Scorpio, the month of July invites you to celebrate yourself and affirm how valuable you are.

On July 5th, your ruling planet Mars enters earthy Taurus, activating Scorpio’s sector of relationships until August 20th. While it’s in your nature to approach things with emotional intensity, Mars in Taurus, your opposing sign, invites you to act in ways that facilitate a sense of grounding and security in your one-to-one partnerships.

On the same day, Mercury enters sensitive Cancer, a fellow water sign, highlighting Scorpio’s sector of travel and philosophy. With Mercury in Cancer, you may be in the mood to invigorate your imagination with books, music, art, and experiences that move you from the inside out.

The lunar cycle peaks on July 13th with the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn, illuminating Scorpio’s sector of communication and learning. We’re officially at the halfway mark in the yearly calendar, so look back to your 2022 New Year resolutions or the intentions you set on the Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd and see how far you’ve come! With this Capricorn Full Moon, be aware of where your mindset goes when you feel emotional and let go of any thought patterns that are not supportive of your long-term growth.

Venus enters nurturing Cancer on July 17th and, as the Planet of Love activates your sector of travel and philosophy until August 11th, it’s an ideal time for connecting with people that feel like home and spending time with women and children. Together, Venus and Mercury in Cancer invite you to imagine what it would feel like to weave the archetypal Divine Mother into the fabrics of your worldview.

The circuits of the mind and communication take an expansive spin as Mercury enters expressive Leo on July 19th through August 3rd, activating Scorpio’s sector of career and reputation. Mercury in Leo challenges you to say yes to being celebrated for the gifts you bring to the world. However, with Mercury in Leo, be aware of pride getting in the way and remember that what people see from the outside is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in bold Aries begins a 6-month retrograde on July 19th through December 23rd, compelling you to reconnect to the Inner Mentor in your sector of health, wellness, and service. Chiron’s retrograde gives you space to integrate the overly individualistic parts of you that may be unable to ask for help, especially in your day-to-day activities, Scorpio.

On July 22nd, the Sun enters charismatic Leo, lighting Scorpio’s sector of career and reputation until August 22nd. Welcome to Leo season! Leo season emphasizes your natural leadership qualities while encouraging you to take up space and express yourself more vibrantly in the eye of the public. Your mission with the New Moon in Leo on July 28th is to infuse your sense of “destiny” with the freshness of a child and allow yourself to be amused by the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

As Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde on July 28th through November 23rd, don’t worry if you’re not progressing as quickly as you hoped. Jupiter’s retrograde provides an opportunity to realign your beliefs with ones that affirm how valuable you are and how much you deserve to be recognized for your efforts.

On July 31st, Uranus conjoins with the North Node in Taurus, electrifying Scorpio’s sector of relationships. As the Planet of Awakening meets your soul’s evolutionary path, pay attention to sparks of inspiration for challenging the status quo in your partnerships.