Key Themes: rebirth, self-actualization, relationships, self-worth

Happy Solar return, Scorpio! This is not just like any annual rebirth because Eclipse season is accelerating your transformative powers. With the recent Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, you may have discovered profound insights into why you are the way you are — including the parts of you that were repressed a long time ago. As Scorpio season empowers the renewal of your self-concept, it might involve purging layers of who you thought you “should” be and actualizing what you have always been deep down all along. Scorpio, what did the Eclipse reveal about what your true self needs in order to be happy and to live decisively in the world?

Since the Solar Eclipse in Taurus this past Spring, you have been working on being more true to yourself in the context of personal relationships, and perhaps even embodying unconventional ways of relating. By the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in earthy Taurus on November 8th at 6:02am, these issues may come bursting with energy so pay attention to your body’s wisdom and be aware of projections. Scorpio, what sensations, feelings, temperatures, and textures emerge when you feel safe to be your authentic self?

As this Eclipse conjoins surprising Uranus and squares challenging Saturn, your needs and desires may suddenly demand inclusion and communication, thereby creating potential crises and upheavals. Like a diamond under pressure, trust that this will bring you closer to your soul’s evolutionary path. As Oprah Winfrey expressed, “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.” Along with Mars retrograde, you may feel extremely fatigued by mid-November, so be sure to stay hydrated and prioritize rest to help you access your inner wisdom.

Venus lightens the mood as it enters optimistic Sagittarius on November 16th through December 9th. As the planet of Love & Connection emerges out of intense Scorpio, it’s a good opportunity to value the bigger-picture perspective of what decayed during Eclipse season. With Venus in Sagittarius, consider accessing resources that represent a sense of hope in your journey of self-becoming. Ritual objects like crystals, talismans, or images can help anchor your self-esteem as you integrate the lessons of Eclipse season.

The next day, Mercury joins Venus in exuberant Sagittarius in your sector of self-esteem and money until December 6th. With Mercury in Sagittarius, open your mind to seeing the information gained over the past 6 months as valuable assets for rooting your sense of inner knowing and inspiring others. What did you learn about the meaning of life and your place in it, Scorpio? As Scorpio Queen Whoopi Goldberg stated eloquently, “We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.”

As the Sun enters adventurous Sagittarius on November 22nd, your awareness focuses on material possessions and comforts until December 21st. Welcome to Sagittarius season, Scorpio! Take a break from all the deep introspective work you’ve been doing and pamper yourself, Scorpio. While you may feel increasingly optimistic about your financial situation, be aware of “fuck it” moments when it comes to spending for filling an emotional void. Instead, Scorpio, how can you use your resources to nourish your sense of vitality and confidence?

The answers to this question will be valuable for the New Moon in Sagittarius at 5:57pm on November 23rd, setting the tone for the next 4-week lunar cycle. As Natalie Page shared, “Every moment you spend is an investment”. Scorpio, you are your biggest investment and the present moment is the highest currency, so what’s truly worth your time and energy?

A few moments later, expansive Jupiter in fellow water sign Pisces stations direct, adding ripples of compassion and ease in your sector of self-expression and creativity. We’re at the end of a 12-year cycle of opportunity, Scorpio, so what did you learn about what lifts your spirit and helps you get into a flow state? Jupiter in Pisces provides a final oomph for dissolving any inhibitions on your creative self-expression.