Key Themes: rebirth, identity, celebration, maturity, empowering mindset
Scorpio, over the past three weeks, Mercury retrograde facilitated a logical reassessment of your priorities for your future path. As Mercury stations direct in earthy Virgo on October 2nd, what needs to be pruned to make space for who you’re becoming, Scorpio? When Mercury enters easy-going Libra on October 10th through October 29th, open your mind to the beauty that comes when you surrender what you’ve outgrown, like a graceful grandmother carrying wisdom and creating rich soil for future generations.
On October 8th, your co-ruler Pluto stations direct in Capricorn after a 6-month retrograde in your sector of communication and learning. Scorpio, your staying power and resilience are astronomical, and you’ve undoubtedly been through so much. Yet, Pluto retrograde may have highlighted your unconscious mental tendency to expect the worst and manipulate conversations, especially when you’re in survival mode. Now that the planet of Transformation is initiating direct motion, how can you move forward with an empowered state of mind, knowing that you possess the courage and strength for transforming to the height of an Eagle and the wisdom of a Phoenix?
The fiery Full Moon in Aries shines bright on October 9th, activating your sector of health, wellness, and service. As this Full Moon conjoins Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Jupiter, the planet of Expansion, celebrate the courageous efforts made for prioritizing your healing journey and improving your daily work conditions. On the other hand, if you’ve put some things on the back burner, bursts of emotional energy such as anger, resentment and even burnout may surface with this Full Moon. Rather than identifying with these emotions and projecting blame, Scorpio, how can you acknowledge these emotions as protective messages demanding conscious action?
October 23rd brings tidal waves of cosmic energy as it initiates your annual rebirth, this time with a mature spin. First, Saturn in humanitarian Aquarius stations direct after a 5-month retrograde, which may have emphasized the weight of your domestic duties while compelling you to reexamine outdated family traditions. What fears and reality checks did you come face-to-face with in your home and family sector over the past quarter, Scorpio? Use the discipline and responsibility of Saturn to create a sustainable system of belonging to plant your roots into.
Next, Venus, the planet of Love and Connection, enters emotional Scorpio, activating your sector of personality until November 16th. With Venus in Scorpio, you may be in the mood to infuse your sense of style with increased personal magnetism and charm. A few hours later, the Sun enters your sign until November 22nd – it’s Scorpio season baby – happy Solar return! You are the alchemist of the Zodiac, Scorpio, and this is when you shine. Scorpio, people are both terrified and intrigued by your passionate approach to life and captivated by your alluring mystery. As Alexandra Elle put it, “You attract what you put out, so be mindful.”
The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio strikes on October 9th, illuminating a powerful portal for renewing your identity and the image you project to others. Eclipses often bring unexpected changes, so don’t be afraid to let go of old ways of presenting yourself. Like the flora that wilt and die in Autumn, how do you want to bloom come Spring, Scorpio? Use your powers of manifestation and acute perception to cut through your deepest desires and write, draw, paint or dance what you envision.
As Mercury enters intense Scorpio on October 29th through November 17th, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. Your mission with Mercury in Scorpio is to commit your mind and words with utter determination to support your vision of Self. After all, your thoughts shape your reality, Scorpio, so be open to new, empowering ways of thinking about yourself and expressing who you are.
The month concludes with your co-ruler, Mars, stationing for its first of three retrogrades in adaptable Gemini, from October 30th until January 12th, 2023 in your sector of death, sex, and shared assets. Mars retrograde provides an opportunity to get curious about your repressed emotions and sexual desires, and to connect to the warrior within. While it’s in your nature to transform and welcome the darkness, Scorpio, you may feel increasingly vulnerable to the point where it’s difficult to assert yourself and communicate your needs in matters of intimacy during this Mars transit. As astrologer Nura Rachelle stated, “If you’re not afraid to feel or fail, you can achieve anything”. Allow this to be your motto this October and beyond, Scorpio.