Key Themes: celebration, mindset, travel, inner mentor, destiny, relationships
Scorpio, the month of July invites you to celebrate yourself and affirm how valuable you are.
On July 5th, your ruling planet Mars enters earthy Taurus, activating Scorpio’s sector of relationships until August 20th. While it’s in your nature to approach things with emotional intensity, Mars in Taurus, your opposing sign, invites you to act in ways that facilitate a sense of grounding and security in your one-to-one partnerships.
On the same day, Mercury enters sensitive Cancer, a fellow water sign, highlighting Scorpio’s sector of travel and philosophy. With Mercury in Cancer, you may be in the mood to invigorate your imagination with books, music, art, and experiences that move you from the inside out.
The lunar cycle peaks on July 13th with the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn, illuminating Scorpio’s sector of communication and learning. We’re officially at the halfway mark in the yearly calendar, so look back to your 2022 New Year resolutions or the intentions you set on the Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd and see how far you’ve come! With this Capricorn Full Moon, be aware of where your mindset goes when you feel emotional and let go of any thought patterns that are not supportive of your long-term growth.
Venus enters nurturing Cancer on July 17th and, as the Planet of Love activates your sector of travel and philosophy until August 11th, it’s an ideal time for connecting with people that feel like home and spending time with women and children. Together, Venus and Mercury in Cancer invite you to imagine what it would feel like to weave the archetypal Divine Mother into the fabrics of your worldview.
The circuits of the mind and communication take an expansive spin as Mercury enters expressive Leo on July 19th through August 3rd, activating Scorpio’s sector of career and reputation. Mercury in Leo challenges you to say yes to being celebrated for the gifts you bring to the world. However, with Mercury in Leo, be aware of pride getting in the way and remember that what people see from the outside is merely the tip of the iceberg.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in bold Aries begins a 6-month retrograde on July 19th through December 23rd, compelling you to reconnect to the Inner Mentor in your sector of health, wellness, and service. Chiron’s retrograde gives you space to integrate the overly individualistic parts of you that may be unable to ask for help, especially in your day-to-day activities, Scorpio.
On July 22nd, the Sun enters charismatic Leo, lighting Scorpio’s sector of career and reputation until August 22nd. Welcome to Leo season! Leo season emphasizes your natural leadership qualities while encouraging you to take up space and express yourself more vibrantly in the eye of the public. Your mission with the New Moon in Leo on July 28th is to infuse your sense of “destiny” with the freshness of a child and allow yourself to be amused by the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
As Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde on July 28th through November 23rd, don’t worry if you’re not progressing as quickly as you hoped. Jupiter’s retrograde provides an opportunity to realign your beliefs with ones that affirm how valuable you are and how much you deserve to be recognized for your efforts.
On July 31st, Uranus conjoins with the North Node in Taurus, electrifying Scorpio’s sector of relationships. As the Planet of Awakening meets your soul’s evolutionary path, pay attention to sparks of inspiration for challenging the status quo in your partnerships.