KnowCancers December ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Faith in self and the universe, career, relationships

December is one of those months which will feel like a comforting hug from the universe. If you take your time, create spaciousness around you – and deeply connect with yourself… you’ll be able to find answers to so many of the themes that arose in 2022.

The month begins with Neptune going direct in its home sign (Pisces) on December 3rd. As highly empathic water sign, you’ll feel this shift deeply Cancer. Neptune and Pisces are all about collective energies. Remember how chaotic things felt in 2020? We’re all so much more attuned and connected to the world’s energies than we realize, and this can feel particularly true for water signs. This retrograde ending will feel like a veil has been lifted, revealing the love and beauty that was always there. Don’t be surprised if we see some positive political and global events around this time.

A strong theme of human connection and relationships is present with you for this month Cancer. Just a few days later (Dec 6th) Mercury enters the go-getter sign that is Capricorn. For you, this activates your sector of relationships and raises the theme of giving and receiving. Mercury is all about communication so at this time you’ll be prompted to share anything and everything that needs to be said. You can be notorious for bottling up your feeling Cancer, but your loved ones deserve to know, and you deserve to be supported.

Only the next day (Dec 7th), a Full Moon in Gemini illuminates your sector of spiritual connection. You’re ruled by the moon Cancer, and activating this area of your chart can create a powerful portal. This is one for either finding solitude, or being friends who share your same level of consciousness. Use this time ritualistically and with introspection. Full Moons are a time for gratitude and acknowledging the cycle that just passed. Notice all that’s grown in the last six months for you Cancer, give thanks, before consciously releasing anything that has now run its course.

December 20th sees Jupiter (the planet of abundance, luck, synchronicity and expansion) leaving Pisces, and entering the fiery sign of Aries. This energy can feel like a fire lit under you. Life might start moving a little faster in terms of synchronicity and opportunity. Something to remember here is that ultimately, you choose your pace – so it’s up to you how to work with this. Trust your intuition to guide you.

The next day (Dec 21st), Capricorn season begins. Capricorn is actually your opposite sign Cancer, so this time may evoke the sensation that you’re out of your comfort zone. It’s activating your sector of relationships (intimate and platonic), which will be the focus for the next four weeks.

Any sore spots relative to relationships may just arise around December 23rd when Chiron, the asteroid of wounded of our deepest wounding, ends its retrograde. Chiron direct tends to be a time of emotional release. Make sure you give yourself the space to process Cancer; tp really understand and integrate any lessons, in order to heal and prevent painful cycles from repeating.

(Tip: There’s a Chiron guide in the KTZ store, if you would like to learn more about your placement.)

On the same day, the Capricorn New Moon will evoke a sense of empowerment. You’ve made it through 2022 Cancer; grown, learned, and created memories along the way. Thank you for being here, and we’ll see you in the new year.

KnowCancers November ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Finding support, self-appreciation, noticing the beauty around you

Cancer, for you the month of November will carry a particular flavor of emotional depth and beauty. We’re between eclipses, which do affect you profoundly (dued to your planetary ruler being the moon). Still, with some awareness and grace, these weeks can catalyze some profound healing and self-growth.

On and around November 5th you might be feeling a conflict between your heart and the more practical elements of life, with an opposition between Venus and Uranus. Uranus has been in Taurus for the year, teaching us all about getting outside the box with how we approach the basics: food, work, our homes and resources. The world is definitely shifting, and it’s imperative that you flow alongside (rather than against it). Be mindful of becoming too rigid in regarding your circumstances or accepting discomfort. Anything is possible Cancer, decide to make it happen – and you will.

We have another eclipse with the Full Moon in Taurus on November 8th. As this moon activates your sector of community and social networking, it could be a good time to connect with your tribe (family, friends or community). With tense connections to Saturn, this Full Moon isn’t going to feel all rainbows and sunshine, but there is a message here of allowing yourself to be supported. You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your own Cancer.

On November 16th Venus enters Sagittarius, and is joined the very next day by Mercury. Cancer, Sagittarian energy works well with your temperament. There’s no denying it has been a long (loooong) year, and this burst of fiery momentum will give you a bit of a boost. This is furthered as we leave the watery scorpionic depths and enter Sag season on November 22. We’re approaching the very last month of the year, why not go out with a bang?

November 23 presents us with a powerful New Moon in Sagittarius, giving us one of the last major seed-sowing energies of the year. Cancer, why not use this night (and days surrounding) to start reflecting on 2022, plus all that you’d like to call in for 2023? December tends to be a bit of a blur, so some conscious visualization and manifestation efforts here could go a long way. As well as focusing on what you’d like to invite in, take a moment to honor your journey so far. Look at where and how you’ve grown, what’s changed for you – and what you’re most proud of. Celebrate yourself dear Cancer, you deserve that and more.

Plus, with Jupiter ending its retrograde and going direct in Pisces (November 23rd), it will feel like there’s something to celebrate. This kind of planetary vibe evokes magic, clarity and connection to the bigger picture. If you have been feeling a little ‘off,’ or disconnected, this will change right about now. Take time for yourself and slow life down where possible. It’s finding beauty in those little candid moments that will be most healing here.

KnowCancers October ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Balance, life admin, grounding dreams into reality, self-care

Cancer, this is going to be one of those months in the year that you look back on as being a catalyst. Remaining aware and balanced in yourself will allow you to navigate these intense cosmic vibes with grace and clarity – seeing you come out the other side as a more empowered version of yourself.

On October 2, Mercury goes direct in Virgo and this signature is one that will bring clarity and a sense of focus that you probably haven’t had for a little while. Now’s the time to get your affairs in order; any admin or general mental tasks that may have previously seemed off-putting.

Pluto goes direct on October 8th, and this will bring you more clarity – specifically in the sphere of your relationships. This is a time to reflect on current dynamics between you and those most present in your life. Is everything aligned, healthy, uplifting and supportive? Or are you being stretched? Answers will begin bubbling to the surface around now, and the universe supports you in setting boundaries and making the healthiest choices for yourself. On the flip side, if all is well – this could be a beautiful time to lean further into intimacy and vulnerability with another.

The very next day a Full moon in Aries activates your sector of wealth and physical abundance. I’m sure you’ve heard the importance of cultivating gratitude to bring through more blessings, and this moon (for you) is a reminder of that. It will be a particularly potent time to acknowledge the beauty that surrounds you – to really open your heart, and allow even more goodness to fill any spaces.

Saturn going direct on October 23rd is going to provide you with some much needed harmony when it comes to spheres of work and finances. Because it’s activating your sector of the subconscious, this will be a powerful time to notice any limiting beliefs or deep-seated fears which are holding you back from achieving the abundance you seek. This is a time to go through your psyche with a fine comb, release, renew – and begin grounding your dreams into reality by taking practical steps forward.

We have massive collective energies and upheaval with the Scorpio eclipse which takes place on October 25th. As such an empathic sign (who is indeed ruled by the moon), this will be a key time to focus on keeping your own energy exactly that: your own. Try to avoid denser vibes like gossiping or judgment around this time – they’ll feel worse than usual. It’ll also be worth cultivating patience and compassion for any one going through it (or acting out) at this time. Because this is a south nodal eclipse, it’s almost as though the whole collective will be triggered on an individual level. Be gentle with yourself too!

We close out the month with Mars going retrograde in Gemini – a healing portal which will continue into next month. This initiates a reminder for you to take care of your mental health. Mimimize, and declutter anything (or anyone) negative, that takes up unnecessary space in your mind.

KnowCancers September ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Mental balance, minimization, self-reflection, prioritizing yourself

Cancer, the last few weeks have meant a wild and transformative ride for the collective and September is where the waters start to settle. This month is going to offer you a wonderful opportunity to regain clarity, consistent momentum, and a sense of empowerment for your path forward.

We’re officially in Virgo season and on September 5th, the planet of beauty and love (Venus) moves there too. Venus also governs our value systems, which means this month will carry a theme of prioritization for you. What do you really love and value in life Cancer? What would you be happier without? With Virgo, less is more. This month is also going to remind you of the importance of mental balance and clarity.

Virgo energies tend to carry a lesson of connecting our quality of life, with the choices we’re making on an ongoing basis. You can use the analytical nature of these planetary vibes to check in with yourself at every moment. Does this feel good? Or should I do this instead? Eventually, prioritizing the best options for yourself will feel like an automatic function.
Remember, this sign as well as yours – does have ‘self-sacrificing’ tendencies. This month will therefore be one for placing extra awareness around your own energy Cancer; whether you’re overextending or balancing that sweet spot of love for self and other.

September 9th sees Mercury begin its retrograde in Libra, and this transit is going to bring you more self-reflection Cancer. For you, the retrograde will be highlighting your sector of home, belonging, family and emotional safety. It could feel like a sensitive time, meaning discernment with your energy and how you’re spending it is all the more important. Be careful not to drain yourself too excessively, for it’s here that you’ll lose the ability to connect with your intuition and sense of inner guidance.
Retrogrades are all about evaluation and assessment, so with this in mind – ideally you’ll have the ability to carry a dose of healthy objectivity into it all.

This month’s Pisces Full Moon (September 10th) is going to be a big one for you – as it activates your sector of life purpose, adventure and travel. You might be feeling more impulsive and spontaneous, and this cosmic signature is giving you its blessing. Why not mix it up and take a trip? Being around a body of water during the days surrounding a Full Moon can be the perfect healing tool for you Cancer – as you are of course, ruled by the moon. There’s a reminder here of following your intuitive voice, even if it seems to go against ‘logic,’ there will always be something to explore.

September 22nd brings the equinox, further establishing this theme of Balance throughout the month. With the Sun now in Libra, you’ll be feeling lighter and more playful than you have in quite some time. All of a sudden, after having established and tried out some new healthy habits – life just feels easier.

This sense of ease continues with Venus entering Libra on September 29th. Cancer, you could be feeling flirtier, or more confident. If new opportunities arise, now’s the perfect time to lean into them.

KnowCancers August ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Mindfulness, belonging, connecting to the earth and present moment

Cancer, the month of August will bring you lots of transformation – and perhaps in a gentler way then 2022 has unfolded so far.

We’re still in Leo season for most of the month, a period that tends to evoke within you a feeling of inspiration, comfort and warmth. It’s the first season out of your solar return, and therefore still carries fresh chapter energy. Cultivate the feeling that the sky’s the limit when it comes to achieving your dreams, because it’s true! Yet, with the many Retrogrades currently unfolding, this Leo season is not quite as explosive as other years.

On August 4, Mercury enters Virgo and will have you refining your life and the many elements that make it up. You might feel a heightened sensitivity to things that feel good; nurturing, replenishing and healthy – as well as things that feel the opposite. Because Virgo is all about refinement Cancer, you can use this sense of discernment as a tool for boundary setting, as well as decluttering your life. Think Marie Kondo!

The Full moon in Aquarius on August 11th will be an intense one for you Cancer. It’s going to activate your sector of transformation, deep healing, shadow work and fear. The cool news is; the sign of Aquarius is all about objective and out-of-the-box thinking. As one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, you might tend to sink into the heavier side of your emotional realm, sometimes for longer than necessary. While of course, Cancerian emotional sensitivity is in so many ways a gift – this Aquarius moon will lend you a dose of healthy objectivity. This can be the perfect ingredient for seeing the whole picture, as well as opportunities for change and growth.

This Full Moon may bring epiphanies regarding how you can take new approaches to improve your life and sense of emotional safety. This can be a very healing time – so I would recommend doing some journaling or self-reflective work this week.

On August 22, the Sun will be entering Virgo and solidifying the analytical, slow-paced backdrop that makes up the month of August. A Virgo sun tends to see us becoming a little less impulsive – and rather more thoughtful, present and mindful. This Virgo season will be a good time to cultivate the practice of mindfulness as opposed to multitasking. Cancer, it could be valuable to focus your efforts on one thing at a time – for example, taking in the simple beauty of a leaf in sunlight, or the sounds when pouring a cup of tea.

Cultivating this sense of earthy grounded-ness will be a wonderful way to prepare yourself for Uranus retrograde which takes place on the 24th of August, just a few days later. This will be moving through your sector of community and global belonging. As a result, you could be noticing where you belong in the world – and where you’re not quite a match. It could be the perfect time to have a think about what constitutes your soul tribe, as well as how (and where) to go about finding them.

Plus, with Mercury entering Libra the very next day on August 25, you could be feeling more social than you have in quite some time. This could be a good time to reach out to loved ones; to go on a date; or simply connect with someone new.

KnowCancers July ’22 Scope

Key Themes: New beginnings, emotional safe space, a pause, honoring yourself

Cancer, it’s still your season for the bulk of this month meaning the solar spotlight is on you. June carried some intense energy, but July asks you to pause and slow it down – turning your gaze inward, and towards honoring yourself.

The idea of following your own natural pace arises with Mars (the planet of action) entering earthy Taurus on July 5th. Here, we’re reminded that faster, bigger or higher – is not necessarily better. When we’re working towards building the life of our dreams, it’s important that each brick fits right.

Mercury entering your sign on the same day (July 5th), will have you feeling a little more empathic, and this is a gift. Here, the universe is reminding you that your emotionally intelligent nature can be used in such magical ways – particularly if you protect yourself from overwhelm.

Sometimes a sensitivity to dynamics, people and places can direct us towards making the right choices for ourselves. Listen to your heart, and you’ll know what’s ready to be shed before you really get into the next solar cycle of your journey.

The Full Moon on July 13th, takes place in your opposite sign – and for you carries a theme of pragmatism balanced with inner truth. You’re learning how to honor both your need for emotional safety and loving dynamics, as well as your desire to grow your abundance and sense of security in the world. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive, and this moon may be the time to reflect on ways that you can create your dream life.

July 17th and the days surrounding may feel like a heart-activation, as Venus (planet of love and beauty) enters your sign. This transit tends to heighten beauty and slow things down, you’ll notice rest feels even better – as will nurturing spaces. This could be a good time for some solitude, a tech detox, or spending time in deep presence with loved ones.

July 22nd sees the sun shift out of your sign and into Leo, initiating the next chapter of your solar return. What this may look like is some boundary work, as you start working on establishing where you feel honored, seen and valued – and where you’re being taken for granted. Juno retrograde in Pisces (on July 25th) shines the spotlight of examination on our intimate relationships – and an ongoing Chiron retrograde (through Aries), furthers this invitation of finding your sovereignty.

A Leo New Moon on July 28th will be the time to get creative, to connect with your inner child and bring back lightness and play. Here, the universe reminds you of your inherent power and worth. Cancer, you’re ready for your bright and shiny future.