Key Themes: Faith in self and the universe, career, relationships

December is one of those months which will feel like a comforting hug from the universe. If you take your time, create spaciousness around you – and deeply connect with yourself… you’ll be able to find answers to so many of the themes that arose in 2022.

The month begins with Neptune going direct in its home sign (Pisces) on December 3rd. As highly empathic water sign, you’ll feel this shift deeply Cancer. Neptune and Pisces are all about collective energies. Remember how chaotic things felt in 2020? We’re all so much more attuned and connected to the world’s energies than we realize, and this can feel particularly true for water signs. This retrograde ending will feel like a veil has been lifted, revealing the love and beauty that was always there. Don’t be surprised if we see some positive political and global events around this time.

A strong theme of human connection and relationships is present with you for this month Cancer. Just a few days later (Dec 6th) Mercury enters the go-getter sign that is Capricorn. For you, this activates your sector of relationships and raises the theme of giving and receiving. Mercury is all about communication so at this time you’ll be prompted to share anything and everything that needs to be said. You can be notorious for bottling up your feeling Cancer, but your loved ones deserve to know, and you deserve to be supported.

Only the next day (Dec 7th), a Full Moon in Gemini illuminates your sector of spiritual connection. You’re ruled by the moon Cancer, and activating this area of your chart can create a powerful portal. This is one for either finding solitude, or being friends who share your same level of consciousness. Use this time ritualistically and with introspection. Full Moons are a time for gratitude and acknowledging the cycle that just passed. Notice all that’s grown in the last six months for you Cancer, give thanks, before consciously releasing anything that has now run its course.

December 20th sees Jupiter (the planet of abundance, luck, synchronicity and expansion) leaving Pisces, and entering the fiery sign of Aries. This energy can feel like a fire lit under you. Life might start moving a little faster in terms of synchronicity and opportunity. Something to remember here is that ultimately, you choose your pace – so it’s up to you how to work with this. Trust your intuition to guide you.

The next day (Dec 21st), Capricorn season begins. Capricorn is actually your opposite sign Cancer, so this time may evoke the sensation that you’re out of your comfort zone. It’s activating your sector of relationships (intimate and platonic), which will be the focus for the next four weeks.

Any sore spots relative to relationships may just arise around December 23rd when Chiron, the asteroid of wounded of our deepest wounding, ends its retrograde. Chiron direct tends to be a time of emotional release. Make sure you give yourself the space to process Cancer; tp really understand and integrate any lessons, in order to heal and prevent painful cycles from repeating.

(Tip: There’s a Chiron guide in the KTZ store, if you would like to learn more about your placement.)

On the same day, the Capricorn New Moon will evoke a sense of empowerment. You’ve made it through 2022 Cancer; grown, learned, and created memories along the way. Thank you for being here, and we’ll see you in the new year.