KnowLeo December ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Sovereignty, self-loving choices, discernment, detoxification

Leo, what a year it has been.

December will be no less epic, and invites you to step into whichever energies benefit you the most. Are you in need of solitude and space to self-reflect or heal? Do you want the support and love of community, family and friends? Are you ready to go on an adventure? Or do you simply need to unwind your nervous system with enough rest to recharge your tanks for the year ahead?

Only you have the answers Leo, and December invites you into your personal sovereignty by making the wisest choices for yourself. It can be a month of bursting calendars and expenses, or it can be one where you respect and make your boundaries clear. You’ll know what to do, and when in doubt, let intuition take the reins.

The month begins with Neptune ending its retrograde Pisces on December 3rd. Neptune rules Pisces, and together they govern the realms of spirit and collective energies. If you’ve been experiencing ‘brain fog,’ or lethargy, there’s a high chance this will start to life as the global energy becomes that much lighter and clearer.

On December 7th the Gemini Full Moon activates your sector of community, networking and innovation. If you’ve had any ideas or projects in your mind, now could be the time to shoot your shot. As a Leo, you are one of the most creative members of the zodiac and that’s important to remember. The world is ready for your ideas, and more often than not collaborating with others is the necessary means to making them come to life. This moon will be a good time to surround yourself with like-minded beings, who inspire and uplift you. You’ll be feeling particularly sensitive to the opposite energy.

December 20th sees Jupiter shift into Aries. In other words, the planet of luck and expansion is being supercharged with fire energy. This glorious dynamic activates your sector of adventure and life purpose. You might start feeling a sense of restlessness and the desire to expand out into the unknown. If so, go with it! You never know where you’ll end up, and that can be a beautiful thing.

The next day (December 21st) is the first day of Capricorn season. You’ll feel an activation of themes around wellbeing and the theme that runs through your December: making the right choices for you. Before you enter the New year, it can be a wonderful time to clean up your diet, exercise regime, sleep patterns – any and every area of your life that could improve your overall happiness and quality of life. You deserve this and more Leo.

This month reminds you to fill up your own cup first, so that extending care to others feels both natural and easy. Reminder: it’s when you’re feeling content, calm and happy… that you’ll be the most receptive to the nudges of the universe, and most aligned with the abundance that is waiting for you.

This is the remembrance you can bring with you into 2023. You’ve got this!

KnowLeo November ’22 Scope

Key Themes: making space for emotion, finding your truth, pace, enjoying your own company

Leo, with the sun (your planetary ruler) in Scorpio for the most part of November, this month will carry themes of emotional catharsis, transformation and emotional healing. We’re almost at the end of the year and things tend to get a little more social around now – but taking time to be truly present with yourself and your emotions will be one of the most beneficial things you can do. Scorpio season is all about shining a spotlight on those dynamics, fears, triggers and subconscious motivations which can feel more comfortable to ignore. Think of this month as one for deep cleaning. It’s time to lean into radical self-honesty, to give you the clearest and most solid foundation possible – before you launch into the new year.

The Eclipse on November 8th takes place in the sign of earthy Taurus. Leo, your sector of physical abundance, career and wealth is going to be activated with this Full Moon – making it quite the abundance portal. Because this Moon is conjunct the North Node, there’s an evolutionary energy to it; that is you’re being invited to step confidently into the future. With Uranus meeting the moon, there’s a reminder that the world is not going to look the same in 2,5, or 10 years. This means it’s worth remaining highly adaptable to the changing tides of economy, career and wealth… because with the ever changing (infinite) possibilities, you truly can find the best fit for you. If you’ve been feeling ‘stuck’ in a career sense, this is the time to make moves. Either shoot your shot and apply for a whole new dream job, or simply sit down and write out your alternate options. Putting energy into other possibilities is the first step to opening another door. Leo, as a sign that hates stagnancy, this eclipse will feel highly inspiring and full of potential.

An upshift of inspiration continues to climb with Venus entering fiery Sagittarius on November 16th, followed by Mercury the next day (November 17th). This energy activates your sector of play, self-expression and romance. Life will start to feel lighter and brighter, particularly around November 22 when the Sun also moves into Sagittarius. The shift from Scorpio to Sag season can be a little like driving out of a tunnel into bright daylight, so be careful to walk before you run. Swinging too impulsively into socializing, work or travel could mean that you burn out too quick – so pace yourself darling Leo.

For you Leo, the Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd will feel like home. This warm energy illuminates your sector of self-love, so why not lean into that alllll the way? Spoil yourself by taking yourself out on a date, or nestling in with Uber Eats and a book. Here, there’s a reminder that it’s okay to seek pleasure for yourself. Some of the best moments of your life will be with just you Leo, and that’s just fine. Afterall, it’s actually your sign that teaches the rest of the zodiac the value in being one’s own best friend.

KnowLeo October ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Nurturing yourself, momentum, inner healing, choices

Leo, October has the potential to be incredible… or kind of challenging! Either way, the potency and potential is there: which way you go, depends on your choices.

On October 2nd we have Mercury going direct in the sign of Virgo. This, as well as Pluto going direct on October 8th is going to bring an incredible amount of comfort, solace, as well as closure. You may notice some of the strongest themes you’ve been working with over the last months beginning to wrap up. Now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, lovely Leo. You might notice a new sense of self-empowerment and inner balance. If so, lean into it! Nourish this state by maintaining a soft focus on self-care. You deserve this for yourself!

A full Moon in Aries on October 9th is going to bring back a sense of momentum and fiery spark, and you’ll be here for it. This dynamic energy lights up your sector of adventure, travel and life purpose – so now will be a great time to take a spontaneous trip, or mix things up in some other way. Stretching beyond your comfort zone with something new will feel particularly enriching right now.

With Mercury entering Libra on October 10th, you’ll be feeling more social than you have for a little while. It will be worth enjoying the lightness of this week with friends and fun activities, because the rest of the month is going to enter more intense and introspective energies.

Speaking of… on October 23 we have Venus and the Sun (your planetary ruler), entering the transformative powerhouse sign of Scorpio. Collectively, this brings on a more emotional, intuitive and empathic kind of vibe. Feelings will rise to the surface, as will conflict and anything else we’ve been suppressing all year.

You might notice this is particularly true around the Solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. This is a big one Leo! Because it activates your sector of emotional healing, be sure to treat yourself with extra love and softness. If you feel a build-up of emotions, let them out with a healthy and self-loving cry. Part of this human experience is our vulnerability and sadness, which (as Scorpio reminds us) can really be such a beautiful thing. As the sign of the solar child, you do wear your heart on your sleeve and with barriers down – this can lead to painful experiences. This moon reminds you to treat yourself as though you were a child. Love yourself the way you wish to be loved by those around you. Tip: doing so will attract exactly that.

The catharsis of the time means you’ll be feeling so much lighter and more than ready to take on Mars retrograde which begins on October 30th. It’s taking place in your sector of community and networking, opening up the perfect opportunity for you to tweak any dynamics or wounds around collaboration. This energy is all about ‘group’ dynamics which is actually the opposite of your sign’s focus on the individual. So, it’ll be a retrograde all about learning and finding balance. You’re ready for this Leo, let’s go!

KnowLeo September ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Grounding yourself, new resolutions, growth, evaluation

Leo, you’ve just had your solar return and consequently a portal of growth, reflection, and celebration. This month is going to be all about grounding the lessons of your last year into the present – stepping into the new and ‘improved’ version of yourself.
Venus entering Virgo on September 5th brings you into a more thoughtful space, where you may feel the inclination to slow life down. Virgo reminds us that faster and bigger are not necessarily better. Here, there’s wisdom in mindfulness, presence and taking your time. Planning each and every step of the way to see life moving like clockwork can be a hugely satisfying thing, and it’s certainly that time of the year.

Mercury retrograde on September 9th is also an invitation to slow down, assess and act accordingly. For you Leo, you’ll notice an activation in your sector of community. This will be a time to reflect on your sense of ‘belonging.’ Have you found your tribe or soul family? Who are the ones that fill you with inspiration and support? Retrogrades often call for readjustments and tweaks, so be patient if you notice things aren’t quite where you want them to be yet. It’s all a process – and you might just see it come full circle with this month’s New Moon.

Leo, September 21 could bring a sense of ‘stuckness’ as we experience a tension between Jupiter and Saturn. This could feel like your sense of individualism being restricted by the opinions, voices or rules of others. If plans don’t feel seamless here, not to worry – there will be a hidden lesson. Whether this means loosening authoritative grips in your life, or simply engaging in an honest conversation: you’ve got this Leo. There are enough retrogrades unfolding right now that life may not feel as seamless and fast-paced as usual, but this month you’re invited to pause and just be with this. It’s when life’s not going perfectly, that you’ll have the time to refine and tweak things to align with your goals. These periods are simply part of the process.

Plus, there’s a high chance that the very next day life will feel light again – with the sun entering Libra. This season tends to be one of the more fun and experimental of the year. Socializing is turned up a notch and all of a sudden your worries will feel slightly more trivial. This can lead to an extremely empowering mindset, as no obstacle is too big. That being said, be careful of scattering your efforts around this time Leo, as it may be a little more difficult to focus.

New Moons always birth new opportunities and a blank slate, and the Libra New Moon on September 25th offers you exactly this. Once again activating your sector of belonging and community – this will be a time to draw on your reflections over the month and to call in exactly what (and who) you want for your dream life. Try vision boarding or sharing with loved ones, to plant seeds for the new lunar cycle.

KnowLeo August ’22 Scope

Key Themes: health, habits, relationships and self-love

Leo, the bulk of August sees the sun transiting your sign… which means Leo season is still going strong!
Because of the retrogrades taking place this month, the month could feel a little slower than usual – but with it being the time of your solar return you’ll probably still feel like you’re on fire anyway (in the best way)!

Mercury leaves your sign to enter Virgo, on August 4th. Virgo tends to activate your sector of health and body Leo, meaning this month in general will be a great time to reconnect with sensuality and health. This could mean means implementing a fitness practice, eating well – or demonstrating self- love through techniques like daily self-massage, or a dope skincare routine.

Magically, on August 11th Venus is entering your sign. This is the kind of transit that highlights and magnifies beauty. The next few weeks will be a wonderful time to connect with nature, to get off your phone, and fall into presence with the rhythms of the Earth. It might seem like plants and animals and turning it up – because with Venus (the planet of beauty) in your sign, it’s like abundance is pointed at you! Enjoy!

We also see a Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11th. This moon is going to be activating your sector of relationships. Leo, this means it could be interesting to me to reflect on your relationships, as a whole. That is; the ones that are forming, that already exist or those which have fallen away. Things can always take a nostalgic turn around your solar return, so be gentle with yourself here. Pay attention to the friends that are really on your team, versus those who are there for less loving reasons. Who we choose to surround ourselves with, should reflect back to us a sense of self-love and self-value. This means the Full Moon will be one for either celebrating the fact that this exists, or making space for new relationship dynamics.

Fortunately, Mars entering Gemini on August 20th, will probably have you feeling more social than ever. It could be a good time to meet some new beings, or to reconnect with old friends with whom you’ve fallen out of touch.

We wrap up Leo season when the Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd. This is the first new season out of your solar return – and one to solidify some new good habits. That’s really what Vigo is about; a sign that endorses clean eating, a healthy routine, social media mindfulness and healthy relationships. You’ve got a fresh twelve months ahead of your next solar return – you can use each minute to honor yourself.

Leo, Uranus retrograde on August 24th is going to bring shifts to your career and finances. Depending on your mindset – this can be incredible or incredibly expansive or a reflection of limitation. Regardless, this retrograde invites you to innovate, expand beyond what you already know. It’ll be a time for thinking outside the box as to how you can earn your living, as well as how your career path can allow you to expand even further, into revealing more of the glorious person that you already are.

KnowLeo July ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Self-love, discernment, a new chapter, abundance

Leo, July has the potential to become a magical month for you, so get ready!

On July 5th, Mars moves into the earthy sign of Taurus – where you might start to feel heightened awareness around your body, health and general wellbeing. This will be a good time to start stretching daily, drinking plenty of water and giving your mind space and rest. This could look like minimizing your tech, or starting a meditation practice.

The concept of taking practical steps to improve your life, will be a powerful theme to work with up until the Full Moon in Capricorn (taking place on July 13th). This Moon illuminates your sector of routine and wellbeing. Here, the universe presents you with a powerful portal of detoxification. 

Try to use the days around to be very specific about the kinds of energy you allow in and around your life; that is, the kinds of conversations, environments and entertainment that you take in. You can only ever imagine the kind of clarity and creative inspiration that a healthy state of mind can bring you… when you’re there!

Venus enters the watery sign Cancer on July 17th, a transit will bring your emotions more to the surface than usual. This will be a beautiful thing, because ultimately your emotions are a compass. If you need to cry and let it out, do so. Because you’re nearing the conclusion (and indeed new beginning) of your solar return, emotional release will be a powerful way to honor this transition.

And what a transition it will be! Mercury enters your sign on the 19th, before your ruler (the sun) makes its way there on July 22nd. It’s Leo season baby! The season of the fiery solar child is all about celebration, reinvigoration, joy and self-empowerment. 

Your mission here is to treat the whole month as an exercise in self-love. Approach each decision with the question; what would someone who really loves themselves do? And follow your own direction. This is your time of the year. Enjoy it darling Leo.

You’ll be shining more brightly than ever, even through some of the denser planetary transits of the month, such as Chiron (asteroid of our deepest wounding) stationing retrograde through the sign of Aries (on July 19th).

This transit tends to bring up the deepest wounds of the collective and individuals. Yet the good news is, that for you – as much heaviness arises, you’ll be able to access an equal amount of light. Healing doesn’t always have to be a dark and painful process. If you feel yourself being triggered or upset, lean into your emotion and give yourself presence and love. The consequential process of transmutation is step one in becoming the alchemist of your life.

You may notice people gravitating towards your warmth and love more than usual Leo, so be sure to set healthy boundaries for yourself. Fill up your own cup and make sure you’re good – so that it may overflow with love to those around you. Everyone wins!