Key Themes: Self-love, discernment, a new chapter, abundance

Leo, July has the potential to become a magical month for you, so get ready!

On July 5th, Mars moves into the earthy sign of Taurus – where you might start to feel heightened awareness around your body, health and general wellbeing. This will be a good time to start stretching daily, drinking plenty of water and giving your mind space and rest. This could look like minimizing your tech, or starting a meditation practice.

The concept of taking practical steps to improve your life, will be a powerful theme to work with up until the Full Moon in Capricorn (taking place on July 13th). This Moon illuminates your sector of routine and wellbeing. Here, the universe presents you with a powerful portal of detoxification. 

Try to use the days around to be very specific about the kinds of energy you allow in and around your life; that is, the kinds of conversations, environments and entertainment that you take in. You can only ever imagine the kind of clarity and creative inspiration that a healthy state of mind can bring you… when you’re there!

Venus enters the watery sign Cancer on July 17th, a transit will bring your emotions more to the surface than usual. This will be a beautiful thing, because ultimately your emotions are a compass. If you need to cry and let it out, do so. Because you’re nearing the conclusion (and indeed new beginning) of your solar return, emotional release will be a powerful way to honor this transition.

And what a transition it will be! Mercury enters your sign on the 19th, before your ruler (the sun) makes its way there on July 22nd. It’s Leo season baby! The season of the fiery solar child is all about celebration, reinvigoration, joy and self-empowerment. 

Your mission here is to treat the whole month as an exercise in self-love. Approach each decision with the question; what would someone who really loves themselves do? And follow your own direction. This is your time of the year. Enjoy it darling Leo.

You’ll be shining more brightly than ever, even through some of the denser planetary transits of the month, such as Chiron (asteroid of our deepest wounding) stationing retrograde through the sign of Aries (on July 19th).

This transit tends to bring up the deepest wounds of the collective and individuals. Yet the good news is, that for you – as much heaviness arises, you’ll be able to access an equal amount of light. Healing doesn’t always have to be a dark and painful process. If you feel yourself being triggered or upset, lean into your emotion and give yourself presence and love. The consequential process of transmutation is step one in becoming the alchemist of your life.

You may notice people gravitating towards your warmth and love more than usual Leo, so be sure to set healthy boundaries for yourself. Fill up your own cup and make sure you’re good – so that it may overflow with love to those around you. Everyone wins!