KnowCapricorn December ’22 Scope

Key themes: new perspectives, intuition, falling in love with your personal goals, taking care of your body, daily rituals, ancestry, healing.

What a wild ride 2022 has been, after two years deep in a life changing pandemic, we’ve been able to start taking steps out of a life with so many restrictions (depending on the reality of each part of the world) and step into a life where enjoying the outside world and planning for a future seems more tangible. None of us are the same as who we were three years ago, the collective trauma is real, but so are the ways in which we’re thriving to heal and mend, collectively and individually.

We start December with nebulous Neptune going direct in Pisces on the 3rd, sparking our imaginations and our ability to dream. During the past five months you’ve been questioning how you express yourself. This has helped you come into a fresh perspective and refine your message. Now it’ll be time to trust your intuition from this new found point of view, and connect with the magic available in everyday circumstances.

On the 6th, Mercury, the messenger, leaves the expansive fire of Sagittarius, to enter your earthy focus of Capricorn, followed by Venus, the goddess of love, doing the same on the 9th. This happens in your area of self-discovery and identity. This will be great for your personal goals, as you’ll have just the right words to describe and jot down your long-term plans. Trust yourself, trust your decisions, and go forward with what you want.

The last Full Moon of 2022 is happening in Gemini on the 7th at 11:08 pm EST, reminding us, in the midst of so much chatter, to be in deep exchange with ourselves. Illuminating your area of daily rituals, work, health and wellness practices, this Full Moon asks, how do you keep yourself healthy in the midst of deadlines and the many things that keep your stress levels high? This Full Moon asks you to be practical while acknowledging the needs of your body.

On the 20th, Jupiter leaves Pisces for good and will enter Aries, starting a new twelve year cycle of expansion and wisdom around the zodiac. Just as plants need repotting once their roots have expanded beyond their pot, so do you. How can you bring more spaciousness into the places and the bonds that hold you and nurture you? Move things around, get the energy flowing.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st! Beginning with the winter solstice, the sun’s journey through Capricorn reminds us of the power of our commitments. Followed by the last New Moon of the year happening in your sign on the 23rd at 5:17 am EST, bringing a breath of fresh air into your personal goals, journey of self-discovery and sense of self. You are worthy of freedom, and this New Moon urges you to allow yourself more room to move and roam free. This is a time for renewal. Don’t try to force things. Allow for that process to occur.

On the 23rd, Chiron, the wounded healer, will be going direct in Aries in your area of home, family and ancestry. What old wounds are coming up? And how are you addressing them? Chiron is here to help you process, release, transform and resignify your foundational stories and ailments.

2022 comes to an end with Mercury going retrograde in your sign on the 29th. The end of the year will be asking us to review our commitments, to see how much we truly want to be invested in them. Keep this in mind when making your new year’s resolutions. In your case there will be a special focus on self-perception, how you view the world, how the world views you, your journey of self-discovery, and your personal goals and aspirations.

KnowCapricorn November ’22 Scope

Key themes: community, art, creative self-expression, spirituality, regeneration, compassionate exchanges

How have your interpersonal dynamics shifted, Capricorn? With November beginning right in the middle of eclipse season, check in on what has been stirred up within your networks and communities since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. Have you allowed yourself to say ‘no’ to the invitations that don’t move you? It’s ok if the groups and the causes that you once felt identified with no longer make you feel belonging. It’s ok to change. It’s ok to give yourself some alone time, to find the places where the you that you are today can fit in. Reflect on this and set your intentions for the next 6 months.

The Full Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus happens on the 8th at 6:02 am EST, and it will join forces with Uranus in your area of romance, creative self-expression, and children. Creativity isn’t a means to an end, it’s its own gift, a journey in itself. Tap into the timing and the tempo of your own expression and creative flow. What you’ve got to give is one of a kind. Get to know it in order to unlock its fullest potential. Cultivate spaces where you can awaken and hold the tenderness and the passion to learn from your own process. Pay attention to the unexpected, it brings magic with it.

On the 16th, Venus leaves the deep and intuitive waters of Scorpio to enter the expansive, wisdom seeking Sag until December 9th. Mercury then joins Venus on the 17th, and will also be transiting Sag until December 6th. This happens within your spiritual, compassionate and inner realms. Allow yourself to rest. Do more of what renews your energy. Connect with the pleasure that you’re capable of experiencing when you let go. Honor the time and energy it takes to do life. If the world has yet to compensate you for all that you do, make sure you acknowledge yourself and your efforts. Lean on your support groups, the ones that know how to give you love, and respect your space and your needs.

Sag Season begins on the 22nd, and the Sun will highlight the themes that Venus and Mercury have already been bringing to your attention. It’s in your nature to be optimistic, so you don’t play it safe. You walk through life knowing that you have the ability to make your dreams come true. It’ll help you to slow down this season. To look within. To pay attention to your dreams, to write them down and revisit them. This is a time of deep healing, so allow yourself the space.

The next day, the Moon and the Sun will meet, bringing the Sag New Moon at 5:57 pm EST in your area of the unconscious. How much space do you make in your days for life’s simple pleasures? A bubble bath can be something so simple to do if you have a tub, and what it offers can be so gratifying. Meditation, a walk in nature, and even nothing at all, things that don’t take much but that can be deeply restorative. This is what this New Moon is all about.

On the same day of the New Moon, Jupiter will station to go direct in Pisces, where it will be until December 20th for the last time in twelve years. This will activate the magic and the sweetness available even in the most mundane of conversations. Be compassionate within your exchanges, and life will pay you generously.

November ends with Pallas going retrograde in Cancer on the 30th, helping you to assess the things that come up within your intimate partnerships instead of getting defensive or rushing to conclusions. You’ll be able to analyze the situations to determine what is worth your time and energy.

KnowCapricorn October ’22 Scope

Key themes: personal myths, nurturing and renewing spaces, following your dreams, healthy interpersonal dynamics.

October begins with Mercury going direct in the sign of Virgo. For the past 9 days or so you’ve had no choice but to hold space for wonder. You’ve been able to see where your personal story may be keeping you from your creative potential. Now, it’s time to unlock yourself from the narratives that hold you back.

On the 8th, Pluto also goes direct, in the sign of Capricorn, where it’s been for the past 14 years. During its retrograde, you got a chance to see how you show up in the world, and how much that’s in alignment with your inner truth. Pluto’s slow, so this realization isn’t something so evident, it happens at a very steady pace. When it turns direct, you get a chance to cultivate new ways of harnessing your inner power.

This month, the Full Moon will happen in Aries, on the 9th at 4:55pm EST. A light will be shining on your roots, inviting you to connect with the land beneath your feet. Acknowledge the parts of yourself that are in need of re-parenting, in need of a little bit more care, protection and passionate love and affirmation. Check in on what’s missing at home for you to be able to surrender to the kind of rest and retreat your inner child is in need of.

Mercury will re-enter Libra on the 10th, taking you back to the things you were experiencing or thinking about surrounding your career, long-term goals, and social status between August 26th and September 22nd. There are things that aren’t meant to make it with you to the top. Keep feeling though, and keep moving towards your dreams.

Saturn also goes direct this month on the 23rd in the sign of Aquarius. This is your ruling planet, so you’ll be feeling freer. It’ll be easier for you to act, make decisions and move forward. Things will start to ease up when it comes to your material security, so go ahead and work on strengthening your financial structures.

Also on the 23rd, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio, followed by the Sun, and on the 25th we welcome the second eclipse season of the year with a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Something is shifting within certain friendships and communities. Dynamics and changing, and it may be time to leave the spaces that feel draining. With some you can be there for the hard conversations, but respect yourself when you know it’s time to take distance.

On the 28th, Jupiter retrograde will re-enter the sign of Pisces, bringing back some of the wisdom we began to tap into at the beginning of May. In your case, it has to do with being present within the details of your day. Instead of thinking of what you have to do next, put your focus and your energy into being there with every single thing you do, and everything that comes to meet you.

Mercury will join Venus and the Sun in Scorpio on the 29th, and you’ll be able to connect in the most intimate and healing levels with some new and old friends. But you’ll also be vulnerable to people that don’t have your best interest at heart, so stay vigilant.

On the 30th, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini for the next two and a half months, helping you get in touch with what you honestly want to put your energy into, and with how much energy you actually have to put into things. It’s great to have goals, but remember that rest can also figure into your list.

KnowCapricorn September ’22 Scope

Key themes: adventure, professional pursuits, deadlines, communication, freedom.

The month of September opens up with Venus —the planet of love, intimacy and beauty— entering the service-driven sign of Virgo until the 29th. Embarking on new adventures and giving into the thrill of the unknown will be key to your pleasure during the weeks to come. Get curious about the people that come into your life just at the right time. Learn to trust the timing of things, and to hold space for awe. Wherever your intuition goes, follow.

On the 9th, Mercury —the Messenger— will station to go retrograde in the balancing sign of Libra, where it may bring setbacks in your professional life. There’s no need to worry. Prepare for this moment by loosening up when it comes to your goals for the next couple of weeks. Ask for more time, extend your deadlines, and promise less than what you know you can give, just in case.

The Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces will happen on the 10th, at 5:59am EST, shining a light on what works in your daily life and rituals. As your communications become more sensitive under the light of the Moon, it’ll be best to trust your intuition over what’s evident. Trust instead of trying to control what you say and what is said. As you strive to meet your deadlines, learn to surf the chaos of daily life, while trying not to take things too personally.

On the 22nd, the Sun’s exit from Virgo will give way to Libra Season, highlighting your career and long-term goals. You’ve been unlocking a lot of information in regards to your life path and what you want for your future. Allow all of these insights to take you back to the things that turn you on and give you a sense of purpose. Get clear on the kinds of foundations you want, need, and are required for the life you wish to keep building.

Mercury, still retrograde, will move back into Virgo on the 23rd, leading you to review things that were happening or that you were thinking about in regards to your philosophies, belief systems and need for freedom during August 20th to 25th. Give yourself time to mull things over without jumping to conclusions just yet. You’ll be able to get more clarity on the matter during the first couple of weeks of October.

The New Moon in Libra will happen on the 25th, at 5:54pm EST, and your professional life begins to flow with greater ease. As you put your energy into your passion and your pleasure, you’ll see the obstacles start to fade away. Take a moment to tap into the fire of your vocation, and how it feels in your body. From here is where you can center back, and dig your roots deeper into what it means to give of yourself in service of what you believe in.

inally, on the 29th, Venus enters its home sign of Libra, uplifting the energy of the New Moon. Don’t waste your time wishing that your life was another way. Connect to the pleasure of serving from wherever it is you are right now. You know what to put aside, what to take out completely, what to stack up on, and how to let go when it’s time. Trust yourself and trust the work that your passion leads you towards.

KnowCapricorn August ’22 Scope

Key themes: collaboration, expansion, self-worth, wellness, flexibility.

Capricorn, for you this month is a good time to pay close attention to your collaborations and who you share your energy and resources with. How are they making you feel inside? If something feels funny, don’t brush it off. You’ve got to stick with the ones that empower you, and make more space for them by ditching the ones that rob you of your life force.

On the 4th, Mercury will enter Virgo until the 25th, where it feels freer. You love rules, dear Capri. It makes life easier and keeps structures working. Just make sure that you’re not abiding by rules that are too constricting, to the point that they limit or even extinguish your creative fire. Find the expansive and sustaining rules, the ones that give you space to roam.

Venus then enters your area of joint ventures on the 11th, until September 5th, reminding you that deciding to share a life with someone else means giving up your personal freedom to some extent. But you’re also inviting something new into your life, something magical and transformative. This requires that you loosen up your control. Are you up for it?

The Full Moon in Aquarius is happening on the 11th as well, at 9:36 pm EST, inviting you to check in on what you do with what you have. Pay attention to the feelings that come up around your livelihood. What do you want to do differently in your life?

On the 20th, Mars leaves the manifesting energy of Taurus and enters the connecting energy of Gemini. This transit will be a long one, going until the end of March 2023. You may have a larger workload. But you’ll certainly have the energy to put into your work and your daily routines. It’s a great time to start to take better care of your health, and to do your yearly check ups.

Virgo Season swoops in on the 22nd, inviting you to explore the ideas, philosophies, spiritual practices, places that get your innovative juices flowing. It’s a great time to find ways to move your energy, in order to bring new dynamics into your life that can shift what makes you stagnant. Bring more fun into your days!

Uranus will be going retrograde on the 24th for the next five months, inviting you to be more flexible. This will help you tap into the kind of freedom you need in order to fully bring through your creative self-expression.

On the 25th, Mercury enters Libra until October 29th, inviting you to trust your authority. Speak through it, not in a despotic way, but in a way that you take into consideration your needs, the needs of the ones that you’re addressing, and the ones that will be affected by the actions that your words put into motion.

The month comes to an end with the New Moon in Virgo happening on the 27th at 4:17 am EST. Nothing that you or any of us do will ever be perfect, can you live with that? It’s important that you find the ease and the acceptance in making mistakes. It isn’t the end of the world. You live, you learn, you grow and you improve. And you have a chance to do it better the next time.

KnowCapricorn July ’22 Scope

Key Themes: self-expression, communication, personal growth, love, healing.

Capricorn, the month of July begins with a shift in energy as Mars enters Taurus, and Mercury enters Cancer on the 5th. Mars will activate your playfulness, your passionate nature, your creative fire and self-expression until August 20th. You’ll have so much energy. Let go of the end goal, and give into having fun. Mercury will bring more movement into your partnerships and commitments until the 19th. It’ll be a great time to have necessary conversations, and to update your agreements.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is happening on the 13th, at 2:37 pm EST, sparking your sense of self. You have accomplished so much on a personal level. If you look back 6 months ago, what have you been able to grow out of since then? You’re completing a process. Remember that you don’t need anyone’s permission to change. 

On the 17th, Venus, the planet of love, shifts into foundational Cancer until August 11th, bringing some warmth into your intimate relationships. Who’s your ride or die? Are you giving them enough of the loving attention they deserve? Make sure you’re not draining your bestie’s or your lover’s energy in order to get whole. Meet each other from a place of wholeness, where you both can feel uplifted.

On the 19th, Mercury shifts into Leo until August 4th, and we begin to get a feel of the season ahead. This is a great time to have the hard conversations as you’ll have more emotional depth to hold yourself through it. A debt that needs to be paid. A comment or an action that made you or someone else feel less then. Issues surrounding sexuality or intimacy. It’ll be easier for you to face this right now, express what you feel, and heal.

We also begin to go deeper into retrograde season on the 19th, as Chiron shifts direction in Aries until December 23rd. This will serve as a reminder for you to relax and take time off when you need it. If you do the work of taking care of your unresolved issues, you will be more productive in the long run.

Leo Season begins on the 22nd, and what’ll start to flow into your life will be due to what you’ve invested in. The places where you’ve decided to put your energy will begin to show its fruits. The collaborations and partnerships that are worth sticking with will make themselves known.

When the New Moon in Leo happens on the 28th, at 1:55 pm EST, allow yourself to find meaning everywhere. Don’t try to keep things sunny and shiny. Life has its ups and downs, its lights and its darks, and everything in between. By opening up to its full experience, and to the vulnerability that this requires, you allow yourself to heal.

Also on the 28th, Jupiter will go retrograde in Aries until November 23rd. During this time, be honest about how you want to expand your home, your need for safety, the things that nourish you, and the traditions that keep you connected to your roots.