KnowCapricorn June ’23 Scope

Key themes: feeling good within your own body, closure, rest, trust issues, shared resources, taking up space, getting organized, the power of your ideas, delegating, emotional security, bringing more magic into your day-to-day life

Dear Capricorn, we kick off the month of June with the planet of abundance and expansion joining forces with the point in space that guides us toward what they call destiny. Strangely enough Capricorn, you know that joy and pleasure are essential in order to make space for more abundance in your life. Your self-worth and your ability to feel good in your body is very connected to your creativity and playful nature. This is a reminder that it’s never a good idea for you to get too rigid.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is happening on the 3rd at 11:42 pm EST in your area of the unconscious. This Full Moon can help you get some kind of closure you maybe didn’t even know you were in need of. If uneasy feelings arise, don’t ignore them. These emotions are likely to contain pearls of wisdom, and are ultimately here to help you release and heal. Sleep a little more these days if you can, and lean on our spiritual practices.

On the 5th Venus moves out of the nurturing sign of Cancer and into passionate Leo, occupying your area of sexuality and shared resources for the next four months. Your collaborations and joint-ventures will be infused with some sweetness but will also be going through a major overhaul. If certain relationships are bringing up old fears around scarcity and your need for independence, pay attention to where this is coming from before making any rash decisions. Trusting someone else with your love, resources, and/or security is big. Know who those people can be, and bring up the necessary conversations if things are feeling off.

Pluto moves back into your sign for the last time in our lifetime on the 11th, here we’ll have a chance to collectively go into a deeper review of the structures that have been proving to no longer work but that we insist on trying to maintain. This may show up more personally in your life within your sense of identity and your journey of self-discovery. Pluto has been transforming you on a deeply personal level since 2008. During this time you’ve been working on trusting yourself to take up space. It’ll be a good time to review where this still feels uncomfortable for you and why.

Also on the 11th, Mercury enters the sign of Gemini where it feels most at ease, this happens in your area of work, health and wellness routines. This will be a great time to get organized, and to work on a routine that’s healthy and feels right for you first and foremost. Mercury can help you document what feels more efficient, and help you collect the data that can lead you towards understanding your own patterns.

Saturn will go retrograde in the sign of Pisces for the next five months on the 17th in your area of communication and daily activities. This transit that began in March has been facing you with the power of your words, ideas and ways of thinking. This will be a time to work on trusting the value of your perspectives. It will help you know your truth in order to speak your truth, instead of taking on certain dominant or niche ideologies. By all means, go after the ideas that attract you, but instead of regurgitating them, find how they fit into your reality and work on making them your own.

On the 18th, the New Moon in Gemini becomes exact at 12:37 am EST, inviting you to plant seeds for the future. You’re the best at multitasking and getting things done. But how often do you schedule some rest? This New Moon is urging you to find balance, especially if you’re burning out. Life is different for everybody, so find what can work for you, a power nap, going to bed a bit earlier, not taking your work home, asking your spouse if they can watch the kids a bit longer or a friend or family member if they can help out.

Cancer Season comes rolling in on the 21st when the Sun enters its nurturing sign, followed by Mercury entering Cancer as well on the 26th, shining a light on your one-on-one relationships. This month isn’t a time to go it alone. Make more space for your friends and collaborators, especially the ones that you don’t have to pretend with, and that make space for all of you. Don’t be afraid to ask your loved ones for what you need. Emotional security is so important.

The month comes to an end with the beginning of Neptune’s annual five month retrograde period in your area of daily life and ritual. Check into how your need for being too realistic might be limiting you. Allow yourself to become imaginative about the way you structure your day-to-day life, especially when it comes to the areas that feel stagnant. How can you bring more magic in?

KnowCapricorn May ’23 Scope

Key Themes: feeling safe within your body, letting go of the ones that are leading you astray, deepening the relationships that feel right, play and experimentation

Dear Capricorn, this is a year of transition, with the eclipses having shifted signs, and Pluto going in and out of Aquarius until it finally settles there for the next 20 years at the beginning for 2024. The month of May begins with Pluto going retrograde on the 1st for the next 5 months, where it will begin to make its way back into your sign. Before it moves back into your sign of the sea goat for the last time in our lifetime, reflect on how your approach to safety, security and your financial world is shifting. Work on identifying and letting go of the habits and limiting beliefs that may be blocking your abundance.

We are in the midst of eclipse season, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio happening on May 5th in your area of friendships and community, transforming it. How are your interpersonal dynamics shifting? What relationships and dynamics are you realizing no longer work for you? It’s time to say no to what drains you. It’s ok to create the distance needed from certain groups and people in order to reconnect with your power and your needs, and to find balance.

Venus has been in the sign of play, communication and interconnection for the past 4 weeks, and on May 7th it will shift into the nurturing sign of Cancer, where it’ll have us yearning for the people and the places that feel like home for the following 4 weeks. Happening in your area of partnerships, it’ll be hard for you not to give into vulnerability. This is a time to let down your guard with the ones you trust and love. Soften up. Surrender to the tenderness and nurture you yearn for within your intimate relationships with lovers, besties and/or collaborators.

Mercury will finally go direct on the 14th, after taking you through a review during the past 3 weeks of your ability to create without a goal in mind. Now as it goes direct in the sign of Taurus, you’re being invited to have the experience instead of reading or hearing about it from somebody else. Activate your senses. Use your creativity. Indulge in erotic experimentation. Find out what you can learn about and through your pleasure. Switch things up, you don’t always have to like the same things. What are you feeling attracted to lately?

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is entering Taurus, the sign of earthly pleasure, on the 16th, and the first thing it does once it gets there is have a tense meet up with Pluto in Aquarius. This transit will serve as a reminder that our lack of wealth has nothing to do with us personally. It’s past time we stop buying to the manifestation discourse. It’s past time we realize that we’re living in a system that’s rigged to make it impossible for all to succeed or even make a dignified living. So know that your worth has absolutely nothing to do with your financial sustenance or your social status. You are worthy just as you are, dear Capricorn.

For you, this year to come will be all about having good times. But this requires you to let loose, are you up for it Capricorn? It requires that you allow yourself to play. Practice connecting with your inner child, listen to them, indulge their desires. The creative in you is dying to come out. Think less, and let your impulsive side come through. Play can be sacred if you allow it to be.

On the 20th, the Sun moves out of Taurus making way for Gemini Season. This is the season that reminds us of the power of our words and our interactions. So don’t underestimate what you communicate, to others and also to yourself. Your rituals and routines will come to focus. You’ll feel the need to get organized within the more mundane details of your life, especially with everything you put into your career. It’s a nice time to find a balance, and to get in touch with the goals you desire for your personal life, especially regarding your health.

KnowCapricorn April ’23 Scope

Key themes: tapping into your creative fire, checking in on your career and long-term goals, recommitting to your health and wellness routines, reassessing your work habits, connecting with family and ancestry.

Dear Capricorn, there has been so much movement in the cosmos since the beginning of the astrological year. Mars finally left its 7 month residency through Gemini, entering Cancer, where it invites us to be courageous with our emotions.

Pluto’s shift into Aquarius for the next 20 years, after having spent the past 15 years in the sign of Capricorn, helping to reveal and dismantle the societal structure that only work for the few, will now show us what we have to heal and bring to the surface regarding collectivity and our ability to work together towards shared causes. Prepare for some deep transformation to occur within or through your resources, talents, finances, and the things that are capable of uplifting your sense of self-worth.

With Saturn also having shifted signs, into Pisces, we’re becoming more permeable and empathic, and this will require us to consistently check in on our personal boundaries. This is especially noticeable for you in your communication, daily activities and immediate environment. Trust that your perspective has value, because these next three years you’ll have the ability to make serious waves with your ideas.

The month of April begins with Mercury stepping out of Aries and settling into Taurus on the 3rd in your area of creative self-expression. You’re being asked to slow down and indulge in the pleasures of life. Savor everything. Dive deep into what life has to offer you. This is not just about reading books and listening to other peoples experiences, or about observing things from afar. It’s about getting your hands dirty and living every experience with all of your senses. Open up to new insights about yourself and your desires.

The Full Moon in Libra happens on the 6th at 12:34 am EST, shining a light on your professional life. Take time to celebrate all of your successes. Let the lessons of your accomplishments sink in. Allow yourself to enjoy the fruits that you have labored to manifest. Take the time to ask yourself, what might be too much to continue with? What has become too draining and without proper benefits? Meet the answers with an uncompromising tenderness for yourself and your worth.

On the 11th, Venus, the planet of love, will enter the connection seeking sign of Gemini. You may find yourself captivated by the intricate systems and moving parts that make up your work environment. If you find yourself in a reserved or isolated work space, this is a nice time to get to know your coworkers a little better by playing around with breaking down the communication barriers. It’s also a nice time to find ways to make your office space more inviting, small touches of beauty can come a long way in making your day a bit sweeter.

Eclipse Season is back, and we’ll have a New Moon Total Annular Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 2oth at 12:12 am EST, right before the Sun moves into Taurus. As this happens in your area of family and ancestry, you’re being urged to bring any fears or concerns you have regarding your home and your relationships within it into the light. Eclipses catalyze change. What do you need in order to feel safer within your home? What steps can you begin to take to accomplish this? This is a time for you to take action towards your comfort and your emotional and physical stability, and that of the ones under your care.

Then at 4:13am EST, that same day, we make way for Taurus Season, shining a light on your creative nature. You’re not here to stay quiet and in line. You’re not here to fulfill the expectations that society holds of you. Your wild nature isn’t a flaw. It actually holds so many talents and potentials. Your creative fire could never be a limitation for your well-being. Your desires aren’t a nuisance. This Season is shining a light on your passions and the sacred space that is available in allowing yourself to be playful, to connect with your inner child, and to come into your pleasure. On the next day, Mercury goes retrograde also in the sign of Taurus, taking you through a process of reviewing all of this, and maybe bringing some setbacks that can help you establish the truth of what you need before you can more authentically honor your self-expression.

KnowCapricorn March ’23 Scope

Key themes: honest and loving communication, experiences that expand your world, cultivating space for joy and pleasure, trusting your creative process, home, familial relationships, creating comfortable and nurturing moments for yourself.

Dear Capricorn, the month of March brings focus to the development of your mystical and intellectual pursuits and how you express yourself through them, as well as how you nurture your relationships and create a safe and comfortable environment for yourself and your loved ones. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and trust that this openness will bring you closer to the people who matter the most.

As Mercury enters Pisces on the 2nd in your area of communication, get ready to tap into your mystical side. As a sea goat, you are already in touch with the mystical energies available up high and down below. Mercury will be here until the 19th, reminding you of the magic that exists all around. You may find yourself drawn to your neighborhood and local community, eager to share your wisdom and knowledge with those around you.

As the Full Moon arrives at the sign of Virgo at 7:40 am EST on the 7th, it will feed your thirst for adventure and exploration. You will be hungry for knowledge and experiences that expand your perspectives, and your discontent with the status quo will be high. Make sure that what you learn and discover is not just about the places you go, but also about the new worlds that open up within you as a result.

As Saturn sets up camp in Pisces for the next two and a half years in your area of daily life, your focus will shift to the mundane aspects of your existence. Things could get real busy real fast, and you may find yourself caught up in the chaos of your daily activities, habits, and interactions. This will lead you to reasses the structure days, and to make positive changes and imbue your daily life with a sense of divine intention.

On the 12th, Jupiter will join Chiron in the sign of Aries in your area of foundations, emotional stability and ancestry, bringing some (conscious or unconscious) deep emotional healing to your family, home and/or roots. Be present your emotions and trust that things are shifting and mending deep within.

When Venus enters Taurus on the 16th in your area of joy, romance and creative self-expression, it’s time to indulge in pleasure and inspiration, and to get a little flirty. With Venus here until April 11th, allow yourself to be playful. Cultivate your connection to your body and to the earth. Grant yourself permission to revel in the things that bring you joy. Whether it’s spending time in nature, baking your favorite dessert, or exploring a new artistic pursuit, listen to your inner child and follow your creative impulses.

Mercury enters Aries on the 19th, followed by the beginning of Aries Season on the 20th and the New Moon (also in Aries) on the 21st, all of this in your area of home, family and ancestry. You may feel a strong desire to build a home for your whole self, and this may require you to take an honest look at your past and acknowledge the experiences that have shaped you. It may also require that you honor yourself for all of the pain that you’ve healed and moved on from. Acknowledge what is ending and welcome what is arriving, and do so while enjoying the ride as much as possible. Your journey cannot be summed up into an inspirational quote. Life is messy, the Hollywood kind of stories hardly happen in real life. Trust your process and trust that your hard work, dedication and commitment will lead you to the kind of happiness you long for.

Starting on the 23rd, and extending until June 11th, Pluto will be giving us a taste of its new chapter in the sign of Aquarius. For you, this great generational transit will bring intense transformation to your sense of self-worth and how you view yourself. You’ll find yourself questioning what you truly value in life and why, as Pluto encourages you to dive deep and uncover the core motivations behind your attachments.

The month begins to come to a close with Mars entering Cancer on the 25th. With this surge of martial energy in your area of partnerships, your closest relationships may feel more intense. During this transit that extends up to May 20th, you may experience some challenges as interactions with others become more prone to arguments or misunderstandings. This is an opportunity to reflect on your own growth edges and explore how you can be vulnerable and compassionate with your lovers, friends and creative collaborators even in the face of conflict.

Overall, the energy of the month is inspiring you to communicate from the heart and act on your desire to connect with your loved ones on a deeper level. Allow your passion and intensity to be palpable, and those around you will feel blessed by the warmth of your energy.

KnowCapricorn February ’23 Scope

Key themes: healing, intimacy, putting your resources into what you value the most, listening to your inner voice and expressing yourself from it, daring to love and connect.

Dear Capricorn, the month of February opens up with Ceres, the asteroid of motherly nurture, going retrograde in Libra on the 3rd. Happening in your area of aspirations and long-term goals, it’s a nice time to nurture and to bring some warmth into your career goals and your professional identity.

The Full Moon in the passionate sign of Leo will happen on the 5th, at 1:28 pm EST, in your area of shared energy and transformation. This is a powerful time to work on releasing old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. The energy is set for healing, and your character will be deeper and more analytical. Take advantage of this and dive deep into your inner realms to discover what truly brings you fulfillment and what may be holding you back. Share yourself and your passion with the ones that are there to hold space for all of your intensity. Make at least one bold move towards the life you desire.

Vesta, the asteroid of devotion and commitment, begins a new run around the zodiac on the 7th as it moves into Aries, activating a sense of devotion for the space you inhabit. This can be a time to take charge of your personal space and create a home that truly reflects who you are and what you want.

On the 11th, Mercury —the Messenger— moves into your area of resources and self-worth, in the sign of Aquarius. You may find yourself re-evaluating what truly holds value in your life. How do your beliefs about money align with your actions? It’s an ideal time for you to look into the limiting beliefs and ideas about money and material possessions that you may hold. Play and explore new and unconventional ways of thinking about your resources. Reflect on what you truly need to be happy and fulfilled.

Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom and strategic thinking, will enter your area of partnerships in the sign of Cancer on the 16th. Trust your intuition when it comes to your one-on-one relationships. It’ll be easier for you to use your wisdom and your emotional intelligence to create healthy and supportive connections.

On the 18th, the Sun’s exit from Aquarius will give way to Pisces Season, followed by the New Moon also in the dreamy sign of Pisces, on the 20th at 2:06 am EST, activating your area of communication and daily tasks. Your intuition and inner voice will be more present than usual, making it a wonderful time to tap into your imagination. Work on letting go of any fears or doubts you may have about expressing yourself. Identify the communication skills that come natural to you and work on ways to fine-tune them. Honest communication is a great tool to help you achieve your goals and build strong relationships.

Also on the 20th, Venus starts a new cycle around the zodiac as she comes out of Pisces and moves into Aries. You may find yourself feeling more assertive and confident when it comes to sharing your needs and desires in your personal relationships. Take this opportunity to ask yourself what you truly want in your romantic and familial connections. How can you assert your needs while still being considerate of the needs of others?

KnowCapricorn January ’23 Scope

Key themes: letting go, inner calling, personal growth, what you’re willing to share of yourself, partnerships, health, communication.

Happy New Year Capricorn! For you, 2023 will be a year where you learn new things about yourself, that help you let go of what you are no longer willing to tolerate about others and about yourself. Blessings want to come into your life. Lots of love and pleasure want to expand and heal you. So much abundance is waiting for you to open your doors for it to make a home within your world.

The year kicks off with Venus, the Goddess of Love, joining forces with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, in your sign on January 1st, right before she moves into the sign of Aquarius on the 2nd, where she’ll be hanging out until February 20th. The year starts out with a check in regarding how our intimacy is impacted by the structures that are falling apart and transforming all around us. You’ll come up against the things you need to let go of in order for your personal path flow. Don’t be afraid of what you find, don’t deny it. Even if there’s pain, embracing who you are and all you’ve gone through will be so empowering for youright now. As Venus moves into Aquarius in your area of resources and sense of self-worth, do more of what makes your body and your emotional world feel good. Make a financial plan that satisfies your senses, and not just your pocket.

On January 6th we have the first Full Moon of the year in its home sign of Cancer, happening at 6:08 pm EST, highlighting and intensifying your emotions when it comes to your partnerships, one-on-one relationships and commitments. Your relations may feel extra, as emotions might be at their peak. Ask yourself what’s the most honest way for you to be there for it all without being swept away. Whatever you do, don’t ignore it, your bonds need your presence for the healing that wants to occur.

When Mars goes direct on the 12th, things will speed up within your work and health routines. Get ahead of it. Get ahead of your deadlines. Get a check up even if there’s nothing in particular going on with your health. Start that exercise routine or that nutrition regimen that you’ve been desiring. You’ll have the focus to take it on, and your body and your energy levels will thank you for it.

Mercury retrograde comes to an end on the 18th, and so the messenger goes direct in your sign, activating new conversations and reviving the exchanges that might have brought up miscommunications or misunderstandings. What do you feel has been left unsaid regarding your needs, your personal growth, and your journey of self-discovery? This is a wonderful time to activate conversations where the ones in your life understand what you need from them, what you’re willing to give, and what you’re no longer able to tolerate.

On the 20th, we welcome Aquarius Season, followed by the New Moon in the same sign, happening on the 21st at 3:53 pm EST. This moment of your life is urging you to place your money and your resources (like energy, time, relations, talents) where it can do most good, for you and for the ones it’s able to reach. How do you want to move through the world? Then on the 22nd, Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius will go direct in Taurus, and this theme will be even more felt, inspiring you to keep finding ways to merge your work life with your creative endeavors.

Venus will enter the dreamy sign of Pisces, where its energy is exalted, on the 26th. Themes of compassion, unconditional love and intimacy through spiritual connections will be present for us all until February 20th. And for you, this will be especially present within your communications and daily activities.