KnowCapricorn June ’22 Scope

Key Themes: romance, commitment, self-worth, wellness, rest, closure.

Capricorn, the month of June starts out with Mercury going direct in Taurus on the 3rd. I invite you to take a look at the things you were reviewing from May 23rd until now concerning your creative self-expression, your pleasure, romance, and your spaces of joy and leisure. It’ll be easier for you to let loose and enjoy these days. Your inner child will thank you for it.

On the 4th, Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius until October 23rd, and you may start to feel the weight of your responsibilities when it comes to your resources and values. What chances are you taking too much of or not enough when it comes to your finances? This will be a good time to take a look into the healthy risks that can uplift your sense of self-worth.

On the 13th, Mercury will re-enter Gemini, bringing back themes that were present between April 30th and May 22nd, concerning your daily rituals and your work, health and wellness practices. Where things may have backfired before, you’ll be able to see and act more clearly now.

The Full Moon in Sag occurs on the 14th at 7:52am EST, and will assist you in getting some closure. This Moon highlights how far you’ve come during the past six months in understanding the importance of not denying your emotions. You may feel a little uneasy, but don’t ignore what’s trying to get your attention. The feelings that are coming to the surface contain within them amazing pearls of wisdom. Give yourself some down time during all of this.

Cancer Season comes rolling in on the 21st, shifting the energy into more of an inner, emotional, grounding and security seeking mood. A light will be shining on your partnerships and commitments. Pay close attention to the issues that arise within your one-on-one relationships. If something needs to be said or talked through, this will be an ideal time to do so. Don’t close up to the feelings that your loved ones are experiencing when it comes to your bond.

On the 22nd, Venus moves into Gemini until July 17th, and with Mercury in the mix, you may enjoy more stimulating conversations than usual in your work and wellness spaces. People will be more open to recognize the value of your efforts and the complexity within the work you do. Try not to push yourself too hard. Venus wants you to enjoy your work life.

On the 28th, Neptune will go retrograde in Pisces until December 3rd, and you may feel a pressure to reexamine your ambitions. Sometimes being too realistic can actually limit you. It’s time to become imaginative about the way you structure your day-to-day life. Especially when it comes to the areas that feel stagnant. How can you bring more magic in?

The New Moon in Cancer also happens on the 28th at 10:52pm EST, highlighting the importance of relationships check ins. This is a wonderful time to talk about upgrading the commitments within your relationships. Get clear about what your intention for coupling is.

KnowCapricorn May ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Self-expression, home, routine, self-care.

Capricorn, the month of May will be a time of creativity, play and romance. As the month begins, you’ll still be feeling the effects of the Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus on April 30th. Be present with all of the changes that are emerging within your self-expression.

On May 2nd, Venus enters Aries, activating your area of home and family until the 28th. It’ll be a nice time to bring more balance, beauty, harmony, and peace into your home, domestic life, and the relationship with your family members. Take good care of yourself, be with your loved ones, and make more space for rest. 

On May 10th, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini until June 3rd, and it starts its backwards journey in your area of routine and health. It may become impossible for you to organize your schedule and follow it out. So, it’s not the best time to plan important meetings. Take this time to feel into how you’d like to rearrange your time in a way that’s healthier for you. On the 22nd, Mercury retrogrades back into Taurus, bringing themes from the previous Eclipse.

Also on May 10th, Jupiter starts a new cycle as it enters Aries until October 28th, joining Venus in activating your area of ancestry and foundations. You’ll have more clarity when it comes to the patterns that keep you stuck. Jupiter, traditionally known as the great benefactor, offers you the opportunity to begin to take the steps to let go of these limitations and take up healthier habits.

On May 16th, the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is happening at 12:14am EST, illuminating your area of friendships and community. Your need for a sense of belonging will be heightened. Move closer towards the people that see you, and accept you for who you are, and that embrace your changes and your complexities. 

Gemini Season comes rolling in on the 20th, shining a light on your wellness practices until June 21st. As Mercury retrograde moves out of Gemini on the 22nd, it’ll be a great time to clean out the clutter and to activate all of the things you reviewed and reassessed concerning the kind of routines, practices and order you want more of in your life in order to create a healthier day-to-day. 

On May 24th, Mars enters Aries, joining Jupiter in your area of home and family until July 4th. You’ll have more energy for your domestic needs and activities. So, if there’s something you’ve been meaning to repair or rearrange within your home, this is the perfect time.

On May 28th, Venus enters Taurus, joining Mercury in your area of creative expressions until July 17th. Venus will help you connect with something very intimate and very honest that you want to express. Allow yourself to connect with a craft or a practice through which you can allow this to come out into the world. Sing, dance, write, paint. 

May comes to an end with the New Moon in Gemini on the 30th at 7:30am EST, helping you tap into the emotions that keep you from connecting with and resting within your natural rhythm. In order to walk to the beat of your own drum, you’ve first got to recognize its tempo.

KnowCapricorn Scope April 20 – 21

Capricorn, are you allowing yourself to speak from the heart? On Wednesday, the Moon in Sag comes into an uplifting connection with Saturn, and then clashes with Neptune and Jupiter. If you’re feeling blue today, give yourself a gift. Is there a place you’ve been meaning to visit? Something you’ve been meaning to buy for yourself? Any little pleasure can go a long way. As the day comes to an end, the Moon will enter your sign and you’ll feel more in your element. On Thursday, you’ll start the day with a lot of energy. If you feel like trying new things, go for it. Just make sure to treat yourself kindly, softly, and with care. Go slow or you might risk using up all of your energy. You may get a rush of inspiration as the day dwindles down, if you feel like doing something with it, don’t hold back!

KnowCapricorn April ’22 Scope

Capricorn, you’ve been connecting with your roots, your home, what it means to feel safe and held in the world, your foundations. As April starts out with the New Moon in Aries, you’ll be sinking deeper into these realms. This will be an invitation to build a home for yourself, where all of your parts are welcomed, included and taken into consideration. It’s important to take an honest look at your past, even if it hurts or feels uncomfortable. This will help you to acknowledge how far you’ve come, how much you’ve healed. Conversations may need to be had with your family or housemates. Be open, be loving, be honest with your feelings, and receive what they have to say to you.

When Venus enters Pisces on the 5th, you’ll feel like expressing yourself from a very tender and loving space. It’ll be a great time to connect with others on an intellectual level. When Mars enters Pisces as well on the 14th, you won’t have any issues with voicing your desires, and the exchange of ideas may even turn you on. 

On the 10th, when Mercury enters Taurus, you’ll be feeling extra creative. If you’ve been meaning to take up public speaking, start a podcast or a vlog, write a book, this is the time to start.

Worldwide social events may start to feel a bit out of control this month when Jupiter and Neptune meet in their home sign. I encourage you to find solace in your exchanges, ideas and interactions. Don’t keep your worries bottled up. Connecting with others and seeing different points of view can be very helpful and even healing. Don’t just accept the information that you’re given. Do your research before settling for the truth.

The Full Moon in Libra on the 16th will highlight your professional path. It’ll be a good time to ask yourself why you want what you want. Don’t be afraid to question everything you’ve been striving for. If it’s the real thing it won’t falter. 

Taurus Season comes shining through on the 19th, inviting you to connect with your inner child. You’ve been working on feeling safe and held, and now it’s time to let go. Allow yourself to feel like a child again. Carve out the space for this, after work, in between breaks. What gives you joy? What would you love to do that you haven’t made time for in so long? Please, give yourself this gift. 

The last days of the month are intense. Pluto will go retrograde in your sign, where it has been for the past 13 years, on the 29th. This will awaken old wounds that are ready to be healed. In your case these wounds have to do with who you are and who you want to be. Mercury enters Gemini on the same day, making it a great time to plan a new and improved health regimen. And we end the month with the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th, subtly awakening your creative fire. Let the beauty of your self-expression bloom at its own pace.

KnowCapricorn March ’22 Scope

Capricorn, the month begins with the New Moon in Pisces receiving hopeful and expansive blessings from Jupiter. This is a magical time to breathe more love into your day-to-day movements and rituals. Be more present in the little things, the small moments that make up life and shape the long-term. On the 6th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius. It’ll be a great time to ​​seek out interesting and unconventional ways to make money. Do your research! Mercury enters Pisces in your area of communication on the 9th, and you’ll feel more curious and open to share yourself. Speak from a place of compassion. On the 18th, we have the Full Moon in Virgo, and it wants you to follow your impulse for adventure and appetite for knowledge wherever it may lead you. Keep in mind that there’s no use in roaming outward if it doesn’t move you inwardly. On the 20th, the spring equinox brings the Aries Season and the beginning of the zodiacal year. Then Mercury enters Aries as well on the 27th. Put your focus towards knowing your needs and meeting them. This is the work that’s needed right now.

@KnowCapricorn February ’22 Scope

The Lunar New Year happens on the 1st, marked by the first Aquarius New Moon of the year. The Ox gives way to the Tiger. Where we’ve had to put all of our focus into only one direction, things will expand. The Tiger wants us to follow our intuition and take bold risks. Capricorn, the New Moon will happen in your area of finances. A new cycle is opening up here. Tap into your relationship with money. Set new goals. Mercury finally goes direct on the 3rd in your sign, this will get your energies moving and help you to reconnect with your sense of self. It then enters Aquarius on the 14th, bringing more clarity and focus into the financial goals you set during the New Moon. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16th, will highlight how much you’ve grown and deepened into your vulnerability during the past 6 months. With Venus and Mars joining forces in your sign, self-love is in order! Come Pisces Season on the 18th, you’ll be in the mood for meaningful connections and conversations.