Virgo Weekly Scope Feb 19 – 25, 2024

Dear Virgo, these are intense times. Remember to make pockets within your day to check in on yourself and your anxiety levels. Breathwork, stretching, or just being in silence with yourself always helps. On the 19th, the North Node and Chiron will meet in Aries in your area of intimacy. Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re healing from so much. This takes time and has its inevitable ups and downs. Flow with the curves instead of wanting to rush it. On the 21st, the Moon in Leo will have a face off with Pluto, Venus and Mars in Aquarius. There may be a lot on your plate work-wise, but I encourage you to slow down and make intentional time to let go and rest without any distractions, your body needs it. Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd, and your area of relationships is about to get chatty. It’ll be a good time to have any pending conversation with your bestie or your lover. Be honest and be compassionate with yourself and with them. The Full Moon in your sign is happening on the 24th, exact at 7:30 am EST. This is your weekend and nobody else’s. You’re always there for others, this is a time to be there for you, for your needs, your desires, your whims, and your emotions.

Virgo Weekly Scope Feb 12 – 18, 2024

Dear Virgo, the hustle is about to get real. Harness those time hacks and make sure to schedule in enough rest so you don’t get to the point of burning out. There’s so much Aquarian energy in the skies with Mercury, the Sun and Pluto in the sign of the water-bearer, plus Mars and Venus joining them this week. This means that your area of vocation, service, work, health and wellness routines will be supercharged. Mars and Venus will both meet Pluto on the 14th and 17th, respectively. When planets meet they have a conversation, they exchange information, so Mars and Venus are being informed about the new realities that the Pluto Aquarius shift is all about. Your actions (Mars) and your intimacy (Venus) will begin to align with the new Aquarian reality. During the next 20 years, a revolution will be occurring within your routines and how you’re of service to the world through your vocation. How can you begin to make your life into a ritual that is of service to this? How can you bring more beauty and pleasure into the rituals that make up the details of your day-to-day life? The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, and it’s the time of the year where you’re invited to embrace the beautiful chaos that is partnership.

Virgo Weekly Scope Feb 5 – 11, 2024

Dear Virgo, the week starts off with Mercury, your ruling planet, making its way into Aquarius for the next 2.5 weeks. This area of your life, that rules your work, health and wellness routines, is especially charged right now. With the Sun in Aquarius, and most importantly with Pluto having set up camp here for the next two decades, a lot is beginning to transform within your daily rituals, work environment, and physical health. Mercury will meet Pluto on the 5th, offering you some clarity as to what this transit will mean for you, uncovering hidden truths that can lead to meaningful and necessary changes within your daily habits and routines. Embrace the power of your thoughts and communication to bring about positive shifts in your work life and overall well-being. The New Moon, also in Aquarius, is happening on the 9th, exact at 5:59 pm EST. Set intentions for improving your health and enhancing your work efficiency. Experiment with innovative approaches to your daily tasks. Prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Remember that true transformation begins from within. You already know what you need to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Virgo Weekly Scope Jan 29 – Feb 4, 2024

Dear Virgo, the week begins with an earthy grand trine between Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo on Monday. First of all, this transit of Lilith through your first house of identity and self-discovery began on October 4th and will continue until June 30th, making this an excellent time for empowerment. Practice standing your ground, being assertive, and taking initiative. This grand trine will light your fire. Pay attention to your passion and your desire to break free towards new pursuits. Maybe buy that plane ticket? On Friday, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, exact at 6:18 pm EST. This is a time of intuition, understanding, letting go and setting new intentions. A few things that can aid you in this moment of transition between the Full and New Moon is voicing your emotions, taking a short trip to clear your head or replenish yourself emotionally, making improvements to your close environment, as well as becoming more actively engaged in your community.

Virgo Weekly Scope Jan 22 – Jan 28, 2024

Dear Virgo, Venus has been in Sag transiting your area of home and family for the past three and a half weeks, bringing some warmth and sweetness into this area of your life. Now it will move into Capricorn, where it will be for the next month nurturing your creative endeavors and romantic life. This will be a time to indulge, to practice pleasure, to allow yourself to bring more flow and play into your creative projects, and maybe even to tell that special someone how you feel. On the 25th, we have the Full Moon in Leo becoming exact at 12:54 pm EST, in the deepest area of your chart. This is a week to slow down. Cross out unnecessary events from your calendar. Schedule in more rest, sleep, alone time, and spaces of renewal. With you being a sign of service, this Moon is inviting you to serve yourself and to put your needs first for a change. On the 27th, Uranus will go direct after being retrograde for the past five months, allowing us all to be more receptive to inevitable change. In your case this has to do with allowing the old to go, especially old ways of thinking when it comes to money and material security, and to embrace the new.

Virgo Weekly Scope Jan 15 – Jan 21, 2024

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others? I wanted to start off the scopes with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, as the week begins with his day, and as his life and resistance resonate so much with this 20 year Pluto in Aquarius transit that we’re just on the threshold of. Pluto and the Sun meet on the 20th, the same day that Pluto moves back into Aquarius and that the Sun gives way to Aquarius Season. The entrance of this two decades long transit is shaking the foundations of your health and work routines. You’re being forced to upgrade to the new world, as you’re realizing that systems that used to make sense and the ways in which you used to work are no longer relevant or feel prehistoric. As you’re shedding and shifting in ways that may feel a bit too intense, you’re also being taken through a process of conserving or recovering old habits that have great power to sustain you and keep you healthy. Don’t rush to burn it all to the ground in an attempt to feel in control while things fall apart. Give yourself the chance to live out the process of shedding old skin, no matter how slow, painful or baffling it all may seem.