Dear Virgo, the week starts off with Mercury, your ruling planet, making its way into Aquarius for the next 2.5 weeks. This area of your life, that rules your work, health and wellness routines, is especially charged right now. With the Sun in Aquarius, and most importantly with Pluto having set up camp here for the next two decades, a lot is beginning to transform within your daily rituals, work environment, and physical health. Mercury will meet Pluto on the 5th, offering you some clarity as to what this transit will mean for you, uncovering hidden truths that can lead to meaningful and necessary changes within your daily habits and routines. Embrace the power of your thoughts and communication to bring about positive shifts in your work life and overall well-being. The New Moon, also in Aquarius, is happening on the 9th, exact at 5:59 pm EST. Set intentions for improving your health and enhancing your work efficiency. Experiment with innovative approaches to your daily tasks. Prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Remember that true transformation begins from within. You already know what you need to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.