Dear Virgo, the hustle is about to get real. Harness those time hacks and make sure to schedule in enough rest so you don’t get to the point of burning out. There’s so much Aquarian energy in the skies with Mercury, the Sun and Pluto in the sign of the water-bearer, plus Mars and Venus joining them this week. This means that your area of vocation, service, work, health and wellness routines will be supercharged. Mars and Venus will both meet Pluto on the 14th and 17th, respectively. When planets meet they have a conversation, they exchange information, so Mars and Venus are being informed about the new realities that the Pluto Aquarius shift is all about. Your actions (Mars) and your intimacy (Venus) will begin to align with the new Aquarian reality. During the next 20 years, a revolution will be occurring within your routines and how you’re of service to the world through your vocation. How can you begin to make your life into a ritual that is of service to this? How can you bring more beauty and pleasure into the rituals that make up the details of your day-to-day life? The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, and it’s the time of the year where you’re invited to embrace the beautiful chaos that is partnership.