Dear Virgo, these are intense times. Remember to make pockets within your day to check in on yourself and your anxiety levels. Breathwork, stretching, or just being in silence with yourself always helps. On the 19th, the North Node and Chiron will meet in Aries in your area of intimacy. Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re healing from so much. This takes time and has its inevitable ups and downs. Flow with the curves instead of wanting to rush it. On the 21st, the Moon in Leo will have a face off with Pluto, Venus and Mars in Aquarius. There may be a lot on your plate work-wise, but I encourage you to slow down and make intentional time to let go and rest without any distractions, your body needs it. Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd, and your area of relationships is about to get chatty. It’ll be a good time to have any pending conversation with your bestie or your lover. Be honest and be compassionate with yourself and with them. The Full Moon in your sign is happening on the 24th, exact at 7:30 am EST. This is your weekend and nobody else’s. You’re always there for others, this is a time to be there for you, for your needs, your desires, your whims, and your emotions.