KnowTaurus June ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Restoration, emotional healing, nurturing yourself, unifying material and spiritual realms

Taurus, you’re finding your balance again. The eclipses of last month were particularly intense for you, given that they took place on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. This means that the year of 2022 has been flavored by a deep process of transformation, upheaval and evolution. You’re growing, learning and shedding the old skin of past fears and limitations. It’s up to you how much you choose to embrace or resist this process, which in so many ways – is actually a gift.

It’s only natural if you’re feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, it’s been a lot (!) – and you should be proud of yourself for moving through the last months with grace and strength. Now, you can use this next month as a time for restoration.

In general, June is going to bring you some solace and relief from the intensity. First, we have Mercury wrapping up its retrograde in your sign on June 3rd. This auspicious time will bring you a sense of grounding, clarity and empowerment. You might start feeling more like yourself than you have for quite a while. Enjoy this process, and honor it by taking time for yourself and nurturing yourself with beautiful food, conversations and spaces. You deserve that!

It’s not an entirely smooth path forward, as we do have a Saturn retrograde commencing the very next day (until October 23rd). This long retrograde will be shaking themes up on a societal level, as it takes place in the rebellious sign of Aquarius. This planetary signature is all about breaking down redundant structures, unhealthy leadership models and patterns of authority. It may evoke a time of societal reconfiguration, as we begin the large task of figuring out how to work together as humans – in a fairer way.

There’s no need for anyone to be in poverty, suffering or struggling – and with the North Lunar Node in your sign, the universe is reminding us that there really are enough resources on this beautiful planet, for all of us.

Taurus, you might notice some shifts in your career and finances sector with this transit and if that’s the case, trust the process. This Saturn retrograde invites you to connect even the most ‘material’ realms with meaning. There may have been previously decompartmentalization between themes like saving money and your spiritual connection – but this doesn’t have to be the case.

Rather, when your whole life flows together in alignment, so too will more abundance Taurus. Venus (your ruling planet of love and beauty) is in your sign until June 22nd, further emphasizing this learning.

On June 14th, a powerful full moon in Sagittarius brings you adventure and. Stay open to new opportunities around this time, which can be social and exciting. Things may take on a more internal focus as we enter Cancer season on June 21st. This is the time to turn most of your awareness towards your emotions; identifying, honoring and expressing them.

KnowTaurus May ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Creating your life your way, courage, movement

Taurus, this month invites you into a space of empowerment. You’ll be looking at the many elements that make up your life, then choosing what you need more of – and what needs to go. The powerful eclipse energy that surrounds your sign this month, means it’s a particularly potent and transformative time for you.

On May 2nd, your planetary ruler, Venus, enters the fiery sign of Aries, where it will remain until June 22nd. This initiates a more direct approach to life, as well as a kind of self-centeredness. Notice your reaction to that word, and whether it fills you with guilt or empowerment. That’s a good concept to start with, on your journey of embodying the divine right to prioritize your joy. These energies will be highlighted by Jupiter’s entry into Aries, on the 10th  of May.

We collectively experience the famous Mercury retrograde on May 10th until June 3rd. While the realm of communication and mental processing is having a software update, it’ll be the perfect time for you to tune deeply into your body. Over these weeks, pay particular attention to the simple pleasures; sipping tea, the moment of deep comfort when your body hits your bed at night.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio May 16th  is going to be a deep and transmutative time for you. Scorpio, which is your opposite zodiac sign, tends to reveal the hidden, deep and mysterious aspects of ourselves; including the ones that we want to suppress and pretend aren’t there. Taurus, the shadow side of your sign is an inability to move out of your comfort zone – to face the uncomfortable truths, because they often bring change.

This eclipse will be an invitation away from any such limiting patterns. Rather, the universe supports you in making radical shifts away from any negative, toxic or stagnant dynamics in your life. Your work here, involves leaning into the ‘discomfort’ of your life – being honest with yourself, about the intensity of what’s unfolding – so that it can be transmuted.

May 22nd sees Mercury retrograde shift into your sign, meaning you may experience some questioning around themes of identity… and this could heighten the above energies. But your remedy comes through with Mars entering Aries on May 24th. Here, you’re invited into a space of courage, empowerment and self-trust. You know what to do, and you do have the strength to do it.

The month will feel like it’s coming full circle with Venus’ entry into your sign May 28th, which is where it feels most at home. Life will slow down a bit, and the beauty in the little moments will feel deeper and richer than ever. Here, it’s worth remembering and honoring contrast. If you had never experienced turbulence, failure or heartbreak in your life – the moments of bliss, balance and joy could never feel so sweet.

KnowTaurus April ’22 Scope

Taurus, with the sun entering your sign about midway through the month – plus a Taurus solar eclipse… April can be as potent as you choose.

On April 5th, your ruling planet (Venus) enters the sign of Pisces. This means a cosmic channel will open up, whereby it becomes easier to access higher frequencies. In other words, Spirit becomes louder. Depending on where you’re at on your journey, this could sound like a whisper or a yell. Taurus, there’s a message here for you of making a conscious choice to actively engage with and cultivate higher energies. Whether this concept is new to you, one you’ve lost, or something you already maintain: you will feel better, more alive and empowered when you’re connected to the true sense of being carried by the universe.

In April, this will present itself to you in the form of Choice. Are you going to spend an hour unhealthily consuming social media and the news, or tuning into a guided meditation? Are you going to go with the processed snack? Or feed your body a nutritious and natural piece of fruit? Are you going to engage in drama,  and relationships that make you feel stagnant? Or actively seek inspiration and guidance from others who are living their dreams? You’ll notice with each self-loving choice, your path lightens and opens up. It’s from this place, of feeling full – that you’ll be able to see a broader picture of your life; all the possibilities, blessings and opportunities that sit on the horizon, within your reach.

This theme will be particularly true around April 8th as Jupiter in Pisces harmonizes with the Lunar North Node in your sign. You may feel it again increase from April 14th where Mars (the planet of action) enters Pisces as well. On April 20th (as we’ve just entered Taurus season!) – the asteroid Juno too moves into Pisces, bringing this expansive and spiritual energy into your intimate relationships.

Celebrating yourself and your solar return will be aligned with this theme of healthy prioritization. This is a month to practice giving generously to yourself, and to find your perfect balance between spoiling yourself and a ‘lack’ mentality. Remember, even if you splurge on a new skincare regime, amazing experiences, travel or outfits (whatever floats your boat) – this is not necessarily money lost. You’ll work and flow more effectively, when you feel Good – so you can rather see it as a necessary investment in yourself. The sign of Taurus is all about what real wealth and abundance uniquely looks like to each of us. You could feel equally rich on a yacht in the Bahamas, or sipping a cup of organic tea in your pajamas. This month is about finding your wealth, your flow, your balance – and honoring it.

At the end of the month, a Pluto retrograde begins to highlight collective conditioning around ‘success.’ Taurus, what your parents (and society) taught you to be valuable, is not necessarily the case. The New Moon Eclipse in your sign asks you to rewrite any limiting beliefs – to identify where, what and who makes you truly feel good –  and to realign your life in that direction.

KnowTaurus March ’22 Scope

Taurus, the month begins with the New Moon in Pisces receiving hopeful and expansive blessings from Jupiter. Your social spaces will have a kind of magic to them. Allow yourself to be showered with compliments. Get involved with the causes that are close to your heart. On the 6th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius, making it a great time to connect with the ones that can help further your career. Mercury enters Pisces in your area of innovation on the 9th. Much can come from exchanging unusual and inventive ideas within your groups. On the 18th, we have the Full Moon in Virgo, bringing some romance into your life. Be selective about who you want to attract. If you want people to grow and have fun with, make sure you’re invested in your own growth and happiness. On the 20th, the spring equinox brings the Aries Season and the beginning of the zodiacal year. Then Mercury enters Aries as well on the 27th. Check in with yourself each morning. Meditate. Your inner life will need as much love and attention as the things you put out into the world.

@KnowTaurus February ’22 Scope

The Lunar New Year happens on the 1st, marked by the first Aquarius New Moon of the year. The Ox gives way to the Tiger. Where we’ve had to put all of our focus into only one direction, things will expand. The Tiger wants us to follow our intuition and take bold risks. Taurus, the New Moon will happen in your area of professional pursuits. Revisit your career goals. Set a 6 month plan, the Universe will have your back! Mercury finally goes direct on the 3rd. You’ll be able to see things more clearly, and tap into a more positive outlook on life. It then enters Aquarius on the 14th, helping you to realistically plan how you can get from where you are to where you want to be. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16th, will help you find balance between your need for success and a sense of love and belonging. Venus and Mars join forces in your area of adventure. What risks do you want to take in love? Come Pisces Season on the 18th, you’ll come out of hiding, and feel more social and innovative.

@KnowTaurus January ’22 Scope

Taurus, 2022 started out with Mercury entering Aquarius and with the first New Moon of the year in Capricorn. Your mind is focused on innovating your professional path, and your heart is in the mood for new and exciting things. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th, your career goals may slow down a bit. Instead of getting frustrated, just take another look at the details. On the 18th Uranus goes direct just before Aquarius Season begins, pointing towards a personal change that might just be the key to your professional inquiries. The Full Moon in Cancer the next day will have you in the mood to voice your emotions. During the last week of January, Mars enters Capricorn, and Venus goes direct in the same sign. Your search for deeper truths will now lead you to break free from what’s limiting your individuation.