KnowLibra December ’22 Scope

Key themes: daily rituals, home, family, ancestry, traditions, adventures, spiritual explorations, partnerships.

What a wild ride 2022 has been, after two years deep in a life changing pandemic, we’ve been able to start taking steps out of a life with so many restrictions (depending on the reality of each part of the world) and step into a life where enjoying the outside world and planning for a future seems more tangible. None of us are the same as who we were three years ago, the collective trauma is real, but so are the ways in which we’re thriving to heal and mend, collectively and individually.

We start December with nebulous Neptune going direct in Pisces on the 3rd, sparking our imaginations and our ability to dream. Look at the spiritual wellness you’ve been bringing into your life during the past five months. Don’t forget about this going forward. You may think you can do it all, but that’s not always true. Make space in your schedule for the things you know that bring you ease and keep you centered.

On the 6th, Mercury, the messenger, leaves the expansive fire of Sagittarius, to enter the earthy focus of Capricorn, followed by Venus, the goddess of love, doing the same on the 9th. This happens in your area of home and family, leading you to dig deep into your ancestral stories, traditions, sorrows and joys, the things that inform you of your sense of rootedness. Ask an elder about foundational family stories, learn the lullabies they sung to your parents, practice your Nana’s recipe.

The last Full Moon of 2022 is happening in Gemini on the 7th at 11:08 pm EST, reminding us, in the midst of so much chatter, to be in deep exchange with ourselves. Illuminating your area of philosophical pursuits and journeys that lead to new experiences, this Full Moon pulls focus on your big dreams. What are your hopes for the foreseeable future? What are you doing or what can you do to make those visions come true?

On the 20th, Jupiter leaves Pisces for good and will enter Aries, starting a new twelve year cycle of expansion and wisdom around the zodiac. You want partnerships, alliances, friendships that light you up, so choose your sidekicks wisely. You want to surround yourself with the ones that are taking their dreams seriously, that are being brave and daring about it. Being with them, it’ll be hard for you not to do the same!

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st! Beginning with the winter solstice, the sun’s journey through Capricorn reminds us of the power of our commitments. Followed by the last New Moon of the year happening in Capricorn on the 23rd at 5:17 am EST, bringing a breath of fresh air into your home and family relations. This is a beautiful time to give yourself the love and nurture you seek. Renew your stories of not belonging. Dig deep until you find yourself, until you tap into warmth. Reclaim your roots.

On the 23rd, Chiron, the wounded healer, will be going direct in Aries in your area of one-0n-one relationships, commitments and how you come out into the world. This is a reminder that the more you acknowledge and make space for your wounds to be felt, the more fit you will be to open up to honest and stable relationships.

2022 comes to an end with Mercury going retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th. The end of the year will be asking us to review our commitments, to see how much we truly want to be invested in them. Keep this in mind when making your new year’s resolutions. In your case there will be a special focus on home, family, your roots and ancestral lineage, care-taking, nurturing, especially when it comes to your own needs and the needs of your blood or chosen family.

KnowLibra November ’22 Scope

Key themes: abundance, self-worth, intimacy, deep sensual exploration, communication, creativity

How are you welcoming in the abundance you deserve, Libra? With November beginning right in the middle of eclipse season, check in on what has been stirred up within your relationship to material security since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. Pay attention to any patterns of scarcity mentality. Let go of the things you don’t need, in order to make space for the things that will offer you a life closer to your values. Set the intention to build wealth around your self-care for the next 6 months.

The Full Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus happens on the 8th at 6:02 am EST, and it will join forces with Uranus in your area of intimacy, collaborations and shared resources. Pay attention to what you want to open up to, and what you feel like closing off from. Pay attention to where you feel safe to let go, and where you feel like you’ve got to protect your energy and resources. This is a time to go deep, to explore, to undress your soul, on your own and in the company of those that have the courage to do the same with you.

On the 16th, Venus leaves the deep and intuitive waters of Scorpio to enter the expansive, wisdom seeking Sag until December 9th. Mercury then joins Venus on the 17th, and will also be transiting Sag until December 6th. This happens within your communications, exchanges and daily activity, helping you come into the present moment. Things may speed up, so get your to-do list in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Prioritize, and don’t leave what’s urgent for later. Don’t spend too much time on social media. Spend more time in contact with your immediate surroundings, and with the ones that are right there with you. Be with yourself, with your intimacy, with your ability to love.

Sag Season begins on the 22nd, and the Sun will highlight the themes that Venus and Mercury have already been bringing to your attention. Time isn’t lost. You can begin at any given moment, you’ve just got to allow yourself to land in the here and now and to embody your decisions. What do you want to do with your days? How do you want to live them out? How do you want the flow and the quality of your life to feel like? It’s all in the details. Shift the little things, and the bigger picture will move with it.

The next day, the Moon and the Sun will meet, bringing the Sag New Moon at 5:57 pm EST in your area of information, habits and routines. Listening to your gut will help you reclaim your presence and re-member your connection to the living and ever shifting world. You aren’t lost, you aren’t losing anything, you aren’t failing. Don’t let the systems that feed off of your self-doubt win. Don’t give into self-criticism, don’t let it take hold of your spirit and your ability to connect with life’s wonders.

On the same day of the New Moon, Jupiter will station to go direct in Pisces, where it will be until December 20th for the last time in twelve years. Reminding you to allow yourself to be inspired. When you make space and time for the divine in your life, it’ll come swooping in to fill it. You have a lot of love to express right now, so don’t hold it back.

November ends with Pallas going retrograde on the 30th, helping you to internalize the fact that you hold the power to defend and stand up for what you truly believe in. There’s no challenge too great and no obstacle you can’t overcome when it comes to your goals and your life path.

KnowLibra October ’22 Scope

Key themes: introspection, home, family, intimate relationships, self-affirmation, creativity, resources

October begins with Mercury going direct in the sign of Virgo. For the past 9 days or so, you’ve been deep in your inner realms, and maybe even connecting with past wounds and traumas. Things will begin to calm down now. You’ll be able to see that what happened before isn’t necessarily happening right now.

On the 8th, Pluto also goes direct, in the sign of Capricorn, where it’s been for the past 14 years. During its retrograde, you got a chance to see the dynamics of power and control within your home and family. Pluto has been slowly helping you root out this darkness, and tap into more life affirming dynamics. When it turns direct, you’ll be able to take on a more conscious and empowered approach to this.

This month, the Full Moon will happen in Aries, on the 9th at 4:55pm EST. A light will be shining on the transformations occurring in how you exist within your commitments. Embrace the conflicts that come up time and again within your intimate relationships. This will help you shift the patterns that keep you stuck, and also understand yourself and others more deeply.

Mercury will re-enter your sign on the 10th, taking you back to the things you were experiencing or thinking about surrounding your personal power, who you are and wish to be, and how you present yourself to the world between August 26th and September 22nd. Let yourself go slow with this, but dare to be bold about who you are.

Saturn also goes direct this month on the 23rd in the sign of Aquarius, where the magic of your creative self-expressions and your ability to play and give into romance resides. This will be an opportunity to bring even more structure to your creative projects, and to factor in more moments of joy into your life. Make sure that your leisurely activities are really serving you, your rest and your pleasure.

Also on the 23rd, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio, followed by the Sun, and on the 25th we welcome the second eclipse season of the year with a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. There will be a lot of external shifts and inner reflections when it comes to your material security and the way you make a living. Let yourself be moved by this even if it brings discomfort. Instead of worrying, give into the sustainable pleasures that help you feel abundant.

On the 28th, Jupiter retrograde will re-enter the sign of Pisces, bringing back some of the wisdom we began to tap into at the beginning of May. In your case, it has to do with your body’s wisdom, your natural rhythm, and how you choose to move throughout your day. Pay attention to what feels good, what enhances your energy levels, and what leaves you depleted.

Mercury will join Venus and the Sun in Scorpio on the 29th, inviting you to move towards the things that help ground you. Do more of whatever calms your nervous system, and more of what enhances your ability to feel secure within your body and your psyche.

On the 30th, Mars will go retrograde in Gemini for the next two and a half months, inspiring you to push your inner horizons. This is a time of expansion. Don’t fight it. Spend time outside of your comfort zone. Spend time with people that widen your perspectives and leave you feeling like life is full of possibilities.

KnowLibra September ’22 Scope

Key themes: retreat, dreams, healing, intuition, rebirth, beauty, sweetness.

The month of September opens up with Venus —the planet of love, intimacy and beauty— entering the service-driven sign of Virgo until the 29th. As Venus transits your area of the unconscious, you will get a chance to connect deeper into your oniric realms. Cultivate nighttime rituals that can help transport you into a deeper and more relaxing sleep. Venus wants you to gift yourself some alone time. It wants you to retreat in order to recommit to your internal healing.

On the 9th, Mercury —the Messenger— will station to go retrograde in your sign, leading you to see yourself under a whole new light. If you’re misperceiving yourself to the point that your confidence levels begin to dwindle, remember to seek out the ones that know how to love and uplift you. Try not to be too hard on yourself and steer clear from those that make you feel like you’re lacking.

The Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces will happen on the 10th, at 5:59am EST, reminding you that the small choices that you make in your day-to-day life are what end up creating the path that leads to your future. Tap into what’s working for you and what isn’t, on an intuitive level, don’t overanalyze it or try to find the logic. Trust your gut on it, and experiment with shifting things around.

On the 22nd, the Sun’s exit from Virgo will give way to your Season, Libra, shining a bright light on your needs. This is a time of rebirth and self-recognition for you. The more you come into your new self the more probability there is for tensions to arise within your relationships. Avoiding them will only leave you disempowered. I know it’s hard, but you come into your strength and strengthen your bonds when you’re there to meet the things that need to be met within your partnerships.

Mercury, still retrograde, will move back into Virgo on the 23rd, leading you to review any relevant dreams or intuitive hunches that came up during August 20th to 25th. Give yourself the time to mull things over without jumping to conclusions just yet. You’ll be able to get more clarity on the matter during the first couple of weeks of October.

Your New Moon is happening on the 25th, at 5:54pm EST, bringing with it an opportunity to redefine yourself. Start by recognizing the distance between your outer self and how you feel within. Carve out the roads for alignment between your inner and outer layers. Be patient with the process. Hold yourself lovingly through the moments of disconnection.

Finally, on the 29th, Venus enters its home in your sign, uplifting the energy of the New Moon. You’ll begin to feel extra comfortable in your skin. Enjoy this, you deserve it after so much shedding and letting go. Indulge in sweetness. Dress yourself up and make your spaces more beautiful. Trust your desires, and feel no shame in giving into life’s delights.

KnowLibra August ’22 Scope

Key themes: connection, going within, community, creativity, spirituality, boundaries.

Libra, this month will have you feeling curious and inquisitive, leading you towards making new connections. Connecting with the outside world will surely bring exciting opportunities. But make sure not to forget about your inner realms, and its need for you to go at a slower pace from time to time.

On the 4th, Mercury will enter Virgo until the 25th, where it feels freer. This time will bring lessons, some that may be hard, but that will certainly lead to expansion and growth. This is no time to look outside for answers. Instead of seeing what others are doing, tend to centering yourself so you can live your life more in alignment with your truth.

Venus then enters your area of community on the 11th, inviting you to express your more flashy side within your groups until September 5th. Be extra aware of the dynamics in your friendships. The issues that come up aren’t isolated, they tend to be a product of everything that’s come before and the roles that each person (consciously or unconsciously) occupies.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is happening on the 11th as well, at 9:36 pm EST, and you’ll want to let loose and have some fun. Indulge yourself, go big if that’s what your spirit needs, just make sure not to go overboard in a way that can affect you long term.

On the 20th, Mars leaves the manifesting energy of Taurus and enters the connecting energy of Gemini. This transit will be a long one, going until the end of March 2023. This will be a very expansive time for you, dear Libra. You’ll want to put your energy into the things that uplift your sense of freedom. It may be time for a trip, or to start learning something new, or to embark on a new spiritual path.

Virgo Season swoops in on the 22nd, asking you to clear out the inner clutter. Make space in the back rooms of your life, a space just for yourself, where you can rest, retreat and recoup. Tend to your muses and inspirations. Write down your dreams and the insights that come through. Believe in the magic available and in your power of manifestation.

Uranus will be going retrograde on the 24th for the next five months, bringing your awareness to the ways in which your collaborations are transforming you. You are learning to share only what you can, never more. You are realizing that this is how you get to know your boundaries, and how you cultivate true relationships.

On the 25th, Mercury enters your sign until October 29th, inspiring you to find your mantra. What are the words you want to say to uplift yourself? What are the words that echo your truth? What are the words through which you would like to share yourself with the world?

The month comes to an end with the New Moon in Virgo happening on the 27th at 4:17 am EST, inviting you to let your feelings arise. Let them be heard by you. What you shove down deep stays there, and festers. What you bring out, no matter how painful or uncomfortable, has space for release. And it frees you, it expands and transforms you. Trust. You have the courage to face yourself.

KnowLibra July ’22 Scope

Key Themes: sexuality, professional pursuits, healing, networking, social life.

Libra, the month of July begins with a shift in energy as Mars enters Taurus, and Mercury enters Cancer on the 5th. Mars will activate your shared energy, sexuality, intimacy and collaborations until August 20th. Don’t ignore conflicts. Remember that the goal isn’t to win the discussion. Aim towards mutual understanding, growth and transformation. Mercury will bring more movement into your professional pursuits and long-term goals until the 19th. Use your verbal abilities to get to where you want to be. 

The Full Moon in Capricorn is happening on the 13th, at 2:37 pm EST, sparking the traditions that encourage your autonomy. It’s a time to create conditions where healing can occur. What do you tell yourself about your past? Open up to seeing past events under a more loving and understanding light. Give yourself credit for the things that have helped you to grow and get to where you are today.

On the 17th, Venus, the planet of love, shifts into foundational Cancer until August 11th, so get ready to be praised for your work. This kind of recognition will help you to reinforce your reasons for doing what you do, and will help you fall deeper in love with your projects. Putting yourself on display isn’t always easy, but as you confront your fears with compassion, you’ll be able to expand far beyond your safe space.

On the 19th, Mercury shifts into Leo until August 4th, and we begin to get a feel of the season ahead. This energy will ignite your social life. You’ll be feeling more confident and optimistic, and others will want to be around you! It’ll be a great time to go out, do some networking, and connect with the kind of people you see yourself creating community with. 

We also begin to go deeper into retrograde season on the 19th, as Chiron shifts direction in Aries until December 23rd, turning your attention towards your career and the life path that you’ve chosen. Are you happy with where you are? Do you feel that your long-term creative projects or professional pursuits accompany or make space for your healing process? 

As Leo Season begins on the 22nd, it wants to help you have some fun! This will be a time to connect with your friends and communities. Make space to refuel the appreciation that you have for one another. Infuse some loving energy into the relationships that have been dwindling lately. Go to the places and stick to the people that energize you and encourage your growth even when it brings about change.

The New Moon in Leo happens on the 28th, at 1:55 pm EST, inspiring you to recommit to your dreams. Hold on to the visions that you have for the future, and to the fact that they can actually come true. Focus on the good of the collective. Hold that near to your heart. Who are your accomplices? Who are the ones that help you to see the beauty and the probability of a future you want to be around for?

Also on the 28th, Jupiter will go retrograde in Aries until November 23rd. There’s so much for you to learn through the experiences and interactions within your partnerships. Difficult relationships may come to an end. Remember that the bonds you want to see grow need presence and warmth.