Key themes: abundance, self-worth, intimacy, deep sensual exploration, communication, creativity

How are you welcoming in the abundance you deserve, Libra? With November beginning right in the middle of eclipse season, check in on what has been stirred up within your relationship to material security since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. Pay attention to any patterns of scarcity mentality. Let go of the things you don’t need, in order to make space for the things that will offer you a life closer to your values. Set the intention to build wealth around your self-care for the next 6 months.

The Full Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus happens on the 8th at 6:02 am EST, and it will join forces with Uranus in your area of intimacy, collaborations and shared resources. Pay attention to what you want to open up to, and what you feel like closing off from. Pay attention to where you feel safe to let go, and where you feel like you’ve got to protect your energy and resources. This is a time to go deep, to explore, to undress your soul, on your own and in the company of those that have the courage to do the same with you.

On the 16th, Venus leaves the deep and intuitive waters of Scorpio to enter the expansive, wisdom seeking Sag until December 9th. Mercury then joins Venus on the 17th, and will also be transiting Sag until December 6th. This happens within your communications, exchanges and daily activity, helping you come into the present moment. Things may speed up, so get your to-do list in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Prioritize, and don’t leave what’s urgent for later. Don’t spend too much time on social media. Spend more time in contact with your immediate surroundings, and with the ones that are right there with you. Be with yourself, with your intimacy, with your ability to love.

Sag Season begins on the 22nd, and the Sun will highlight the themes that Venus and Mercury have already been bringing to your attention. Time isn’t lost. You can begin at any given moment, you’ve just got to allow yourself to land in the here and now and to embody your decisions. What do you want to do with your days? How do you want to live them out? How do you want the flow and the quality of your life to feel like? It’s all in the details. Shift the little things, and the bigger picture will move with it.

The next day, the Moon and the Sun will meet, bringing the Sag New Moon at 5:57 pm EST in your area of information, habits and routines. Listening to your gut will help you reclaim your presence and re-member your connection to the living and ever shifting world. You aren’t lost, you aren’t losing anything, you aren’t failing. Don’t let the systems that feed off of your self-doubt win. Don’t give into self-criticism, don’t let it take hold of your spirit and your ability to connect with life’s wonders.

On the same day of the New Moon, Jupiter will station to go direct in Pisces, where it will be until December 20th for the last time in twelve years. Reminding you to allow yourself to be inspired. When you make space and time for the divine in your life, it’ll come swooping in to fill it. You have a lot of love to express right now, so don’t hold it back.

November ends with Pallas going retrograde on the 30th, helping you to internalize the fact that you hold the power to defend and stand up for what you truly believe in. There’s no challenge too great and no obstacle you can’t overcome when it comes to your goals and your life path.