Key themes: retreat, dreams, healing, intuition, rebirth, beauty, sweetness.
The month of September opens up with Venus —the planet of love, intimacy and beauty— entering the service-driven sign of Virgo until the 29th. As Venus transits your area of the unconscious, you will get a chance to connect deeper into your oniric realms. Cultivate nighttime rituals that can help transport you into a deeper and more relaxing sleep. Venus wants you to gift yourself some alone time. It wants you to retreat in order to recommit to your internal healing.
On the 9th, Mercury —the Messenger— will station to go retrograde in your sign, leading you to see yourself under a whole new light. If you’re misperceiving yourself to the point that your confidence levels begin to dwindle, remember to seek out the ones that know how to love and uplift you. Try not to be too hard on yourself and steer clear from those that make you feel like you’re lacking.
The Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces will happen on the 10th, at 5:59am EST, reminding you that the small choices that you make in your day-to-day life are what end up creating the path that leads to your future. Tap into what’s working for you and what isn’t, on an intuitive level, don’t overanalyze it or try to find the logic. Trust your gut on it, and experiment with shifting things around.
On the 22nd, the Sun’s exit from Virgo will give way to your Season, Libra, shining a bright light on your needs. This is a time of rebirth and self-recognition for you. The more you come into your new self the more probability there is for tensions to arise within your relationships. Avoiding them will only leave you disempowered. I know it’s hard, but you come into your strength and strengthen your bonds when you’re there to meet the things that need to be met within your partnerships.
Mercury, still retrograde, will move back into Virgo on the 23rd, leading you to review any relevant dreams or intuitive hunches that came up during August 20th to 25th. Give yourself the time to mull things over without jumping to conclusions just yet. You’ll be able to get more clarity on the matter during the first couple of weeks of October.
Your New Moon is happening on the 25th, at 5:54pm EST, bringing with it an opportunity to redefine yourself. Start by recognizing the distance between your outer self and how you feel within. Carve out the roads for alignment between your inner and outer layers. Be patient with the process. Hold yourself lovingly through the moments of disconnection.
Finally, on the 29th, Venus enters its home in your sign, uplifting the energy of the New Moon. You’ll begin to feel extra comfortable in your skin. Enjoy this, you deserve it after so much shedding and letting go. Indulge in sweetness. Dress yourself up and make your spaces more beautiful. Trust your desires, and feel no shame in giving into life’s delights.