Key themes: communication, presence, vulnerability, honesty, honoring your desires, following your intuition, uplifting your sense of self-worth, honoring your resources (tangible and intangible), coming out of your comfort zone, embarking on an adventure, healing through routine, commitment within partnership

Dear Scorpio,

The month of December begins with Mercury moving into Capricorn on the 1st, and you’ll want to get more serious about the messages you put out into the world. Look at how you communicate. Reach out to the people that have been on your mind. There can be gold even in the smallest of interactions, so remain present.

Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, will enter the depths of your sign on the 4th, where it will be until the 29th. Your deepest desires are ready to surface. This is a time to be honest about what you want, from the smallest of delights, to the most vulnerable desires, like telling someone how you feel about them, or that you want to take the relationship to another level. Tell yourself the truth, go beyond the fears that keep you in doubt. Don’t be afraid to admit that you want something with all of your heart.

Neptune will go direct on the 6th in Pisces, where it has taken you for a wild ride when it comes to your creative energy and pursuits, as it has expanded your imagination and your ability to dream in ways you didn’t think were possible. There are still a couple more years of this left to go, so remember that there are no boundaries to your potential. Trust your instincts when it comes to your passion, trust your inner child, trust your heart and your intuition. It truly is guiding you towards the right path.

We have the New Moon in Sag on the 12th, at 6:32 pm EST, happening in your area of resources and self-worth. This is a reminder that we all deserve abundance. Never forget that you, your time, your energy, your efforts, and your talents are worth so much more than the price that capitalism and the labor market has set. Work on unraveling any beliefs of unworthiness. Look at your intangible resources, look at your innate talents and gifts, look at how you’ve cultivated and developed them. Allow yourself to experience them with great gratitude.

On the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde until January 1st, giving the end of 2023 a reflective mood. This time gives you a chance to bring more awareness to how you tend to become absent within your day-to-day surroundings. The first 10 days of this transit will be a time to practice being more present even in the most “automatic” and mundane of situations.

We welcome Capricorn season on the 21st, shining a light on the reflective journey that Mercury retrograde is taking you through. For you the end of the year is always about how you communicate (the power of your voice) and how you bring your presence into your daily activities (your ability to connect and not disconnect). This is an invitation to rid your daily duties of all the things that don’t matter or count for much. What a better way to come into 2024!

Then on the 23rd Mercury moves back into Sag, connecting you with the things that were going on during the last week of November surrounding your resources, material security and sense of self-worth, offering a deeper perspective.

On the 26th, we have the Full Moon in Cancer, becoming exact at 7:33 pm EST, shining a light on your spiritual and philosophical musings. The longing you hold to dedicate your life to something with greater meaning will be stirred up. What gives you purpose? What does your gut say? This is a time to stretch yourself. Listen to your intuition, what adventure does it want to embark on?

Also on the 26th, Chiron goes direct in Aries in your area of work routines and wellness practices. Remember to take inventory of your health and your habits. True healing and transformation isn’t about one huge shift, it’s in the little things, in the day-to-day, in the flow of life.

On the 29th, Venus will enter Sag, where it will be for the next 26 days, allowing you to find beautiful ways to nurture your sense of self-worth. You’ll want to be where things feel secure and steady. You’ll be more sensitive to the ones that provide these feelings of safety and warmth, helping you define who to let into your inner circle. It’ll also be a time where you’ll be able to tap into ways to monetize a talent that you’ve only been practicing for fun.

Jupiter will go direct in Taurus on the 30th, and things will keep shifting, expanding and becoming more evident within your partnerships. Take the leap, whether it’s confessing your love, coming into a great commitment, or parting ways. This is a great energy to close the year and to think about your New Year’s Resolutions.

2023 hasn’t been easy, personally or collectively, and 2024 will be a year of big shifts and revelations with Pluto moving into Aquarius. We are moving towards the world we want to see come true, and even if at times we may feel close to losing hope, we’ll all be creating the kinds of connections and communities where we feel more supported within our personal and collective dreams. Connection is what will create the possibilities that will overshadow the feelings of hopelessness.

As Mercury goes direct in Sag on the first day of 2024, start the year with this mantra “I respect my talents. I know my value, and I act accordingly. I take control of my finances, and make a plan where my resources can go towards manifesting my dreams. I come into empowering collaborations where healthy boundaries are maintained”.