Key themes: releasing outdated narratives, community and service, cultivating healthy routines, learning how to choose your battles and to preserve your energy, trusting and accompanying life and your processes, getting clear about your needs and desires within your partnerships

Dear Scorpio, the month of October comes with a call to tend to the voices within. We all carry narratives that stem from our pain and our fears, narratives that drain us when we don’t work on ways of countering or releasing them. As Mercury will be in Libra transiting your unconscious mind until the 22nd, give yourself the chance to have a conversation with those narratives. Become curious about them. Ask them why they’re there, and what they’re trying to protect. Maybe they don’t know that it’s time to go or to transform. Maybe they don’t know that they’re no longer helping, but hindering your growth.

On the 8th, Venus will enter Virgo, pulling your focus towards service. You’ll feel more social, and you’ll want to hang out more with your friends and them with you. But your drive towards your community will be more about how you can help them thrive than about just having fun. Finding ways to connect with others around a greater purpose is what will light you up and fill your heart.

Pluto is going direct, where it will make its last stretch through Capricorn before heading back into Aquarius in January. You’ve been learning to draw boundaries, even when it feels near impossible to do. Keep honoring and respecting that. Not just when it comes to people and situations that disrupt your space. But also regarding the structures that organize your day. Empower yourself through cultivating routines that feel healthy.

On the 12th, Mars will enter its home sign of Scorpio, helping us all get deep and serious about the pursuit of our goals. Choose your battles, honor your rhythm, go as slow or as fast as you need to, preserve your energy. Let go of the expectations that society places over you and decide what a win means for you. Being your own number one supporter isn’t about all the noise you make, but about finding your own way towards fulfillment and wellbeing.

Eclipse Season is back, as we welcome the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra becoming exact at 1:55pm on the 14th. This Eclipse happens in the deepest part of your chart, revealing the ways in which you’ve been learning —through your body and its instincts, not through the intellectual mind— that you have no control over what comes your way. This Eclipse is connecting you with the natural knowledge you hold for taking the energies that have the power to drain us and transforming them into energy you can use, that can be productive and empowering. This is a time to bring awareness to the stories of struggle you carry deep inside that hold you down. It’s time to transform them into something you can use for your own progress and wellbeing and that of your community.

We welcome Scorpio Season, with Mercury entering Scorpio on the 22nd, followed by the Sun on the 23rd. This is your time of the year. Know that the seeds that you are planting already contain all of the magic that will come from them. You don’t have to force life and its processes, focus on creating the necessary environment for things to take root, grow and develop. This is a time for care and trust.

The month of October comes to an end with the second Eclipse of the Season, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, becoming exact at 4:24 pm on the 28th. It’s ok to need acceptance, recognition and affection. This does not make you weak, it makes you human. You may be ready to break free from the connections that aren’t fulfilling these needs —in healthy ways, in empowering ways. Get clear about what you want and need within your connections. What you’re willing to give and what is non-negotiable. Be brutally lovingly honest with yourself and the ones you love. This is how you create unwavering bonds.