KnowSagittarius June ’22 Scope

Key Themes: beautiful connections, boundaries, safety, vulnerability, spiritual roots

Sagittarius, the month of June invites you to wear your heart and vibrant personality on your sleeve while opening yourself up to relationships and tuning into what helps you feel safe.

Since May 22nd, Mercury has been retrograding in earthy Taurus, reminding you of the importance of paying attention to the practical matters of life for health and peace of mind. On June 3rd, the Planet of Communication stations direct and on June 13th it will enter swift Gemini, your opposing sign, where it will activate Sagittarius’ sector of partnerships until July 14th. People who you’re close with may have important messages for you, so be open to receiving them by practicing the art of listening, Sagittarius.

On June 4th, Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, begins a 6-month retrograde period in Aquarius activating Sagittarius’ sector of communication and learning. Saturn retrograde compels you to re-explore the power of your mind and reconnect to your Inner Authority when it comes to your interactions and the information you consume (hint: boundaries and patience).

The Full Moon shines bright in your sign on June 14th at 7:52am, activating Sagittarius’ sector of personality and compelling you to wear your heart and vibrant identity on your sleeve. While it is in your nature to be constantly expanding and seeking your purpose in life, you have also been working on developing a beginner’s mind in your relationships. Yet, this Sag Full Moon forms a challenging square to Neptune, the Planet of Spirituality, reminding you that the answers are not always found externally in the next course, relationship or adventure, but also from within.

On June 21st, the Sun enters nurturing Cancer, activating Sagittarius’ sector of death, sex, and shared resources. Welcome to the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Sagittarius! Cancer season is ripe for retreating to the cauldron of your deep psyche and tending to your rough edges with healing water energy.

When Venus, the Planet of Love, enters Gemini from June 22nd through July 17th, it has the potential to foster beautiful connections. While you’re naturally attracted to foreign experiences, you may be surprised at the expansion and fun that follows when you approach your 1:1 relationships as if they were fresh.

The New Moon in Cancer on June 28th at 10:52pm concludes the month by activating Sagittarius’ sector of death, sex, and shared resources. While Jupiter and Mars in fiery Aries have been lighting up your sector of self-expression and pleasure, the Cancer New Moon asks you to courageously tune into what helps you feel safe so you can be vulnerable and open yourself up to the pleasure you’re worthy of receiving (instead of running away when things get too close or intense). Visualize what your life would look like if you felt emotionally secure and use the power of this New Moon portal to alchemize any barriers that are standing in your way.

On this same day, Neptune, the Planet of Spirituality, begins a 6-month retrograde period highlighting Sagittarius’ sector of home and family. Your mission with Neptune retrograde is to re-assess the ways in which you may be escaping in search of something greater and to reconnect to your spiritual roots.

KnowSagittarius May ’22 Scope

Key Themes: Partnerships, communication, creativity, spirituality

Sagittarius, the month of May invites you to expand with creative self-expression while refreshing your communication style in relationships. Venus, the Planet of Love and Beauty, enters fiery Aries on May 2nd, activating Sagittarius’ sector of creativity and pleasure until May 28th. Venus in Aries may also spice up your sex life and bring interesting strangers into your life.

Mercury, the Planet of Communication, turns retrograde from May 10th until June 3rd. Mercury retrograde begins in open-minded Gemini, your opposing sign, highlighting Sagittarius’ sector of partnerships. Be aware of your tendency to have strong opinions, Sagittarius, because your mission with Mercury retrograde is to remember that everyone is a teacher. The next two weeks are powerful for reviewing your communication patterns, especially in one-to-one relationships and collaborations.

When Mercury retrogrades into earthy Taurus on May 22nd, you’ll be invited to reevaluate the practical details of daily life to keep your willpower alive as it highlights Sagittarius’ sector of health, wellness, and service until June 13th.

On May 10th, your ruling planet Jupiter enters Aries to expand your sector of creativity and pleasure until October 28th. Mars, the Planet of Action, follows suit as it enters Aries on May 24th, where it will fire up your desire to play and joyously anticipate each day until July 5th. Along with Venus in Aries, you may be in the mood to connect with your inner artist and rejuvenate your inner fire with adventures and creative outlets.

The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio lights up on May 16th at 12:14am, highlighting Sagittarius’ sector spirituality. As the Seeker of the Zodiac, it’s in your nature to be constantly expanding, however, this Full Moon Eclipse is here to remind you of the gems found within your soul. Turning in and slowing down enough to hear your inner voice is part of the journey too, Sagittarius. The themes that were brewing around the New Moon in Scorpio last November will come full circle around this time.

Gemini season begins on May 20th, activating your sector of partnerships until June 21st. Continuing with the lessons of Mercury retrograde, Gemini season is potent for cultivating open-mindedness and gaining fresh perspectives within your relationships.

Venus enters grounding Taurus on May 28th, emphasizing the need to get down-to-earth and providing grounding energy in your sector of health, wellness, and service until July 17th. While you’re living your best life, remember to balance it out with routines for wellbeing. Life isn’t only about chasing the big highs, Sagittarius. It’s up to you to discern when your life needs practical organization and respite.
The month ends with the New Moon in Gemini on May 30th at 7:30am. Allow the “beginner’s mind” to act as an omen for this New Moon portal and consider: What would it feel like if you approached every relationship as though it were brand new? You may be surprised at what you discover when you let go of your need to be “right” and open your mind to truly listen to what others have to say.

KnowSagittarius April ’22 Scope

Sagittarius, the month of April invites you to let your inner child out to play. The first New Moon of the astrological year strikes on April 1st in fiery Aries, which activates Sagittarius’ sector of creativity. You are the adventure of a lifetime, and this New Moon motivates you to shine in the spotlight and express yourself boldly. Consider how you’d like to shine this year, and don’t hold back. From now until April 16th is a wonderful time for manifesting your deepest desires with a vision board.

The New Moon conjoins Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Mercury, the Planet of Communication, which has the potential to highlight your tendency to overextend yourself and impose your strong beliefs onto others. It isn’t uncommon for you to be spicy, and your lesson with this transit is to keep your ego in check. It is up to you to channel your Inner Badass in healthy ways. Try your best to avoid unconsciously acting from anger, and being overly confident to a fault. There is nothing to prove, Sagittarius, so use the action-oriented energy of Aries season to live your best life.

Channel your zest for life with adventure, travel, an interesting conversation with a stranger, a good book, or an exotic recipe. This month, you may also be in the mood to heat up your sex life and enjoy all the pleasures. Your natural optimism inclines you to joyously anticipate each day and seek out new experiences. However, be aware of overindulging and leading yourself to burnout. Rather than constantly chasing the big highs, remember revel in the simple pleasures, too.

The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on the 12th activates Sagittarius’ sector of the home and can offer a much-needed respite from outward-focused energy. In the midst of all your adventures, this transit has the potential to heighten your spiritual connection and creative imagination. Tune into yourself and you may be awestruck by the insights that come your way when you slow down enough to listen. Open your mind’s eye and you will see that what you have been seeking has been seeking you too. There is no rush; take a deep breath, and enjoy the journey.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 16th asks you to balance out your fiery nature and practice the art of healthy diplomacy. This transit activates Sagittarius’ sector of technology and friendships, so themes related to relationships, future goals, and a sense of belonging may be illuminated. Allow the Moon’s healing stream to pour into your heart, and practice gratitude for all you have.

Come Taurus Season on April 19th, it will be increasingly important to focus on grounding your energy to keep your willpower alive. The Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus on the 30th activates Sagittarius’ sector of health and wellness. Spiritually, you are limitless, yet you are a human with responsibilities. This compels you to organize your life and prioritize routines for wellbeing.

KnowSagittarius March ’22 Scope

Sag, the month begins with the New Moon in Pisces receiving hopeful and expansive blessings from Jupiter. Memories and emotions will come up to be met. Cultivate the patience to go into them. Trust that things come to you at exactly the right time. Your healing process isn’t random, there is wisdom to it. This wisdom lives within you. On the 6th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius. Your ideas and your communication will be intimate and on fire. So much can come from impulsive and heartfelt conversations and exchanges. Mercury enters Pisces in your area of home and roots on the 9th. Make space for healing and mending conversations with your family. On the 18th, we have the Full Moon in Virgo, highlighting your impact on the world. What future progress are you being encouraged to push for? And how do you feel about taking it up? On the 20th, the spring equinox brings the Aries Season and the beginning of the zodiacal year. Then Mercury enters Aries as well on the 27th. It’s time to trust your guts and your creative drive. Move towards what gives you joy and pleasure.

@KnowSagittarius February ’22 Scope

The Lunar New Year happens on the 1st, marked by the first Aquarius New Moon of the year. The Ox gives way to the Tiger. Where we’ve had to put all of our focus into only one direction, things will expand. The Tiger wants us to follow our intuition and take bold risks. Sag, this New Moon will spark your desire to learn new things and to communicate. Give voice to what’s meaningful to you. Mercury finally goes direct on the 3rd and joins forces with Pluto on the 11th, it’s a good time to come up with a plan to up your abundance. Mercury then enters Aquarius on the 14th, sparking your intellect and bringing you important insights. Pay attention to what comes through. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16th wants you to let go of the thoughts and beliefs that limit you. Embrace what expands your life. Venus and Mars join forces in your area of the physical. Find ways to explore and activate your senses. Come Pisces Season on the 18th, you’ll want to spend more time at home and with family.

@KnowSagittarius January ’22 Scope

Sag, 2022 started out with Mercury entering Aquarius and with the first New Moon of the year in Capricorn. Voice your visions for the future. Take part in uplifting conversations. When Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th, you may begin to feel a bit self-conscious with your words. Take your time, think before you speak. On the 18th Uranus goes direct just before Aquarius Season begins. Make sure to breathe deep throughout your day to day. Take things at your pace. You deserve to be in control of your rhythm. With the Full Moon in Cancer the next day, check in on the partnerships that get you and know how to grow with you. During the last week of January, Mars enters Capricorn, and Venus goes direct in the same sign. You’ve been really feeling into how you’d like to handle your resources, and to bring more value into your life. Now you’ll have the energy to go forward with your plan.