Key Themes: beautiful connections, boundaries, safety, vulnerability, spiritual roots

Sagittarius, the month of June invites you to wear your heart and vibrant personality on your sleeve while opening yourself up to relationships and tuning into what helps you feel safe.

Since May 22nd, Mercury has been retrograding in earthy Taurus, reminding you of the importance of paying attention to the practical matters of life for health and peace of mind. On June 3rd, the Planet of Communication stations direct and on June 13th it will enter swift Gemini, your opposing sign, where it will activate Sagittarius’ sector of partnerships until July 14th. People who you’re close with may have important messages for you, so be open to receiving them by practicing the art of listening, Sagittarius.

On June 4th, Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, begins a 6-month retrograde period in Aquarius activating Sagittarius’ sector of communication and learning. Saturn retrograde compels you to re-explore the power of your mind and reconnect to your Inner Authority when it comes to your interactions and the information you consume (hint: boundaries and patience).

The Full Moon shines bright in your sign on June 14th at 7:52am, activating Sagittarius’ sector of personality and compelling you to wear your heart and vibrant identity on your sleeve. While it is in your nature to be constantly expanding and seeking your purpose in life, you have also been working on developing a beginner’s mind in your relationships. Yet, this Sag Full Moon forms a challenging square to Neptune, the Planet of Spirituality, reminding you that the answers are not always found externally in the next course, relationship or adventure, but also from within.

On June 21st, the Sun enters nurturing Cancer, activating Sagittarius’ sector of death, sex, and shared resources. Welcome to the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Sagittarius! Cancer season is ripe for retreating to the cauldron of your deep psyche and tending to your rough edges with healing water energy.

When Venus, the Planet of Love, enters Gemini from June 22nd through July 17th, it has the potential to foster beautiful connections. While you’re naturally attracted to foreign experiences, you may be surprised at the expansion and fun that follows when you approach your 1:1 relationships as if they were fresh.

The New Moon in Cancer on June 28th at 10:52pm concludes the month by activating Sagittarius’ sector of death, sex, and shared resources. While Jupiter and Mars in fiery Aries have been lighting up your sector of self-expression and pleasure, the Cancer New Moon asks you to courageously tune into what helps you feel safe so you can be vulnerable and open yourself up to the pleasure you’re worthy of receiving (instead of running away when things get too close or intense). Visualize what your life would look like if you felt emotionally secure and use the power of this New Moon portal to alchemize any barriers that are standing in your way.

On this same day, Neptune, the Planet of Spirituality, begins a 6-month retrograde period highlighting Sagittarius’ sector of home and family. Your mission with Neptune retrograde is to re-assess the ways in which you may be escaping in search of something greater and to reconnect to your spiritual roots.