“The darkest hour is just before dawn.” Happy New Astrological Year Taurus! You’ve just experienced some challenging squares involving the planet of plot twists (Uranus), who currently transits your sign. If you’ve been feeling *un*pleasantly surprised, lost, or ungrounded – take time out this week to reconnect with the sanctuary of your inner world. Carve out the space to breathe and find that sweet Taurean peace, before moving on. But know that the tides are changing.  On Tuesday, a Cancer moon supportively trines Neptune and the Sun, before moving into Leo. This will feel like an energetic pep talk from the universe; reminder that you are both divine and powerful. On the same day (at 11.06PM ET), the Sun shifts into Aries, marking the equinox, Aries season, and a brand new astrological year. This is big! Taurus, you’re being reminded that often, experiencing slumps, heaviness or “contraction,” – is a sign that you’re about to go through an expansion. Think of the self-doubt that arises and churns, right before you land or step into an opportunity. It’s a natural process, as old and limiting beliefs begin to shake loose with your growth. A New Astrological year brings new beginnings. Trust that they’re in your favor.