Taurus, following our Pisces Full Moon, this week brings dreamy, reflective and slowed down vibes. Your planetary ruler (Venus) will move into Pisces on Monday, staying there for the next few weeks and activating your sector of networking and belonging. It’ll be a powerful time to connect with community, whatever that means for you (think: family, chosen family, an online group, work friends etc). This could just be something as subtle as finally watching a show your friend’s been recommending, and having a kiki together afterwards. Despite being such a powerfully independent sign; shared experiences, and enjoying the interconnectivity of humanity, are a big part of your journey here. On Tuesday, the Moon shifts into your sign, eventually meeting Jupiter. This auspicious mini Taurus portal will be a wonderful opportunity to ground yourself and/or show your inner child some love. What excites you right now? Give yourself permission to fully lean into that. Over the weekend, a Gemini Moon squares Neptune, potentially evoking feelings of confusion, or a sense of scatteredness. Breathe through it lovingly and remember: just because you don’t know exactly what’s on the cards for your future, it doesn’t mean you’re lost. Jump, and the net will appear.