Dear Taurus, your future is on its way. You’ll still be feeling the surreal impact of Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, and this will continue with Mercury (planet of communication) shifting there on Monday. If life’s been feeling somewhat trippy or unfamiliar, trust that the changes flowing through will be for your highest good. Being between change is not necessarily your happy place, but trust in your ability to find the silver lining, always. Challenges show you your strength, your values, and who you are – these experiences are invaluable. On Wednesday, a harmonious trine between Venus (your planetary ruler) and Uranus (who’s currently transiting your sign), opens up futuristic and creative portals. If you’ve been feeling “stuck,” this will be a good time to view obstacles with fresh eyes. Open yourself up to divine guidance, inspiration and synchronicities in the ways that work for you – whether that means speaking to your spiritual friends, or finding solitude in nature. Either way, getting into a clear and focused headspace for the Aquarius New Moon (on Friday) is important. This one activates your sector of long term goals, career and physical manifestation. It’s time to cast aside those fears (or gently quieten them down), and get to work.