Dear Taurus, this week brings the opportunity for a pause and reset. On Monday, the Moon moves through its home sign of Cancer, forming harmonious connections with Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus (the last two are in your sign). If you’ve been experiencing overwhelm lately, this is your invitation to honor that with reflection, and rest. Funnily enough, sometimes simply taking your mind off challenges, can be the best thing for receiving new inspiration and answers. While the current predominance of Aquarian energy can lead to overthinking, anxiousness and mental loops; its flipside can also mean accessing a divine sense of objectivity. Ask yourself; what do I want to feel today? Maybe it’s happiness, or peace. Then ask, am I willing to be the bringer of those things today? They will not always be brought to you. With Mars meeting Chiron on the Lunar North Node, you’re also currently exploring the nature of desire. This might mean remembering visions you held as a child, and realizing they’re just as valid today. Witnessing a gap between where you are and where you want to be may (at first) feel uncomfortable, but you can counter this by regarding it as feedback towards your next steps. Speaking of feedback, the week wraps up with an informative Virgo Full Moon. This one will illuminate your inner child, meaning it’s up to you to find rec-connection and celebration for that space.