Dear Taurus, your abundance journey is shifting. Mars enters Aquarius this week, meeting Pluto, before being joined by Venus a few days later. All this innovative Aquarian energy (alongside the New Moon we just had), activates your sector of wealth, finances and career. You’re being invited to apply new perspectives, lenses, and solutions to your general state of contentment and overall abundance. Planning for the long-term and working towards wider visions are both of course, very important – but are there any areas where you might benefit from mixing things up? There’s a powerful wave of “change” energy coming through this year, and you’ll want to position yourself in a way that allows you to capitalize on it. Pay close attention to any ideas or sparks of inspiration that come through this week, no matter how random they seem. You never know until you try Taurus! We wrap up the week with the Sun’s entry into Pisces, reminding you of the power in community and collaboration. Let yourself be inspired by those who inspire you. Feed yourself documentaries, TED talks, or whatever else it takes to ignite that inner fire and get creative.