Skymates, it’s almost the midpoint of the month, and I’m just now writing KTZ’s general monthly overview. This is very much on brand, because we currently have six planets retrograde right now, slowing down our momentum. And we also had a Pisces Full Moon on the 9th, which led to culminations in our personal and professional lives that we’re still taking time to unpack. Virgo Season has also increased our perfectionism and self-critical attitudes, but Mars’ presence in Gemini until March 2023 reminds us that it’s absolutely normal to make mistakes, to re-reroute, to be confused, to contradict ourselves, and to change our minds. That’s what’s likely to happen this September 2022, skymates. We’re going to think we know what we want, and then the next day we may want the opposite of what we thought we wanted. It’s once Mercury gets out of its shadow period in October that we’ll truly have clarity, and because Pluto and Saturn both end their retrogrades next month (on the 8th and 23rd respectively), we’re going through major cosmic turning points in September. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities taking place, particularly around the Libra New Moon on the 25th…