Key Themes: belonging, rebirth, trusting your inner wisdom and where it’s leading you, intuition, clear communication within your partnerships

Dear Scorpio, this is a year of transition, with the eclipses having shifted signs, and Pluto going in and out of Aquarius until it finally settles there for the next 20 years at the beginning for 2024. The month of May begins with Pluto going retrograde on the 1st for the next 5 months, where it will begin to make its way back into Capricorn. Before it moves back into the sign of the sea goat for the last time in our lifetime, think about how you’ve been finding your place in the world during the past month. What needs to be uprooted in order for you to feel more grounded? Where do you belong?

We are in the midst of eclipse season, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign happening on May 5th in your area of self-discovery, new beginnings and identity. It’s very likely that you feel a part of your life or a part of who you are is coming to a close. Don’t try to force or understand what is happening. Clarity will come in due time. Make sure you’re not moving according to what society expects of you. What do you want to do for yourself, for your life?

Venus has been in the sign of play, communication and interconnection for the past 4 weeks, and on May 7th it will shift into the nurturing sign of Cancer, where it’ll have us yearning for the people and the places that feel like home for the following 4 weeks. Happening in your area of philosophical pursuits, Venus will remind you that when you risk your comfort zone in order to set yourself on the path of your intuition, everything begins to align. If there are beliefs that no longer move you, let them go. Make space for the new.

Mercury will finally go direct on the 14th, after taking you through a review during the past 3 weeks of how you communicate your love and appreciation within your one-on-one relationships. Now as it goes direct in the sign of Taurus, work on expressing your feelings. You don’t have to be so guarded with the ones that you’re building a life or a project with. Open up a little bit. Practice saying what makes you feel good deep inside, and what makes you feel not so good. You may be pleasantly surprised by the response.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is entering Taurus, the sign of earthly pleasure, on the 16th, and the first thing it does once it gets there is have a tense meet up with Pluto in Aquarius. This transit will serve as a reminder that our lack of wealth has nothing to do with us personally. It’s past time we stop buying to the manifestation discourse. It’s past time we realize that we’re living in a system that’s rigged to make it impossible for all to succeed or even make a dignified living. So know that your worth has absolutely nothing to do with your financial sustenance or your social status. You are worthy just as you are, dear Scorpio.

For you, this year to come will open up your partnerships and one on one relationships. Love may come knocking on your door. You may finally let go of the things that keep you from letting new people into your life. Things may shift within your current relationships, making them better, or finally allow you both to let go if it’s necessary.

On the 20th, the Sun moves out of Taurus making way for Gemini Season. This is the season that reminds us of the power of our words and our interactions. So don’t underestimate what you communicate, to others and also to yourself. This time of the year finds you delving into deeper emotional realms. Be with the feelings that are emerging from within. Be with your deep seated passions, desires and fears, in order to uncover how they may be holding you back, and the beautiful potential that they bring. Work on cultivating safe spaces where you can allow more intimacy.